Old Polls

They never die, do old polls. They stay valid for ages and ages. But sometimes the interest in them wanes. When the interest wanes they wil arrive here, in the "Old Polls Home".

So here they are, in reverse order, oldest first.

Wet Dreams
Does waking inexplixacbly covered in your own semen actually happen?

No. I used it as an excuse to my mother when she asked what the stains were
No. I've alwasy been bewildered by the concept
Half. I am fucking the bedding when I wake up
Half. My hand is wanking me when I wake up
Yes. Awesome dream and I wake with an orgasm
Yes. The pity is I never remember the dream

Current Results

Circumcision, Facts and Attitudes
Within is a survey about circumcision. Please do join in and take the survey. It shoudl take no more than 5 minutes

Current Results

Please choose which of these two polls you should (and will) answer, and then answer only that one

The answers are to help in a piece of research which is planned to help the gay community in a gay "oppressive" area
Gay Sexual Practices - Sexually Active Males
Not every gay man does everything we know about or read about. Anonymously, please tell me if you participate in the following. Please tick ALL that apply

Anal Penetration OF your partner with your penis
Anal Penetration BY your partner with his penis
Giving Oral penile pleasure
Receiving Oral penile pleasure
Rimming (licking/penetrating with your tongue) the anus of your partner
Being rimmed
Stimulating your partner's prostate with one or more fingers
Receving finger stimulation of your prostate
Fisting your partner (the entire hand)
Being fisted by your partner
Giving manual penile stimulation to your partner
Receivng manual penile stimulation from your partner
Giving deliberate pain to your partner
Choosing to receive deliberate pain from your partner
Tying your partner up
Being tied up by your partner
Having more than one simultaneous partner
Anal penetration of your partner with (eg) dildos
Anal penetration by your partner with (eg) dildos
I am in a stable monogamous relationship
I am not promiscuous, but not monogamous either
I am promiscuous
I am 12 years or younger
I am 13-18
I am 19-25
I am 26-30
I am 31-40
I am 41-50
I am 51-60
I am over 61 but by no mean past it!

Current Results
Gay Sexual Practices - Males who are still virgins in gay sex
Not every gay man does everything we know about or read about. Anonymously please tell me if you would CHOOSE to participate in the following. Please tick ALL that apply

Anal Penetration OF your partner
Anal Penetration BY your partner
Giving Oral penile pleasure
Receiving Oral penile pleasure
Rimming (licking/penetrating with your tongue) the anus of your partner
Being rimmed
Stimluating your partner's prostate with one or more fingers
Receving finger stimulation of your prostate
Fisting your partner (the entire hand)
Being fisted by your partner
Giving manual penile stimulation to your partner
Receivng manual penile stimulation from your partner
Giving deliberate pain to your partner
Choosing to receive deliberate pain from your partner
Tying your partner up
Being tied up by your partner
Having more than one simultaneous partner
Anal penetration of your partner with (eg) dildos
Anal penetration by your partner with (eg) dildos
I am planning to be in a stable monogamous relationship
I am not promiscuous, but not planning to be monogamous either
I am certain that I am or will be promiscuous
I am 12 years or younger
I am 13-18
I am 19-25
I am 26-30
I am 31-40
I am 41-50
I am 51-60
I am over 61 but by no mean past it!

Current Results
Age I was with my Youngest Partner
This is a simple survey Each of the panels refers to the age group you were when you had a physical sexual relationship with your youngest partner. Obviously you should only answer one of the panels.

Because you are wise(!) you will realise that your youngest partner could have been older than you at the time. If this survey is a success I will run a similar one "in reverse" next time to find out what age you were with your oldest partner. And conceivably again to look at the age difference between you and your most "distant in years" partner. There is no purpose to this poll. No hidden agenda, no major statistical work will follow. It's for interest only, yours and mine. The voting system means that each pannel should only receive a single vote from a single person. I know it is technically possible to get round the security, but why woudl you bother? plesse do treat it as one perosn one vote. I do not and can not collect any data except your vote.

Is it anything to do with being gay or bi or str8? Male or female? No, it isn't. It is just as it says. All visitors male and female, gay, bi and str8 can answer

My age and youngest partner's age
I was/am 12 or under. S/he was/is:

I have never had a partner
12 or under

Current Results
My age and youngest partner's age
I was/am 13-16. S/he was/is:

I have never had a partner
12 or under

Current Results
My age and youngest partner's age
I was/am 17-20. S/he was/is:

I have never had a partner
12 or under

Current Results
My age and youngest partner's age
I was/am 21-25. S/he was/is:

I have never had a partner
12 or under

Current Results
My age and youngest partner's age
I was/am 26-30. S/he was/is:

I have never had a partner
12 or under

Current Results
My age and youngest partner's age
I was/am 31-40. S/he was/is:

I have never had a partner
12 or under

Current Results
My age and youngest partner's age
I was/am 41-50. S/he was/is:

I have never had a partner
12 or under

Current Results
My age and youngest partner's age
I was/am 51+. S/he was/is:

I have never had a partner
12 or under

Current Results

Urinal Manners
When standing at the urinal to pee some people unbuckle the waistband, open the trousers and let fly, and others unzip the fly and pee through the gap. I've often wondered about the difference

I unbuckle and open the trousers
I unzip and get my dick out through the fly

Current Results

Which Backstreet Boy is gay?
Click all that apply


Current Results

Watch Video to Check?

My Gender and Orientation
Tell me a little about yourself, please?

I am male and heterosexual
I am male and bisexual
I am male and homosexual
I am female and heterosexual
I am female and bisexual
I am female and homosexual
I am an originally male bodied transgendered person
I am an originally female bodied transgendered person

Current Results


The USA is arguably one of the world's most modest nations. Why, then, in the euphemistically named "restrooms" do the cubicle doors have a half inch (1cm) crack around them and the partitions come up to barely head height, with space to limbo underneath?

Tick ALL that apply

To discourage use!
To ensure no "dual occupancy"
To let the occupant see out
To let outsiders see in
For the cops to entrap guys at the urinals
Some other answer that I have put in the comments section

Current Results

Where are you now?
We get loads of weekday visits and surprisingly few weekend ones. Where are you NOW when you look at this site?

At work in a private office
At work in a shared office (2 or more of you)
At work in a communal office or the open plan
At work in a "cube"
Working from home via the office network
At home with others around me
At home in private
At a cybercafe, library (or similar public place)
At a school, uni or college machine
Travelling, using a mobile device (eg WAP, not laptop!)
Travelling, dialled in, using a regular device (like laptop)

Current Results

Day of the week?
We have unusal peaks in some months for days of the week. A simple question: What day is it today?


Current Results

Gay Men Look Younger?
Studies have shown some physical brain differences between str8 and gay brains. Might these also be shown in looks? Think objectively of yourself here, and give your answer without thinking too long

I seem to be keeping my boyish looks longer than my contemporaries
I am ageing the same way as my contemporaries
I am ageing faster than my contemporaries
I am 30 or under. I cannot give a useful answer

Current Results

Use of site search engine
How useful is the search engine we have provided on this site

VERY: I use it often
GOOD: I use it when I need to
NEUTRAL: I have no real opinion one wya or the other
POOR: I dont; like it much
AWFUL: It is totally useless

Current Results

Demographics. Who comes here?
What do you define your orientation as? Self definition is the thing here, not how others might see you.

gay male
gay (lesbian) female
bisexual male
bisexual female
str8 male
str8 female
undecided male
undecided female
transgendered orig male body, desiring male
transgendered orig male body, desiring female
transgendered orig female body, desiring male
transgendered orig female body, desiring female
gay (not bi) male in permanent relationship with female
gay (not bi) female in permanent relationship with male
asexual male
asexual female

Current Results

Pubic Hair
For the guys, are you willing to tell us about your pubes?

