Poll: As a group, if we are a group, what are our characteristics?

As a group, if we are a group, what are our characteristics?
This is a simple, 2-dimensional survey into the characteristics that we may have in common. If you are simply a casual visitor and just wanted to register this, please tick the answer to the final question, and only that one. Otherwise please tick all that apply to you. ALL. There is no second go. [871 votes total]

1: Do you dislike being in large gatherings? (441)  50%
2: Do you enjoy large family celebrations (weddings, for example)? (262)  30%
3: Do you have just a few good friends? (641)  73%
4: Do you have a large circle of friends? (132)  15%
5: When a friend or relative is in hospital do you go to visit them eagerly? (330)  37%
6: Are you good in the art of casual conversation in a social situation? (291)  33%
7: Do you find that you are confident in a professional role? (497)  57%
8: Do you adopt an artificial persona when meeting new people? (196)  22%
9: Do you talk to and propose activities with your friends on a regular basis? (263)  30%
10: Are you very reticent about using the telephone for non-professional purposes? (253)  29%
11: Do you find it easier to express your feelings electronically (e-mail, IM) than 'in real life'? (361)  41%
12: Would you describe yourself as being shy? (463)  53%
13: Would others describe you as being shy? (232)  26%
14: Would you describe yourself as being habitually aggressive? (71)  8%
15: Would you describe yourself as being short-tempered? (184)  21%
16: Would you describe yourself as usually being capable? (583)  66%
17: Would you describe yourself as usually being confident at school/work? (511)  58%
18: Would you describe yourself as usually being confident among family/friends? (463)  53%
19: Would you describe yourself as introvert rather than extrovert? (469)  53%
20: Would you describe yourself as extrovert rather than introvert? (178)  20%
21: Would you describe yourself as being generous? (528)  60%
22: Would you describe yourself as being insecure? (399)  45%
23: Would you describe yourself as being resentful? (128)  14%
24: Would you describe yourself as being romantic? (458)  52%
25: Would you describe yourself as being selfish? (169)  19%
26: Have you suffered from clinically-diagnosed depression, either now or in the past? (189)  21%
27: Have you suffered from depression but not approached a doctor or therapist about it? (234)  26%
28: Have you ever physically harmed yourself in another way? (109)  12%
29: Have you ever attempted or considered suicide? (284)  32%
30: Have you ever had a clinically-diagnosed anxiety disorder (e.g. OCD, anorexia)? (63)  7%
31: Do you use, or have you used, obsessive or compulsive rituals as a coping strategy. (94)  10%
32: Did you or do you enjoy your time at school? (412)  47%
33: Have you ever been in a long-term sexual relationship with someone of the opposite sex? (276)  31%
34: Have you ever been in a long-term sexual relationship with someone of the same sex? (298)  34%
35: Does or did your mother seem to you to be the more dominant of your parents? (330)  37%
36: Is the male image of your sexual fantasies preferably blond? (241)  27%
37: Is the male image of your fantasies cleanshaven (facially)? (603)  69%
38: Are you comfortable undressing in the presence of others? (381)  43%
39: Do you believe yourself to be less attractive than friends would have you believe? (448)  51%
40: Do you behave according to the doctrine of a particular religion? (124)  14%
41: In your present daily life is any online forum essential? (92)  10%
42: In your present daily life is any online forum useful? (271)  31%
43: In your present daily life is any online forum unimportant? (185)  21%
44: Do you read the forum on this website? (164)  18%
45: Do you participate in the forum on this website? (57)  6%
46: Are you aged 16 or under? (55)  6%
47: Are you aged between 17 and 24? (155)  17%
48: Are you aged between 25 and 44? (160)  18%
49: Are you aged between 45 and 64? (296)  33%
50: Are you aged 65 or older? (98)  11%
51: I am just a casual visitor, I do not feel part of any group here and have only ticked this answer (133)  15%


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