Poll: Dating and Matching Sites

Dating and Matching Sites
Do you use, or have you ever looked at a dating service? If so what parts do you use. Quite a few questions, please take a little time to tick all that apply to you [452 votes total]

I use one (or more) now (112)  24%
I haven't used one yet (159)  35%
I will never use one (142)  31%
I don't pay but I use one or more (85)  18%
I'm happy to pay about $5US a month (20)  4%
I'd willingly pay up to $15US a month for a great service (19)  4%
Nothing handles gay guys well (43)  9%
I want to meet people with the same fetishes I have. Can't find a site to do it (41)  9%
I feel 'ghettoised' because I have to go to a gay site to find gay guys. (47)  10%
I use the net at work. Dating sites look bad on my screen (design, not the 'fact' of it) (7)  1%
I love dating sites. I meet people through them (30)  6%
Why can't all sites match all types of people? (39)  8%
I don't just care about sex etc. I want to search on (eg) religion too (36)  7%
I'm nervous about using one. I want to, but they all feel intimidating (63)  13%
They're pretty easy to use (60)  13%
I hate sites that want your money before you get to see the goods! (121)  26%
I hate ones that make you fill out pages and pages before you can register (125)  27%


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