I have a full and luxuriant pubic bush
I just trim it a bit
I shave it from time to time
I shave it regularly, my balls are smooth enough to play billard with
I shaved it once or twice but didn't like it
Only for medical reasons
Interesting idea, I will try shaving
I'm disgusted by the very idea
What pubic hair?!?!
I pluck!
I am very brave. I wax!
I trim mine into appealing shapes

Current Results

Safe Sex
Who takes responsibility for safe sex?

I do. I always have condoms with me.
I do not have sex (yet) So this is not relevant to me
I do not carry condoms as a matter of course, but I buy them when I plan a sexual encounter
I leave it to my partner
I don't care. I take the risk of infection
I am in a monogamous relationship with my partner. We do not require them

Current Results

What I do in order to have sex with one or more partners

Sex, and payment for it. Doesn't matter the style of payment, food, cash, a new car.... Multiple answers are allowed. You don;t have to approve of the answers, nor the morality!

I have read all the answers below, and I can honestly say that I have never paid for or offered any inducement for anyone to have sex with me
I have read all the answers below, and I can honestly say that I have never been paid nor been offered any inducement by anyone for me to have sex with them
If I buy the meal, I expect them to come across! Yup, I've paid for sex with dinner!
If they buy the meal, I feel I am expected to come across! Yup, I've been paid for sex with dinner!
I'm up front. I pay cash for sex.
I'm honest about it. I take cash for sex.
I'm in a long term relationship. I earn more than my partner. Sure I pay for sex, but it doesn't feel like it!
I'm in a long term relationship. I earn less than my partner. Sure I'm paid for sex, but it doesn't feel like it!
I do not have sex. I don't really know why I needed this box to tick, but I'd have moaned it it weren't there!

New Site Design

I accept that only 85% has been migrated, and the rest is coming, but this is what I think of the new design in comparison with the old one

WOW, Awesome
Near perfection
Not perfect, but works for me
I'm happy enough with it
Marginally better than neutral
Marginally worse than neutral
I could do so much better myself
It's OK, I guess
Not much better than manure
Total crap

Current Results

Story and Writers' Competitions

Do you like the idea?

Awesome idea
I always tick the middle answer
Not at all interested

Current Results

HTML vs TEXT Mailing List messages

I am experimenting with TEXTand HTML versions of email list messages. I explain this in the email I send to members. You receive EITHER text OR html because your mail client can decide what to accept

I get good, clear, legible Emails (I think I get HTML)
I get good, clear, legible Emails (I think I get TEXT)
I can see the HTML source code or crap I don't recognise in the email body. This sucks!

Current Results

The way I act and the role I take

Please look at whether you are 'Camp/Flaming' or 'Straight Acting' and the role you take (or would prefer to take if not sexually active) in sex

Camp and versatile
Camp and 'top'
Camp and 'bottom'
Straight Acting and versatile
Straight Acting and 'top'
Straight Acting and 'bottom'

Current Results

The way I act and the role I take - Poll Version 2

Please look at whether you are 'Camp/Flaming' or 'Straight Acting' and the role you take (or would prefer to take if not sexually active) in sex

Camp and versatile
Camp and 'top'
Camp and 'bottom'
Camp, but anal sex is not for me as 'top' or 'bottom'
Straight Acting and versatile
Straight Acting and 'top'
Straight Acting and 'bottom'
Straight Acting, but anal sex is not for me as 'top' or 'bottom'

Current Results

Being a Gay Male and Having/Not Having Anal Sex is not Necessarily Related (Multiple Choice Poll)

A previous poll showed that many visitors here do not have (or do not wish to have) anal sex. I am trying to examine the views. The poll is limited in its answers, but I'm trying! Please tick as many answers as you need in order to reflect your thoughts. The poll allows you to express a positive preference for anal sex as well. This is for balance. It is also perfectly possible and valid to tick a negative box in addition to stating that you enjoy anal sex.

I am happy to have anal sex
I find it physically impossible to open up to being penetrated
I find it emotionally impossible to open up to being penetrated
I feel the anus is dirty
I feel the anus is a social (or other) taboo
I have religious grounds against anal sex
I was assaulted and damaged physically. I might want to but I just can't
I was assaulted and damaged emotionally. I might want to but I just can't
I was assaulted. The experience means I do not want to have anal sex
I've thought about it, but I don't want to do it enough
Anal Sex makes me think of 'masculine and feminine'. I do not think of me nor of my partner that way
I feel there is a greater chance of STI/STD transmission with anal sex
While I may have anal sex with a committed partner, I will not until that time with others
Prostate stimulation with fingers or toys is fine, but I do not use a penis there
I do not use fingers or toys inside the anus
I limit anal stimuation to the external area
Anal Sex is enormously emotionally satisfying for me and my partner.
I consider anal sex as 'using and being used'
I simply don't want to even consider it
I am scared of it
The idea of having Anal Sex makes me feel 'gay'. If I avoid it I may still think of myself as 'not gay'
I cannot even caress my own anus, let alone caress another's or have another caress mine
The idea of penetrating my partner's anus or his penetrating mine turns me off
I don't really know what the prostate is, nor why I woudl enjoy it's stimulation
I don't really know where the prostate is, nor how to stimulate it
I want to. I just don't know how

Current Results

Frodo and Sam

In Lord of the Rings, both the book and the film, which of these two characters is gay?


Current Results

Elijah and Sean

We've voted on the characters. Now about the actors. So many rumours! But which of them is gay?

Elijah Wood
Sean Astin

Current Results

Dear Grasshopper

You may not realise how much we love your stories and how much we value you as a person. Quite often we have never written to say so. So, just for now, please look at the results of this 'one answer'poll.

We miss you, your stories and your gentle writing. Please write more and please let them come back online.

Current Results

Pubic Hair Fashions, By Region

A news articles is saying that it has become fashionable to trim the old pubic clump. So I have created this poll to ask you by region about trimming. Please do notice the region when you answer! If naturally bald please tick the answer that most resembles your desire were hair to be present. Europe includes all the new EEC Nations and those who feel they are European. The category of 'shaved' includes those who wax.

Europe: Untrimmed
Europe: Shortened when unruly
Europe: Artisticly Shaped
Europe: Buzz Cut
Europe: Shaved
USA/Canada: Untrimmed
USA/Canada: Shortened when unruly
USA/Canada: Artisticly Shaped
USA/Canada: Buzz Cut
USA/Canada: Shaved
The Americas: Untrimmed
The Americas: Shortened when unruly
The Americas: Artisticly Shaped
The Americas: Buzz Cut
The Americas: Shaved
Middle East: Untrimmed
Middle East: Shortened when unruly
Middle East: Artisticly Shaped
Middle East: Buzz Cut
Middle East: Shaved
Africa: Untrimmed
Africa: Shortened when unruly
Africa: Artisticly Shaped
Africa: Buzz Cut
Africa: Shaved
The old USSR: Untrimmed
The old USSR: Shortened when unruly
The old USSR: Artisticly Shaped
The old USSR: Buzz Cut
The old USSR: Shaved
Australia/New Zealand: Untrimmed
Australia/New Zealand: Shortened when unruly
Australia/New Zealand: Artisticly Shaped
Australia/New Zealand: Buzz Cut
Australia/New Zealand: Shaved
Pacific Rim: Untrimmed
Pacific Rim: Shortened when unruly
Pacific Rim: Artisticly Shaped
Pacific Rim: Buzz Cut
Pacific Rim: Shaved
China: Untrimmed
China: Shortened when unruly
China: Artisticly Shaped
China: Buzz Cut
China: Shaved
Asian Subcontinent: Untrimmed
Asian Subcontinent: Shortened when unruly
Asian Subcontinent: Artisticly Shaped
Asian Subcontinent: Buzz Cut
Asian Subcontinent: Shaved
Rest of the World: Untrimmed
Rest of the World: Shortened when unruly
Rest of the World: Artisticly Shaped
Rest of the World: Buzz Cut
Rest of the World: Shaved

Current Results

Dating and Matching Sites

Do you use, or have you ever looked at a dating service? If so what parts do you use. Quite a few questions, please take a little time to tick all that apply to you

I use one (or more) now
I haven't used one yet
I will never use one
I don't pay but I use one or more
I'm happy to pay about $5US a month
I'd willingly pay up to $15US a month for a great service
Nothing handles gay guys well
I want to meet people with the same fetishes I have. Can't find a site to do it
I feel 'ghettoised' because I have to go to a gay site to find gay guys.
I use the net at work. Dating sites look bad on my screen (design, not the 'fact' of it)
I love dating sites. I meet people through them
Why can't all sites match all types of people?
I don't just care about sex etc. I want to search on (eg) religion too
I'm nervous about using one. I want to, but they all feel intimidating
They're pretty easy to use
I hate sites that want your money before you get to see the goods!
I hate ones that make you fill out pages and pages before you can register

Current Results

Orgasm and Breathing

When I was a kid I learnt from a book that men and women breathe differently at orgasm time. I wonder.....

