Johnny Come Home

by Rafael Henry

Chapter 23

I'm trying to help Duncan.

I took Rickard round the headland to a small cove few get to. At low tide and for a limited period, it's viable to walk round on the lowtide line. There's a tiny sandy beach there which gets covered apart from two hours either side of low water. The wet sand dries firm and warm, ideal for a very private lie down. Johnny knows all about this place.

'Duncan doesn't have the best of things at the moment. He has to live with his grandmother for a start, apart from the holidays, and other events like coming here. He needs a large helping of TLC Rick. Do you know what that is?'

'Tender Loving Care?'

'Yes, and lots of it. Offer to do things with him. Anything. Everything if you want. Make him feel special, not a spare part. Try to touch him in little ways. A hand on his shoulder. Pay him a compliment. Tell him he's looking nice this morning. That kind of thing. He'll respond to the little things you can give him, and when he does respond to you, welcome him. Respond to him Richard. He likes you very much. You don't need to tell him how much you like someone else; this girlfriend of yours you're supposed to have. No more stories of what you get up to with her. He doesn't want to hear that. It just makes him feel unwanted. Am I getting through to you Rick?'

'Yes. I'm sorry. I want to try. I do.'

'Good. I'm going back this morning to fetch him from his granny's house in Truro. He's a bit worried about it. I'm going to tell him that he's still sharing with you. John's coming in with me. Your mum's off this afternoon with Sis for three days. Try to make Duncan feel loved. You are three lucky boys, you brothers. You've known love all your lives but not everyone has that kind of luck. All I'm asking is for you to make him feel needed, and loved just a little bit? Can you do that for us? All of us. He wants to please you too. Badly. Let him do little things for you. Ordinary things. Ask him. He'll love that. You'll be pleased with the result I'm certain. As soon as he arrives back with me, I'm handing him over to you. If you take care of him, he'll take care of you. I promise. Ok? By the way, there isn't a girlfriend is there?'

I knew there wasn't. I've heard all that rubbish before in my years at S. Endellions. Dormitory bragging about summer holidays in Spain, or wherever. Almost always unconvincing nonsense.

'We did fucking every day, loads of times. She begged me to do it again and again. She let me do things with her. The have tiny willy things, girls do. You have to rub them like we do.'

'Did you get inside her?' One boy asks with some enthusiasm.

'Yes, every time.'

'Did you squirt inside her?' another boy chimes in.

'Yes, every time. Loads of it.'

'Did she come too?'

'What? Girls don't come. Do they? I don't think they can. They're not like boys.'

So there you are. An experienced man of the world, that one. What a load of bollocks.

But Anna did that particular Thursday. I was shocked at the intensity of her feeling. No boy I had ever shared a wank with ever did anything like that. She shouted stuff out, like fill me up . In my mind, I was too busy filling Johnny up at the time. She had been playing hard with a thing that looked like a tiny boy's cock, the thing that boy was referring to. She made me feel it. It was hard like Sis sometimes is when I take his nappy off in the morning. Anna had explained the intimate workings of her body. Kissing was start of everything. I asked her what she did with that tiny penis thing. She told me that what she wanted most from a partner, with regard to that part of sexual anatomy. There was no way I was doing that. She smiled and told me very few men liked that. She went on playing and then she said she was ready. It took a while. I'd been thinking about a boy. That sexy Simon chappy. I was ready too. She held me and told me to gently push. It was that easy.

I doubt if Richard even held hands with this girl he talked about. Mind you, he is a very handsome boy who is going to get his way with the girls ultimately.

When Ricky and I stood up, mindful of the rising tide and the danger of being cut off, I gave him a very big, hard hug, my summer shorts against his. Underpants are just something else to be washed so we tend not to bother with them at the Hut. I think I've inspired Richard. I may have mentioned it before, but Richard has the most superior bottom, a little fuller than John's rather narrower version. Giving him a hug like this comes with a palm on Rick's bottom I'm afraid. He knows I admire him for this particular feature of his anatomy, and for his other responsive attributes. He knows I'm as queer as a coot and expects my attention to his personal physical details. We come tight together at the front which is nice, but there will be no hands involved. There never has been between us. The big thing was between his brother John, and me.

I can feel Rick's penis against mine. All this talk of loving kindness has fired the boy's imagination, thank goodness. The summer shorts we all wear allow for movement within, such as this moment. But a short yet meaningful kiss is allowable.

Richard takes a deep breath afterwards.

'Phew. You don't change do you Alex.'

'No, not if I can help it. I'll be back with Duncan about four at the latest. Then he's yours. Do let me know if you need anything? I have everything a boy might need.' I say, reassuringly. 'You just have to ask.'

'You mean what two boys might need?' He says, smiling.

Granny opened the front door and sent me upstairs to help Duncan pack a few things. Just the essentials. Oddly we wear underpants at night, rather than in the day. I always have done, ever since school. At least to start with.

'How many pairs Alex?' Duncan asks.

'All of them.' I answer. 'Take all of those ones. Not those. The ones you're holding. But not this morning. Too warm for those things. You can go without for now.'

Something nice for Richard to encounter when they are alone in bed tonight. Encounter, and then in the fullness of time, perhaps remove, thus revealing, and then enjoy loving and being loved in return. Well that's the theory anyway.

With the passenger seat right back as far as it would go, Duncan could stretch his legs out into the footwell showing me the whole length of them up to where his summer sporty shorts start; and end, and obviously sans underpants. He looks alarmingly accessible as he leans back, sliding his bottom forward a couple more inches. I need to concentrate on my driving but I can't resist a comment.

'How are things in there?' I say, ostentatiously looking down and sideways.

'In where?'

'In there Duncan.'

