Poll: Sorting order for the list of Authors

Sorting order for the list of Authors
There is no perfect way. So far, except for the occasional error, the list of authors is intended to be in alpha order of surname, (if the name is two or more words) but not where the final word is not a surname (eg Angel Love, which seems to be a name in its own right), and in order of the single name, or the first part of the words where they do not appear to be a surname/forename combination. Complex or what? The question is, what order do you want? [44 votes total]

The current order suits me fine (26)  59%
Sort in alpha order of the forename (eg Michael Arram to be sorted under M not under A), then the surname if any (10)  22%
Treat the final element of a name as if it were a surname, (eg put Angel Love under L) (8)  18%


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