Poll: Men look sexiest.....

Men look sexiest.....
Men look sexiest wearing (choose up to 3 answers): [2129 votes total]

Nothing (naked) (1082)  50%
Speedos (894)  41%
Shorts (416)  19%
Topless (603)  28%
Trousers/Pants (82)  3%
Business Suit (127)  5%
Business Casual (78)  3%
School Uniform (role play) (150)  7%
In Drag (just clothes) (29)  1%
In Drag (Full Drag Queen) (22)  1%
Jeans and Wifebeater (261)  12%
Jeans and work shirt and boots (146)  6%
Tux/Dinner Jacket (116)  5%
Underwear (953)  44%
'Clubbing' outfit (81)  3%
Full National Dress (eg Kilts) (49)  2%
MIlitary Uniform (188)  8%


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