Poll: A Prince and His Pauper

A Prince and His Pauper
You may tick as many statements as you wish. Stories my also be discussed in detail on the Literary Merit forum [44 votes total]

It grabbed my attention early on (38)  86%
I had to know what happened (41)  93%
I identified with at least one of the cast (12)  27%
Gritty - it had an edge to it (22)  50%
Realistic - it could have happened that way (37)  84%
I found it hard to follow (0)  0%
Good characterisation (37)  84%
I feel better for having read it (23)  52%
It was romantic (25)  56%
It was erotic (1)  2%
Too much explicit sex (0)  0%
It had the right amount of sex, if there was any (24)  54%
Not enough explicit sex (5)  11%
I have read and enjoyed other work by this author (23)  52%
I will seek this author's work out (25)  56%


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