I am male. At orgasm I hold my breath
I am male. At orgasm I breathe fast. No breath holding at all
I am male. At orgasm I breathe 'to suit the occasion'
I am female. At orgasm I hold my breath
I am female. At orgasm I breathe fast. No breath holding at all
I am female. At orgasm I breathe 'to suit the occasion'

Current Results

Where do I go on the site?

Please tick all areas where you go more than the 'I went once coz I was curious' visit. Please also tick to say whether you're on the site mailing list (if you aren't you can always subscribe [and unsubscribe] at any time, to the left of any menu page. Do fill out the survey first though, please.)

Story Shelf
Poetry Corner
Sex/Health Info
Pastoral Care
About Me
Odds & Ends
All Site Edits (list of what and when - not the banner at the top of the page)
I am on the site mailing list
I am about to join the site mailing list
I will never join a mailing list

Current Results

Does Incest apply to same gender relationships

If we take as the definition of incest that in www.dictionary.com does this definition apply to same gender relationships? In answering please disregard everything except gender.


Current Results

Very close relationships, same gender couples

I am looking at a relationship so close that, if it were heterosexual, your legislature and/or religion would class it as incest. Another poll has dealt with the definition of incest: 60% feel the heterosexual definition applies to same gender pairings. Now I am looking at the acceptability. Here is the question: *In a same gender pairing do you, personally, find such a closely related sexual pairing is acceptable?* When you answer please ignore anything to do with age. This is not about ages, just closeness of kin.

I find a relationship this close acceptable in a same gender couple
I find a relationship this close unacceptable in a same gender couple

Current Results

Very close relationships, same gender couples

This question is only for those who find very close familial sexual relationships acceptable. When answering please absolutely disregard age of the participants. The question is: *In a same gender pairing, which of these relationships is acceptable?* Note that I have included first cousins because in heterosexual pairings in some nations that is legally defined as too close. Please tick all boxes that apply, There is no box to say that none of these are acceptable. Please register that answer in a prior poll

great grandparent/great grandchild
adopted relative/family member in this list

Current Results

Close familial sexual relationships and society as a whole

By stating in current polls that close familial sexual relationships are acceptable in same gender pairings, do homosexual people make themselves and their sexuality more acceptable or less acceptable to the society in which they live?

More acceptable
No change in acceptability
Less Acceptable

Current Results

Penile Sensitivity for the Uncircumcised Guy - Flaccid State

Please conduct a very simple penile sensitivity test by touching your penis with an inanimate object and recording a tick if the touch produces a genuinely sexual sensation as opposed to one of simple touch. Please do not forget to do the erect version as well

Shaft Skin at or near base
Shaft Skin at mid shaft
Shaft Skin below corona (ridge)
Inner Foreskin, as far from the glans as possible
Inner foreskin as close to the glans as possible
Glans, dorsal (upper) side at ridge
Glans, dorsal (upper) side, midway between ridge and tip
Glans, dorsal (upper) side at tip
Frenulum (under glans, at tip, not the glans itself)
[I have no frenulum]
[none of these touches produced a sexual sensation]

Current Results

Penile Sensitivity for the Uncircumcised Guy - Erect State

Please conduct a very simple penile sensitivity test by touching your penis with an inanimate object and recording a tick if the touch produces a genuinely sexual sensation as opposed to one of simple touch

Shaft Skin at or near base
Shaft Skin at mid shaft
Shaft Skin below corona (ridge)
Inner Foreskin, as far from the glans as possible
Inner foreskin as close to the glans as possible
Glans, dorsal (upper) side at ridge
Glans, dorsal (upper) side, midway between ridge and tip
Glans, dorsal (upper) side at tip
Frenulum (under glans, at tip, not the glans itself)
[I have no frenulum]
[none of these touches produced a sexual sensation]

Current Results

Penile Sensitivity for the Circumcised Guy - Flaccid State

Please conduct a very simple penile sensitivity test by touching your penis with an inanimate object and recording a tick if the touch produces a genuinely sexual sensation as opposed to one of simple touch. Please do not forget to do the erect version as well

Shaft Skin at or near base
Shaft Skin at mid shaft
Shaft Skin below corona (ridge)
Inner Foreskin, as far from the glans as possible
Inner foreskin as close to the glans as possible
Glans, dorsal (upper) side at ridge
Glans, dorsal (upper) side, midway between ridge and tip
Glans, dorsal (upper) side at tip
Frenulum (under glans, at tip, not the glans itself)
[I have no frenulum]
[I have no inner foreskin]
[none of these touches produced a sexual sensation]

Current Results

Penile Sensitivity for the Circumcised Guy - Erect State

Please conduct a very simple penile sensitivity test by touching your penis with an inanimate object and recording a tick if the touch produces a genuinely sexual sensation as opposed to one of simple touch

Shaft Skin at or near base
Shaft Skin at mid shaft
Shaft Skin below corona (ridge)
Inner Foreskin, as far from the glans as possible
Inner foreskin as close to the glans as possible
Glans, dorsal (upper) side at ridge
Glans, dorsal (upper) side, midway between ridge and tip
Glans, dorsal (upper) side at tip
Frenulum (under glans, at tip, not the glans itself)
[I have no frenulum]
[I have no inner foreskin]
[none of these touches produced a sexual sensation]

Current Results

My Attitude to Anal Penetrative Sex

Regardless of whether you are sexually active or not right now, in broad and general terms would you prefer your love-making to include or to exclude anal penetration? This question includes those who penetrate and those who are penetrated. There is no middle ground here. You either include it or exclude it, either as a current or past fact or as a future possibility

I Include Anal Penetration. I either participate now (or in the past) or wish to in the future.
I Exclude Anal Penetration. I never have, and I never will participate in it

Current Results

My Attitude to Anal Penetrative Sex - Less Black and white

This version allows for shades of grey: Regardless of whether you are sexually active or not right now, in broad and general terms would you prefer your love-making to include or to exclude anal penetration? This question includes those who penetrate and those who are penetrated. PLease note that I am easing up the 'either you do or you do not' restriction. 'I didn't enjoy it' now means an 'exclude' vote/. {I'm nervous, but I might try it' means 'include'

I Include Anal Penetration. I have in the past, do now, or would like to experience it
I Exclude Anal Penetration. Even if i have tried it in the past.

Current Results

Gay men's Preferences for (eg) Healthcare Professionals

If you do not consider yourself to be gay and male, sorry, this poll is not for you. Do you prefer males or females in formal professional circumstances? By this I mean Doctor, Dentist, Pharmacist or similar role . Please assume whatever you wish about the intimacy of the professional consultation, but this is not a sexual fantasy.

No preference

Current Results

Gay men who have made love to a woman

You are a gay man. Have you ever made love to a woman, and how was it?

Yes, a good experience
Yes, a neutral experience
Yes, a negative experience

Current Results

Your Parents

Which of the following do you think most closely approximates the success of your parents (or those responsible for raising you) in giving you all the love, care and understanding that you needed?

