The Penis, the Orgasm and Other Stuff

Form and Function

I have been chatting to an online friend about penises. Right, that was the time for sniggering over. Have you sniggered yet? No? Ok, please snigger now!


I don't care which you prefer to look at, which is more or which is less appealing.

After he and I discussed that, we moved past the relative aesthetic merits of the circumcised penis versus the intact penis quite quickly. Apart from a bit of visual titillation, the appearance is the least interesting element. Instead we became interested in the mechanics of, quality or, ease of reach and ease of delaying orgasm.


Some knowledge of the penis is required. Reading about foreskin is useful, here.

You may also need to examine pictures of penises, circumcised and uncircumcised. Wikimedia Commons is a very useful resource. There are more than you can shake a stick at.

Each penis owner usually only has one state, his current state, a state which has been with him since birth or just after birth, so he only has himself to compare himself with.


The intact penis has retained its entire structure, with nerve endings both inside the prepuce and on the glans, each of which provide sexual sensation. By definition the frenulum is intact, too, a place acknowledged to have the highest concentration of nerve endings. The glans may be anything from fully to partially covered, and the prepuce may or may not retract spontaneously on erection. Either is normal, but spontaneous retraction seems to be less usual that the glans remaining covered. The glans of this penis is usually highly sensitive to touch, often too sensotove to touch woth dry skin


Depending upon the method of circumcision, the circumcised penis may retain some inner prepuce, or not (look for the scar) and may or may not retain its frenulum. The glans is exposed at all times. It loses flexibility and tone as clothing and the elements affect it. The term is "keratinisation" and occurs because the sensitive mucous membrane that is the glans must protect itself from harm.

In Penetrative Sex

During penetrative sex, anal or vaginal, the two penis styles perform differently.

The circumcised penis must open the way with the tip of the glans, using it to push the tissues apart and enter the desired receptor

The uncircumcised penis usually has the prepuce gathered at the tip, ready to roll down, a little like a turtle neck sweater. If the prepuce is retracted the entry is performed in an entirely similar manner to the circumcised penis. If it os not retracted then the aperture it enters retracts the prepuce as it enters. You can postulate a kind of faux-lubrication in this case, because that is what it is. The "parting of the ways" is easier with an intact penis.

At this point it needs to be emphasised that vaginal entry rarely requires extra lube. Anal entry pretty much always does.

We have a page here showing the mechanics of the prepuce

Move to the ins and outs of penetrative sex, now.

With the intact penis the prepuce is forever rolling up and down the organ and covers and uncovers the glans smoothly. The circumcised penis rubs the glans at all times on the inside surface of the chosen tunnel.

In Masturbation

This is, literally, different strokes for different folks. Peole make the following assumptions:

Simultaneously, both of these statememnts are true and neither of these statements is true. All one can say with certainty is that both ways are worth trying.

Want to know a lot more than you inagined there was to know? Jackinworld has that information. So go and seek it out.

Considerations for those Intact and Those Circumcised

For the Penetrator

This is where facts start to take on a personal theme. Almost no-one knows what sexual sensation was like with and without a prepuce. Much bullshit has been postulated by opponents and proponents of circumcision. We need to use good sense and the little data we have.

We know of two people that know the difference a prepuce makes, which gives us a little data, but let's use logic instead.

Ask a man with a prepuce if he can stand his glans being rubbed. Some can, most not. It's too sensitive. Ask a man without a prepuce the same question. His is being rubbed constantly, but he is not in a constant state of arousal. It;s pretty immune to casual touch. He can cope easily.

So, if the intact penis is so sensitive, does that lead to a hair trigger?

Remember, sex is for babies. Recreational sex is just fun. A hair trigger when making babies is desirable in case the female gets bored and wanders off!

For recreational sex we have learned, almost all of us, to control when orgasm hits. We know how to delay it and how to work towards it. This is no different for the intact or circumcised man. The intact penis owner has the luxury of being more relaxed when engaging in penetrative sex. The circumcised chap has to do more work to counteract the lowered sensitivity. Obviously there is a point when it all gets a bit frantic, I am looking at the pre-vinegar strokes part!

Sex in mainstream movies is different from real sex. Hollywood, the preserve of the almost entirely circumcised male, has long promoted the massive missionary position thrusting, porking hard for the camera. Porn is fashioned after Hollywood and has long represented the same, but it is changing. Heterosexual and homosexual porn alike, when the penetrator is intact the thrusting is more relaxed. Well, except heading for the money shot, that is!

And how about the penetrated partner, what of their feelings?

For the Penetrated

The only reports I have seen are from ladies, who state that the gliding motion of the intact penis allows longer sex, assuming the gentleman can control his rush to orgasm, and that the thrusting motion of the circumcised penis can become uncomfortable without lube, and the act better not go on too long! I have no idea if the same is true with a penetrated gentleman, because the walls of the rectum and the vagina, while both mucous membrane, behave differently.