Poll: Stories I prefer

Stories I prefer
What type of stories do you prefer here? please tick all that apply [1405 votes total]

Romantic, implied sex (440)  31%
Romantic, explicit sex (748)  53%
Romantic, no sex (157)  11%
Short (self contained) stories (355)  25%
Series of themed stories (277)  19%
Serialised Novels (303)  21%
Full On Sex (643)  45%
Mysteries, gay is just a side issue (215)  15%
Adventure, gay is just a side issue (260)  18%
Happy Endings (487)  34%
Sad Endings (122)  8%
Feel like real life (513)  36%
May contain girls, too (243)  17%
If it contains a girl, no male/female sex! (210)  14%
I don't mind male/female sex (254)  18%
Teenagers as main cast (727)  51%
Age is immaterial (236)  16%
Genitals etc should be normal sized! (559)  39%


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