Very Good

Current Results

Stories I prefer

What type of stories do you prefer here? please tick all that apply

Romantic, implied sex
Romantic, explicit sex
Romantic, no sex
Short (self contained) stories
Series of themed stories
Serialised Novels
Full On Sex
Mysteries, gay is just a side issue
Adventure, gay is just a side issue
Happy Endings
Sad Endings
Feel like real life
May contain girls, too
If it contains a girl, no male/female sex!
I don't mind male/female sex
Teenagers as main cast
Age is immaterial
Genitals etc should be normal sized!

Current Results

At the urinal

How many of these do you do, have you done, or have been 'done' to you? I am in 'look but do not touch' mode.

Check the other guy out [often]
Check the other guy out [sometimes]
Get checked out by other guys [I think so]
Get checked out by other guys [not sure]
Get checked out by other guys [usually]
I keep myself to myself so never notice
I use a cubicle, so it is impossible

Current Results

Men look sexiest.....

Men look sexiest wearing (choose up to 3 answers):

Nothing (naked)
Business Suit
Business Casual
School Uniform (role play)
In Drag (just clothes)
In Drag (Full Drag Queen)
Jeans and Wifebeater
Jeans and work shirt and boots
Tux/Dinner Jacket
'Clubbing' outfit
Full National Dress (eg Kilts)
MIlitary Uniform

Current Results

As a group, if we are a group, what are our characteristics?

This is a simple, 2-dimensional survey into the characteristics that we may have in common. If you are simply a casual visitor and just wanted to register this, please tick the answer to the final question, and only that one. Otherwise please tick all that apply to you. ALL. There is no second go.

1: Do you dislike being in large gatherings?
2: Do you enjoy large family celebrations (weddings, for example)?
3: Do you have just a few good friends?
4: Do you have a large circle of friends?
5: When a friend or relative is in hospital do you go to visit them eagerly?
6: Are you good in the art of casual conversation in a social situation?
7: Do you find that you are confident in a professional role?
8: Do you adopt an artificial persona when meeting new people?
9: Do you talk to and propose activities with your friends on a regular basis?
10: Are you very reticent about using the telephone for non-professional purposes?
11: Do you find it easier to express your feelings electronically (e-mail, IM) than 'in real life'?
12: Would you describe yourself as being shy?
13: Would others describe you as being shy?
14: Would you describe yourself as being habitually aggressive?
15: Would you describe yourself as being short-tempered?
16: Would you describe yourself as usually being capable?
17: Would you describe yourself as usually being confident at school/work?
18: Would you describe yourself as usually being confident among family/friends?
19: Would you describe yourself as introvert rather than extrovert?
20: Would you describe yourself as extrovert rather than introvert?
21: Would you describe yourself as being generous?
22: Would you describe yourself as being insecure?
23: Would you describe yourself as being resentful?
24: Would you describe yourself as being romantic?
25: Would you describe yourself as being selfish?
26: Have you suffered from clinically-diagnosed depression, either now or in the past?
27: Have you suffered from depression but not approached a doctor or therapist about it?
28: Have you ever physically harmed yourself in another way?
29: Have you ever attempted or considered suicide?
30: Have you ever had a clinically-diagnosed anxiety disorder (e.g. OCD, anorexia)?
31: Do you use, or have you used, obsessive or compulsive rituals as a coping strategy.
32: Did you or do you enjoy your time at school?
33: Have you ever been in a long-term sexual relationship with someone of the opposite sex?
34: Have you ever been in a long-term sexual relationship with someone of the same sex?
35: Does or did your mother seem to you to be the more dominant of your parents?
36: Is the male image of your sexual fantasies preferably blond?
37: Is the male image of your fantasies cleanshaven (facially)?
38: Are you comfortable undressing in the presence of others?
39: Do you believe yourself to be less attractive than friends would have you believe?
40: Do you behave according to the doctrine of a particular religion?
41: In your present daily life is any online forum essential?
42: In your present daily life is any online forum useful?
43: In your present daily life is any online forum unimportant?
44: Do you read the forum on this website?
45: Do you participate in the forum on this website?
46: Are you aged 16 or under?
47: Are you aged between 17 and 24?
48: Are you aged between 25 and 44?
49: Are you aged between 45 and 64?
50: Are you aged 65 or older?
51: I am just a casual visitor, I do not feel part of any group here and have only ticked this answer

Current Results


Not everything about us is our being gay. Do we have any of the following hobbies?

Train Spotting / Railway Fan
Plane Spotting
Ship / Boat Spotting
Truck / Lorry Spotting
Balloon (eg hot air Balloon) Spotting

Current Results

Being closeted

Have you ever been so much in the closet about your homosexuality that you felt you had to join in with your peers' homophobia in order to save face?


Current Results

Sexual Drive and Desire

We're looking at all levels of drive, from allegedly addicted to wholly asexual. This type of poll is imperfect, so please attempt to fit yourself into the nearest answer. We do not mean masturbation. We mean sex, and with a live human partner. This is about desire, not about the actual sexual act itself. You may have a high sex drive and sex may not be available, for example.

I am addicted to sex. I need it at least daily, whether I get it daily or not
I have a high sex drive. Ideally I want sex daily
I have a high sex drive, but am content with every other day or thereabouts
I have a medium sex drive. I would like sex more than once a week
I have a medium sex drive. Once a week is lovely, but I am content with less
I have a low sex drive. Every couple of weeks is fine, but I am unconcerned if it is less often
I have a low sex drive. Monthly or so is fine by me, less often is ok, too
I have a low sex drive. I can take sex or leave it. The frequency is unimportant to me
I have a low sex drive. I do like sex, but am happy with it every so often. It is not important in my life
I am asexual, but I am tactile. I like touching and to be touched, hugged and snuggled. Sex itself does not interest me
I am asexual. I am not tactile. Sex does not interest me
I am asexual. I actively dislike sex and am happiest when not in a position where I feel I may be asked to be sexual
I am asexual. I do not dislike sex, but I simply do not want to have it
Whatever my sex drive I have chosen celibacy

Current Results

Domain Suffixes and trust

Some domains seem to feel more trustworthy than others. This survey is about the .com .biz .info .org and other domain suffixes and which put you most at ease. OK, there are iffy nations, but we are lumping all national style ones under one entry. Tick all that say to you 'Trust this domain'

.com (and similar, like .co.uk, .au, etc)

Current Results

What catches my eye

Given just one thing, what does your head turn for in the street?

Trouser Bulge

Current Results

Should we analyse vistors to the message board?

Currently we don't track the visitor population in any statistical sense. For security we do log the IP address of every poster, but visitors drop by without leaving a footprint that we look at. So should we know more, in aggregate form, about the visitors who come through the board? I know you may want to say more than just the three answers, so cast your ballot, and then post a reply if you want.

Don't care either way

Current Results

The Best Things About Being A Gay Guy

I love being gay because: (tick all that apply)

I can wear pink mohair sweaters
I adore PVC and Leather pants
I just KNOW when a guy is aroused
I love showers at the gym! Str8 guys never get to see a whole selection of naked sex objects
Being Camp and Str8 would be such a chore!
I love the company of girls, and girls love gay guys
Flirting with waiters is such fun!
I can't get my partner pregnant
I love teasing Jesus freaks
My wardrobe doubles the moment I find a partner
I can leave the toilet seat UP!
I can check out of hotels fast! I pack my shit overnight!!
Sex requires so little foreplay! Shall we? YES WE SHALL!
I can flirt myself into a free haircut
It makes my boss so uncomfy, and he can't fire me because we have an equal opportunities policy
I have instinctive memory of all musical songs
I just love showtunes!
I can be proud of my ABBA collection
Barbra Streisand may be ugly as sin, but I can defend her in girly chats!
I can go to a drag show without the slightest embarrassment

Current Results

Unwrapping presents

That special guy comes into the room stark naked except for a pretty pink bow. He's gift wrapped his dick! He asks you to unwrap him. Do you:

Ignore him?
Tighten the knot, thinking 'That will serve yoiu right!'?
Leave it gift wrapped but take him manfully from behind?
Unwrap it, and go back to what you were doing?
Ask him who wrapped it, and say you will go to the store to beat them senseless?
Ask if he still has the receipt so you can change it?
Ask if he has one in a different size?
Ask if you can put it aside for later?
Apologise that you never got him anything at all?
Unwrap it and get very down and very dirty?

Current Results

Penis size: Not you! Your partner!

What are your thoughts on your (potential) partner's penis size? If versatile answer both top and bottom questions.

I'm a top and any size is fine by me, large or small
I'm a bottom and any size is fine by me, large or small
Top or bottom, anywhere inthe normal range
I'm a bottom. As fat as you like, but not too long!
I'm a bottom. Normal girth but as long as you like
I don't do anal anyway, I just love them all
I have TMJ (etc). I love to suck but too fat and my jaw aches
I'm a bottom. I love a petite penis!
I just like it to be in proportion with the rest of my special guy
You mean THAT is meant to go in THERE? No way!

Current Results

If you could, would you?

He is slim, perfect, sparkling eyes, cheeky grin, the cutest ears you ever saw. He's not related to you. He's gay. He's below the age of consent, though old enough to know his own mind and his own body - this is an offer he understands the consequences of. He's not a rent boy, and he has just invited you to share his body. This is a one time offer, not a relationship. Do you:

Accept his offer without a second thought
Accept his offer, but feel guilty, either during or afterwards
Decline politely with no regrets
Decline, but ask if he'll model for you
Decline and wish with all your heart that you had said yes
Ignore him. Answering at all would be too embarrassing
Look for hidden cameras.

Current Results

Notes in stories from Editors. Not Authors. EDITORS.

When an author makes an Author's Note in a story I see this as valid. Often they wish to explain something that cannot be explained in the text. There is a current trend for some editors to append notes. What do you think of that? Tick all that apply.

If the note adds value to the story I am happy
I think they are part of the tale
I hate them and want them gone
I have no idea what they are for. An editor is a silent partner, surely?
I like them
I laugh at them and like them
I laugh at them and despise them
I tune them out
Get rid of them
Why does the author allow them?
Why does the webmaster allow them?
They annoy me so much I give the story up
I think 'get a room already, and flirt in private'
They should have an editor to edit those out

Current Results

LGBT Youth

Do you think issues dealing with gay youth are overlooked?

Yes. I think gay youth do not get the attention they need.
No. I think there are great organizations that are helping these kids out.
Not sure.

Current Results

Common scents

Excluding body odour. How many find their own perineum scent pleasing or arousing

Yes I do
No I don't
I can't get my head down that far

Current Results

Gay Men and Misogyny

Are Gay Men too Misogynistic? (answer all that apply)

Do you feel that there is too much emphasis placed on Gay Men instead of all persons that are homosexual in adverts, news articles, discussions, (on & offline)?
Do you think that Gay Men are less accepting of Bisexual Men than the straight men are?
Do you think that too many Gay Men act feminine just to prove that they are Gay?
Do you think that Gay Men are less tolerant of Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Transgendered people than heterosexual men are?
Is the public face of Homosexuality a 'Whites Only' club?
None of the answers above is suitable for me. So I will tick this box to be counted

Current Results

How old are you?

This is your webmaster speaking! I would like to know what age people are who visit the main website, NOT the forum - we have a separate poll for that. I'd like you to be honest, please. Nothing will happen if you say you are under 13, or over 300! You won't be blocked from the site, I just want to know! I'm curious!!

Under 13
91 and over

Current Results

Vegans and Oral Sex

As we know, Vegans may not eat any animal products. So may Vegans have oral sex?

No, even licking that thing means they eat animal products
Only without swallowing
A full dental dam is Ok

Current Results

The Anal Orgasm, myth or reality

Have you ever achieved an anal orgasm just by anal stimulation (no involvement of the external elements of the penis)?

Yes, my partner stimulated my prostate via my anus, and I achieved orgasm.
No, but it enhanced my orgasm
Yes. I can achieve orgasm just by stimulating my prostate via my anus
No, and my orgasm was not enhanced

Current Results

Edward Upcott

Have a look at this spectacular acrobat's site at Edwardupcott.com and consider

Too muscular, no appeal
Gorgeous face
Needs to smile
I wish he were gay
I love his muscles
Can boys really bend that way?
He's 18? Wow, i thought he was 13!
He's my fantasy boy!
Good things come in small packages

Current Results

Is a forum the right medium to discuss gay issues?

I'm a gay teenager. I would use it to get information or help
I'm a gay teenager. I would not use it to get information or help because I'd be afraid of being a target for abuse
I'm a gay teenager. I would not use it to get information or help because I'd be scared friends or family would find out
I'm a gay teenager. I don't use forums. I use things like Facebook.
I'm a gay teenager. All I want a forum to do is to let me meet others
I'm a gay teenager. I don't think I need help or advice at the moment
I'm a gay adult. I would use it to get information or help
I'm a gay adult. I would not use it to get information or help because I'd be scared friends or family would find out
I'm a gay adult. I would not use it to get information or help because I'd be afraid of being a target for abuse
I'm a gay adult. I don't use forums. I use things like Facebook.
I'm a gay adult. All I want a forum to do is to let me meet others
I'm a gay adult. I don't think I need help or advice at the moment
I'm a gay adult in a heterosexual marriage. I would use it to get information or help
I'm a gay adult in a heterosexual marriage. I would not use it to get information or help because I'd be scared friends or family would find out
I'm a gay adult in a heterosexual marriage. I would not use it to get information or help because I'd be afraid of being a target for abuse
I'm a gay adult in a heterosexual marriage. I don't think I need help or advice at the moment
I'm not gay. A forum like this will help me learn about homosexuals and support my non heterosexual friends better
Forum? I don't need or want one. I just come to this web site for the stories!

Current Results

Favourite Boy

Which is your personal favourite boy in the Rogues Gallery?


Current Results

Hate Crime Laws

Some nations enshrine Hate Crimes in their legislation. How do Hate Crime Laws make you feel? Tick all that apply.

A crime is a crime. Why do we need to have an extra category?
I like the idea of an extra penalty for showing hate.
I feel safer because of Hate Crime laws
If prosecutors would prosecute properly we would not need Hate Crime Laws
Hate Crime Laws are a political veneer to pretend lawmakers are doing something
Hate Crime Laws make no positive difference to those who show hatred
Hate Crime Laws make some positive difference to those who show hatred
Hate Crime Laws make a great deal of positive difference to those who show hatred
Who thinks of a Hate Crime Law when they are kicking some poor soul to death?
A Hate Crime Law is just for extra revenge on the perpetrator
I dislike the concept but accept the current value. At some future time I'd like them gone
Hate Crime Laws are just another knee jerk political reaction and do not solve the problem
Maybe we need Hate Crime Laws to make the police investigate assaults properly
I am against Hate Crime Laws, period.
I am in favour of Hate Crime Laws, period
I kind of like the idea of Hate Crime Laws, but I can't put my finger on why
I kind of dislike the idea of Hate Crime Laws, but I can't put my finger on why
Some other answer not covered above in favour of Hate Crime Laws
Some other answer not covered above against Hate Crime Laws

Current Results

On being gay...

What is your opinion on your homosexuality?

I love being gay. Nothing about being gay disappoints me
I love being gay, though sometimes I feel sad that I am not heterosexual
I like myself as I am, and that includes my being gay
Being gay is Ok, but it isn't perfect
While I'm happy to be gay, just sometimes it really upsets me
While I'm happy to be gay, it often also really upsets me
Mostly I wish I were not gay. Just sometimes I'm Ok with it
I hate being gay.
I'm Bi. It doesn't matter to me either way
I'm Bi. Sometimes that's harder than being gay
Gay be buggered! I'm heterosexual and I'm only answering this to annoy folk

Current Results

How You Would Like Us to Post Stories

There seems, broadly, to be a choice of two methods of posting stories on the site.
One method is to have a simple rota, posting stories and chapters of serials in simple rotation, adding new ones to the mix as soon as possible after receipt. This gives a large number of simultaneous stories but delays the finishing of serials.
The other is to concentrate on finishing a serial before starting on a new one or adding a new short story. This delays starting a new story but gives greater continuity to an existing one.
We're trying to find out which you prefer as reader and as writer. If you are both, please answer as whichever you feel more important.

I'm a writer. I like to see serials finished before moving to the next story
I'm a writer. I like to see a wide range of stories running simultaneously
I'm a reader. I like to see serials finished before moving to the next story
I'm a reader. I like to see a wide range of stories running simultaneously

Current Results

The human body

Young, old, male, female, we don't care. Which way is the human body sexier?

I don't care. I prefer goats

Current Results

Favourite story types

What type of story do you prefer?

To hell with the plot, I like one handed stories! Sex comes first!
Romance, with sex
Romance, with or without sex
Romance, with no sex
Me? Read stories? No way!

Current Results

What type of folk answer polls here?

Please categorise yourself. After all, no-one else will!

I am an idiot
People think I am an idiot, but I am not
I think I am an idiot, but other people do not
I know I am not an idiot, and so do other people
I am so stupid I have fallen off the end of the scale of stupidity
I am no idiot and know that only by not answering this poll I can show it
I am on the bell curve of idiocy at the idiotic end
I am a total bell end

Current Results

Non English langage stories

The site is an English language site. We'd like to know if there is an appetite for stories written in another language. We are not yet considering what the portfolio of languages might be.

I only want to read stories in English
I am fluent in at least one language as well as English, and would like to read stories in it
I would be happy to find my way through a non English story, but I am not fluent in anything except English
I can't read English, so need stories in my native tongue (Ironic option!)

Current Results

The rate we post stories

Historically this site has posted 15 story items a week, come rain or shine. We are now asking you, our readers, if this rate is the right rate

I like 15 items a week
I would like more than 15 items a week
I would like fewer than 15 items a week
I am happy with whatever you do
I like answering polls but have no opinion to offer at all

Current Results

First boyfriend

How old were you when you had your first boyfriend?

12 or under
71 and above
Never had one

Current Results

How 'out' are you?

Think about your being out as Gay or Bisexual or Lesbian

Not out and still scared to death someone will find out
Out to family only
Out to friends only
Out to the world but I want to blend in
Out to the world and in your face about it
Out, confident, neither blending in nor in your face
Not gay but have a gay child or family member
Happy to be Hetero. Who needs to come out?

Current Results

New climate for LGBT folk

With the new climate have you come out or are you considering it?

I'm never coming out
I'm considering it
I've come out to a few but not planing to come out to the world
I've come out to friends only but not to family
I've come out to family but not to friends
I've come out to friends and family only
I've come out to the world
I'm out at work
I'm afraid if I come out at work I'll get fired
I still don't feel any safer or accepted so I'm not out but would like to someday
Been out forever but wanted counted on the poll
Like all heterosexuals I come out within 5 minutes of meeting you

Current Results

The hook up

Have you ever told a straight boy or girl you were gay or lesbian and wanted them?

Yes and I got a taste anyways and they kept my secret
Yes and I got a taste anyways and they told everyone
Yes and got decked
Yes and it went ok but they declined my advances and they kept my secret
Yes and it went ok but they declined my advances and blabbed it all over the place
No wanted to but chickened out
No never interested in a straight guy or girl
Left it far, far too late, but told them.

Current Results

Anal Sex and Erections

From direct personal experience (ie not watching porn videos), during anal sex does the penetrated partner's penis stay erect?

Most of the time
A little of the time

Current Results


Please choose a definition of yourself that you would use as the closest to how you identify yourself

Gay and single
Gay and single, seeking life partner
Gay and single, promiscuous
Gay and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right guy
Gay and Married/partnered to an opposite sex partner
Gay and with a same sex life partner
Gay with an opposite sex friend cover
Gay and reclusive with no involvement
Gay, but I want to try it with an opposite sex partner at least once!
Bisexual and single
Bisexual and single, seeking life same sex partner
Bisexual and single, seeking life opposite sex partner
Bisexual and single, seeking life either sex partner
Bisexual and single, promiscuous
Bisexual and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right guy
Bisexual and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right girl
Bisexual and single, not promiscuos, content to be so, but open to the right person, boy or girl
Bisexual and Married/partnered to an same sex partner
Bisexual and Married/partnered to an opposite sex partner
Bisexual and reclusive with no involvement
Heterosexual and single
Heterosexual and single, seeking life partner
Heterosexual and single, promiscuous
Heterosexual and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right person
Heterosexual and Married/partnered
Heterosexual and reclusive with no involvement
Heterosexual, but dammit I want to try it with a same sex partner at least once
Trans and single
Trans and single, seeking life partner
Trans and single, promiscuous
Trans and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right person
Trans and Married/partnered
Trans and reclusive with no involvement
Ok, you tried, but I can't find an answer that works for me
I just like answering surveys

Current Results

LGBT News. New on 20 December 2014

We have a new page on the site that aggregates LGBT news from around the globe, daily, at about noon UK time. We'd like to know what you think about it. It's here and opens in a new tab

I like it
I don't like it
I don't care either way

Current Results

Sorting order for the list of Authors

There is no perfect way. So far, except for the occasional error, the list of authors is intended to be in alpha order of surname, (if the name is two or more words) but not where the final word is not a surname (eg Angel Love, which seems to be a name in its own right), and in order of the single name, or the first part of the words where they do not appear to be a surname/forename combination. Complex or what? The question is, what order do you want?

The current order suits me fine
Sort in alpha order of the forename (eg Michael Arram to be sorted under M not under A), then the surname if any
Treat the final element of a name as if it were a surname, (eg put Angel Love under L)

Current Results

Site story publishing speed

We are in a short term catch-up period and have accelerated our publishing schedule to bring you new material from our authors. Tell us how this affects you as a reader of stories here, please.

I'm overwhelmed, drowning.
I love it at this heady pace
I need to be more selective at this pace, so I don't read everything
I can keep up, but please slow down soon
I forgive you. I know this is a burst of speed and will be over soon
Whatever you do is fine by me
You have stories on this site? Who knew?

Current Results

Hair colour - Blonds

Only answer if your head is/was naturally Blond. What colour are/were your pubes?

A touch of red
Light brown
Dark brown

Current Results

Hair colour - Light brown

Only answer if your head is/was naturally Light brown. What colour are/were your pubes?

A touch of red
Light brown
Dark brown

Current Results

Hair colour - Dark brown

Only answer if your head is/was naturally Dark brown. What colour are/were your pubes?

A touch of red
Light brown
Dark brown

Current Results

Hair colour - A touch of red

Only answer if your head is/was naturally A touch of red. What colour are/were your pubes?

A touch of red
Light brown
Dark brown

Current Results

Hair colour - Red

Only answer if your head is/was naturally Red. What colour are/were your pubes?

A touch of red
Light brown
Dark brown

Current Results

Hair colour - Black

Only answer if your head is/was naturally Black. What colour are/were your pubes?

A touch of red
Light brown
Dark brown

Current Results

Just One of Those Days, but It Got Better

N Fourbois and I have been discussing the best way to publish his stories when they are the length of substantial novels, as this one is.

He contends that publishing the entire tale on a single day is preferable for his audience; I contend that releasing the tale in parts in sequential runs is preferable.

You are the audience, and your views on this are interesting. Now is the time for you to tell us.

On 11 March 2015 we published this story, all on a single day. It has been split in to six parts to ensure that those who read on (eg) smartphones have ease of loading. This survey will give us more insight into your needs as readers.

This survey closes on 18 March 2015 at midnight UTC

I prefer the entire novel to be published on a single day
I prefer the novel to be published in parts, in sequential publishing runs

Current Results

Oral sex, with males

Spit or swallow?

I am an omnivore, I spit
I am an omnivore, I swallow
I am a vegetarian, I spit
I am a vegetarian, I swallow
I am a vegan, I spit
I am a vegan, I swallow

Current Results

Which orgasm type are you?

When I watch porn where a guy is having a serious wank I have noticed two types of action at orgasm and ejaculation time. One is the guy whose muscles tense, whose butt squeezes, whose hand turns into a blur and really seems to work hard at it. That's type 1 in the question below. The other is the guy who just strokes casually and passes through orgasm and ejaculation with an outflow of semen that doesn't seem to affect him, almost as if he is having a conversation with you while having an orgasm. That's type 2.

Type 1
Type 2
Mostly type 1, sometimes 2
Mostly type 2, sometimes 1
Both, equally
Either, at my choice
What is an orgasm?

Current Results

Writing Challenges

Should we continue with them? Please answer as an author (whether you have entered or not) or as a reader

I am a reader. Please continue with them
I am a reader. I have no opinion
I am a reader. Stop them
I am an author. Please continue with them
I am an author. I have no opinion
I am an author. Stop them

Current Results

Please tell the author what you thought of Second Skin

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

Just Hangin'

Which tales made you feel close to one of the participants? Choose as many as you wish.

Second Skin
The Challenge That Is Tony – Hanging Out
A Game of Fox and Hare

Current Results

Please tell the author what you thought of A Game of Fox and Hare

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

Please tell the author what you thought of The Challenge That Is Tony – Hanging Out

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results


Which tales made you think? Choose as many as you wish, it's feedback, not a contest.

The Kid Who Wasn't There
The Challenge That Is Tony – Live long and Prosper!
A World Between
The Best and Worst Day of my Life

Current Results

Please tell the author what you thought of Fearless

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

Please tell the author what you thought of The Challenge That Is Tony – Live long and Prosper!

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

Please tell the author what you thought of Musketqueers

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

Please tell the author what you thought of The Kid Who Wasn't There

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

Please tell the author what you thought of A World Between

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

Please tell the author what you thought of Mousetrap

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

Please tell the author what you thought of The Best and Worst Day of my Life

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

Fine Young Animals

Which tales made you want to be there? Choose as many as you wish, it's feedback, not a contest.

Musketqueers - The Invitation
The Challenge That Is Tony - This Little Piggy…
The Charm of Being A Pig

Current Results

Musketqueers - The Invitation The Best and Worst Day of my Life

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

The Challenge That Is Tony - This Little Piggy…

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

The Charm of Being A Pig

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

That Fine Young Animals picture

I checked out my answer.

My first answer was correct!
Got it wrong. These things happen
I just like answering surveys!

Current Results


Click all the stories that made you want to be either or both boys. Obviously read them all first! You get one multiple choice vote!!

Bubble and Squeak
New Balls, Please!
What a Difference a Day Makes
Waiting for My Boyfriend
Tennis, Anyone?
My Only Friend
Eye of the Heart
The Challenge That Is Tony – Green
Love in Paris
A Boys Cameo

Current Results

Bubble and Squeak

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

New Balls, Please!

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

Waiting for My Boyfriend

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

What a Difference a Day Makes

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

My Only Friend

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

Tennis, Anyone?

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

A Boys Cameo

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

Eye of the Heart

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

The Challenge That Is Tony – Green

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

Love in Paris

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

Interviews with authors

How should we proceed with this? [Answer all that apply, please]

Definitely continue
Definitely cease
Create a basic question library
Don't just ask set questions, develop the theme
Have just one interviewer
Have a pool of interviewers
Have a schedule, say of one per month
Ask for volunteers to do the interviews
Ask authors to volunteer to be interviewed
Restrict it to authors on this site
Throw it open to any author of LGBT web fiction
I'm just here for a wank, don't bother with anything else

Current Results

Empty Shoes

Click all the stories that you would love there to be another part to, even if you just know it can't happen

Sneaking Off
Ryan and the Gringott
Unseen Solutions
Empty Shoes
The Challenge that is Tony - Missing You Already

Current Results

Sneaking Off

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

Ryan and the Gringott

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

Unseen Solutions

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

Empty Shoes

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

The Challenge that is Tony - Missing You Already

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

If there were further stories about this I'd read them
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

Writing Masterclass

Authors, How Useful | Readers, How Interesting is this Masterclass?
Vote for every answer you find appropriate
You may vote more than once

I'm an author - Very Useful
I'm an author - I learned some things
I'm an author - Interesting, but not useful for my work
I'm an author - I will contribute to this
As a reader - Wow, there's a lot to it
As a reader - I picked up a few things
As a reader - I am now thinking of writing
As a reader - a bit of a yawn, really
As a reader - I will contribute to this

Current Results


Click all the stories that you enjoyed

The Eye of the Storm
At the Edge of Forever
The Challenge that is Tony - Not Carrot Cake
The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street

Current Results

The Challenge that is Tony - Not Carrot Cake

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

At the Edge of Forever

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

The Eye of the Storm

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was true to the picture

Current Results

What the Hell is That?

So what do you think we should do?

Put everything back in the box, seal it up and bury it again
Offer the contents to the city museum
Get some idea of how much the contents might be worth and sell
Add some toys of my own with a note and then bury it again
Beats me. I just answer surveys without giving a real opinion!

Current Results


Click each tale which made you think, or made you pause, or created a picture of someone's desolation in your head

The Lottery of Ears and Necks
Making Love
Ships Sink
Crossing Jordan
Round Here
The Best Christmas
Killing Me Slowly
The Steven Roberts Stories - It Takes a Village
The Messenger of All Things
A Storm Named Zach

Current Results

The Lottery of Ears and Necks

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was sufficiently dark, but the recovery was missing something
It was not sufficiently dark, but the recovery was great
It was both sufficiently dark and had a great recovery

Current Results

Ships Sink

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was sufficiently dark, but the recovery was missing something
It was not sufficiently dark, but the recovery was great
It was both sufficiently dark and had a great recovery

Current Results

Making Love

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was sufficiently dark, but the recovery was missing something
It was not sufficiently dark, but the recovery was great
It was both sufficiently dark and had a great recovery

Current Results

Crossing Jordan

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was sufficiently dark, but the recovery was missing something
It was not sufficiently dark, but the recovery was great
It was both sufficiently dark and had a great recovery

Current Results

Round Here

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was sufficiently dark, but the recovery was missing something
It was not sufficiently dark, but the recovery was great
It was both sufficiently dark and had a great recovery

Current Results

Killing Me Slowly

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was sufficiently dark, but the recovery was missing something
It was not sufficiently dark, but the recovery was great
It was both sufficiently dark and had a great recovery

Current Results

The Best Christmas

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was sufficiently dark, but the recovery was missing something
It was not sufficiently dark, but the recovery was great
It was both sufficiently dark and had a great recovery

Current Results

The Steven Roberts Stories - It Takes a Village

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was sufficiently dark, but the recovery was missing something
It was not sufficiently dark, but the recovery was great
It was both sufficiently dark and had a great recovery

Current Results

The Messenger of All Things

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was sufficiently dark, but the recovery was missing something
It was not sufficiently dark, but the recovery was great
It was both sufficiently dark and had a great recovery

Current Results

A Storm Named Zach

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
It was sufficiently dark, but the recovery was missing something
It was not sufficiently dark, but the recovery was great
It was both sufficiently dark and had a great recovery

Current Results

Red Sky at Night, Schoolboys Take Fright

Dear reader, should James accept both invitations, or just one? Which one?

James should accept Colin's invitation
James should accept Ollie's invitation
Of course James should accept both invitations

Current Results

Non Consent Challenge

Which stories made you think hard about building a relationship where sexual consent is withheld?

Betting Against the Odds
Desire and Violence
Blowing Me, Blowing You - Aha!
No Way José
He Was
The Viking

Current Results

He Was

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I understood about lack of consent

Current Results

No Way José

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I understood about lack of consent

Current Results

Desire and Violence

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I understood about lack of consent

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I understood about lack of consent

Current Results

Betting Against the Odds

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I understood about lack of consent

Current Results

Blowing Me, Blowing You - Aha!

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I understood about lack of consent

Current Results

The Viking

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I understood about lack of consent

Current Results

Light and Shade Challenge

Please tick all tales which left you wanting more

The Pick of the Bunch
By Any Other Name

Current Results

The Pick of the Bunch

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

By Any Other Name

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

The First Cuckold of Summer?

Please tick all tales which left you wanting more

The Challenge That Is Tony - Sam
The Party of the Third Part
The Jock

Current Results

The Challenge That is Tony - Sam

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

The Party of the Third Part

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

The Jock

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

Scouting for Boys

Please tick all tales which left you wanting more

The Challenge That Is Tony - More Trouble with Shorts
My Vacation in Slovakia
Swallows and Swifts, Wrens and Sparrows
And the Band Played On
The Wayfarer Boy

Current Results

The Challenge That Is Tony - More Trouble with Shorts

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

My Vacation in Slovakia

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

Swallows and Swifts, Wrens and Sparrows

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

And the Band Played On

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

The Wayfarer Boy

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

I will seek this author's work out
It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author

Current Results

Picture challenges

Boys? Geneal views? Something special? What kind of trigger do our writing challenges need for you to enjoy writing a story? [Tick as many as you need]

I need there to be a boy or the hint of a boy in the picture
I much prefer boys, or any personnel to be absent
I like weird things. The Empty Shoes picture was a good example
A good view, a house, a beach, a townscape, a wood
I'll describe what I need in a reply to this thread

Current Results

By Any Other Name

Enjoy one, some, all? Tick all you enjoyed

Sunnybanks Revisited
We Are In Love!
In The Picture
Spot the 'Phobe

Current Results

Sunnybanks Revisited

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

We Are In Love!

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

In The Picture

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Spot the 'Phobe

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

I Want to Hold Your Hand

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results


Enjoy one, some, all? Tick all you enjoyed

Rupie and Barabbas
Socks, Friends, and Lovers
The Stolen Dream
Simon's Socks

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Rupie and Barabbas

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Socks, Friends, and Lovers

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Stolen Dream

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Simon's Socks

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Sofa Skater

Skated away, or sat on the sofa? Tick all you enjoyed

Video Learning
Jan en de Winkelwagen
Flamer Skater
Love on the Half Pipe

Current Results

Video Learning

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Jan en de Winkelwagen

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Flamer Skater

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Love on the Half Pipe

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Pick Me!

I picked them all! Tick all you picked!

Lockdown Blue
The Komsomol
The Strangest But Best Year of my Life
Summer Camp

Current Results

Lockdown Blue

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Komsomol

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Strangest But Best Year of my Life

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Summer Camp

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Home Alone

Did you want to be home alone? Tick all that moved you

Home Alone
I'm Home Alone
A Winning Losing Word

Current Results

Home Alone

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

I'm Home Alone

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

A Winning Losing Word

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Not Here

Only two this time, did you like them?

Ike and Mike, Both Alike
Every Picture……

Current Results

Ike and Mike, Both Alike

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Every Picture……

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Only Way is Up!

Please tick all that are inthe spirit of the picture

Enough Rope
Learning the Ropes
Right Up to London
The New Broom

Current Results

The New Broom

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Learning the Ropes

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Enough Rope

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Right Up to London

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Supreme Confidence

Please tick all that surprised you

Game Set and Match
If They Took That Shot Again
The Best Day of My Life
Best Friends and More

Current Results

Game Set and Match

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

If They Took That Shot Again

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Best Day of My Life

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Best Friends and More

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

of Books and Covers

Which tales created a picture in your mind?

The Soft Touch
The Pretenbders
The Boy in the Striped Socks
There but......
A Rainbow for Jack

Current Results

The Soft Touch

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Pretenders

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Boy in the Striped Socks

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

There but......

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

A Rainbow for Jack

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

a Walk in the Country


Rough Country
Perils of Youth
La Tombola
The Incident on Froggatt Edge

Current Results

The Incident on Froggatt Edge

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

La Tombola

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Perils of Youth

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Rough Country

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

A Grand Day Out

True to the challenge title?

Costume Design
The Caped-Crusader Caper
Say Cheese

Current Results

Say Cheese

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Caped-Crusader Caper

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Costume Design

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Going Out

Did you like it?

A Spark in Marks
The Unspoken Code

Current Results

The Unspoken Code

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

A Spark in Marks

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Note

Did you like it?

The Twist
The Note
Not What I'd Hoped for - But Better
Gaymer Boy

Current Results

Gaymer Boy

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Twist

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Not What I'd Hoped for - But Better

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Note

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Corvus Puer

Did this work for you?

Genus Corvidae

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Genus Corvidae

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Crashing Bore (note that one tale has this as its name, too)

Did this tale do the picture justice?

Rock, Paper, Scissors
A Blushing Summer
Crashing Bore
Stairway to Heaven
Love By Omission
The Accident

Current Results

Rock, Paper, Scissors

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

A Blushing Summer

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Crashing Bore

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Stairway to Heaven

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Love By Omission

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Accident

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Things Are Looking Up!

The hope was that readers would understand that disability was another facet of normality. Please tick the stories that helped that understanding

Corridor Skittles
Best Wheel Forward
What I have to be thankful for…

Current Results

Corridor Skittles

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Best Wheel Forward

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

What I have to be thankful for…

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Colour Me Pastel

Did you enjoy the tale?

The Boy on the Pedestal
It Should Wash Off

Current Results

The Boy on the Pedestal

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

It Should Wash Off

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

About Number Seven...

Did you enjoy the tale?

My Best Friend is Gay
Sieben X Sechs

Current Results

My Best Friend is Gay

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Sieben X Sechs

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results


Did you enjoy the tale?

Like Father, Like Son
Merkin is Missing

Current Results

Like Father, Like Son

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Merkin is Missing

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Wet Day

Did you enjoy the tale?

Breathe Now
With A Little Help From Zeus
Jealous Much?
Stormy Weather

Current Results

Breathe Now

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

With A Little Help From Zeus

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Jealous Much?

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Stormy Weather

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results


Did you enjoy the tale?

Boarding with Friends
Picking up the Pieces
A Close Shave

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Boarding with Friends

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

A Close Shave

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Picking up the Pieces

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Captains Obvious

Did you enjoy the tale?

I'm With Stupid
Leave No Doubt

Current Results

I'm With Stupid

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Leave No Doubt

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results


Did you enjoy the tale?

The New Boy
Dogma WIth Shorts
For I Have Sinned

Current Results

Dogma With Shorts

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The New Boy

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

For I Have Sinned

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Yin and Yang

Did you enjoy the tale?

The Kiss
An Email from Jakub Kowalski
We'll Figure It Out
Opposites Attract
Who's Marcus?
God I Hate Him, He's So Annoying
The Fires That Burn

Current Results

The Kiss

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

We'll Figure It Out

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

An Email from Jakub Kowalski

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Opposites Attract

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Fires That Burn

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Who's Marcus?

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

God I Hate Him, He's So Annoying

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

I'm Better Than You and I Know It

Did you enjoy the tale?

All the World's a Stage - (King Dick III)
The Sport of Kings
A Prince and His Pauper
Maybe You're not Better After all
Ebrich Full
The Play's The Thing

Current Results

All the World's a Stage - (King Dick III)

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Sport of Kings

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

A Prince and His Pauper

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Maybe You're not Better After all

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Ebrich Full

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

The Play's The Thing

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Locker 104

Did you enjoy the tale?

Locker Number 104
Summer Competition

Current Results

Summer Competition

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Locker Number 104

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results


You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results


Did you enjoy the tale?

What're You Waiting For?
Grandad Sees a Ghost
Poles Apart

Current Results

What're You Waiting For?

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Grandad Sees a Ghost

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results

Poles Apart

You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum

It grabbed my attention early on
I had to know what happened
I identified with at least one of the cast
Gritty - it had an edge to it
Realistic - it could have happened that way
I found it hard to follow
Good characterisation
I feel better for having read it
It was romantic
It was erotic
Too much explicit sex
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any
Not enough explicit sex
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author
I will seek this author's work out

Current Results