'In here?' He says, putting the tips of his fingers over the front of his white shorts.

'Yes. Everything ok?'

'Fine thanks.' He says, using his finger tips to hook up, through the thin semi-transparent material, the small piece of flesh so that it lay upperwards on his flat tummy.

I knew I shouldn't have broached the subject.

'Can I show you?'

I think his voice has lowered half an octave in the last month, but there's still no visual evidence of any dramatic change. But statistically speaking, it can't be long now.

As Duncan fiddles, all four fingers and now a thumb involved, he grows; and grows, and one of the two most intimate parts of a boy's body slowly emerges.

'Has Richard seen that Duncan?'

'I don't think so. I've seen his though.'

'Was that nice?'

'Umm, yes. He asked me if I minded if he did it.'

'And what did you say to that?'

'I said I didn't mind.'

'So did you watch?'

'He told me not to.'

'But you did?'

'Yes. Then he turned over and went to sleep. After he'd…… know.'

'No I don't know. What?'

As if I didn't know. At S. Endellions, boys would happily ejaculate into a sock, if they had nothing else to hand, as was often the case. Underpants were the first port of call for the sticky stuff. You won't find a pair of socks at the Hut.

'So has he seen you like that?' I said, gesturing my head towards the object in question.

'I'm not sure. Maybe. In the morning when I got up. It's always like that when I wake up.'

'I think he'd like to. He and I have had a talk Duncan. Richard has been a bit selfish. All that stuff about his girlfriend. I think you'll find him a little different when you see him next. He's a little upset that he may have given you the wrong idea Duncan. He likes you and he wants to show you he does. You won't reject him if he does, will you? There are some very nice ways he can show you. If he put his arm around your back, what could you do in return?'

'Put mine around his?'

'Exactly. And if he wanted a cuddle?'

'We could?'

'Yes. But it would help if we could talk right now about a couple of things. Things you might know about? Or not know about. Things you might not like? Things you would like but haven't done before? Can we talk about this Duncan? Before we get to the Hut?'

'Can we stop somewhere Alex?' Duncan asks, pulling up his shorts. The image of a boy, hard in his tiny white shorts, reminded me of Simon Perret that warm afternoon after games, five years ago.

'Will you stroke my back please Alex?'

'Like this?'

'No, inside my shirt.'

All over his bare warm skin. Sitting became lying. Simon lay down on his back as I stroked his tummy and chest. I asked his permission and he agreed. It was just something he wanted at that moment. I've found that us boys are like that. We just get that horny feeling and go off and satisfy that itch. If someone else is in the same boat, so to speak, so much the better. You do it together.

It meant nothing to him. Just a simple pleasure I could provide him with, and did. But I wanted more. Much more than that. It was my intrusion as his body tried its best to ejaculate but couldn't. I knew where to best feel the boy's internal pump pumping away. The tip of my middle finger barely intruding felt it. He did orgasm but we never spoke of it again. I thought, in my naivete, that he would like it, but he obviously didn't. Shame. We could have had a lot of fun together. A few little drops on golden skin. They should have been mine.

Duncan has never had sex. Not what I would call sex anyway, which is by no means all the physical stuff. No, for me it's so much more than that. The physical pleasure comes last, but the best of it comes before that, and after. Perhaps long afterwards. I tried to explain it all to Duncan. Leave the physical stuff to last. I tried, for a good half-hour in that layby, to explain the meaning of foreplay and how meaningful it can be. How important it is to wait. I was careful to speak in general terms and not in the context of his reappearance at the Hut. Romance in general, and definitely not what he could expect in the next few hours.

I have already told Richard how to treat Duncan properly, and what could very well work for both of them. Ricky listened to me and I'm sure he's taken it all 'onboard' as they say.

'What I've told you Richard. Does that excite you? Just a little bit maybe?'

'Yes Alex.'

'I thought it might. Is it showing?'

He showed me, and it is.

For the last fifteen minutes of the drive, Duncan was quiet, no doubt psyching himself up for the reunion, after just a few short days away. A few short days during which he had time to think about his life and what in the next week or so, he wanted from it. At his age he is ready for new experiences. Puberty was an adventure for me; something to celebrate rather than endure. And so it will be for Duncan I'm sure. Romance might be found around every corner, big boys to admire on the cricket field in their whites, underwear clearly visible through semi-transparent material to excite him, and perspiring glances that would linger in the memory until bedtime, and beyond.

Lucky Richard I thought, if Duncan and he can catch fire together. With just a few minutes to go to our arrival at the Hut, I'm both excited and nervous, just as Duncan surely is too?

I parked the mini in our usual unofficial layby where it hopefully won't be noticed and broken in to, I grabbed Duncan's rucksack containing all his essentials; no socks, a few pairs of pants for sleeping in, a couple of plain white tee shirts, a brief emerald green swimsuit, and a tooth brush. I suppose we live like savages really, with scant regard for the pristine. But rest assured, we are clean. We have strict rules about personal hygiene. Oh yes. No dirty bottoms in this place.

It was my first conscious memory of a what I later realized was a very early sexual experience for me. It had, I can assure you, nothing to do with my mother, but just the sheer sexual pleasure of it all which rapidly induced penis to enlarge and stiffen rock hard as I squeezed it painfully.

'Mummy. Why does it go like this.'

I don't remember any specific answer to my question. She probably didn't know why such a young lad got an erection. I had, according to our GP, a very sensitive anus.

She was never to use common soap, but always 'clean' me with the white non-irritant and soothing cream on a my delicate tissue. In due time it was a task I would of course do for myself. I looked down to see my penis fill and rise until it was completely hard. I know I delighted in the feeling of a finger up there, and how good it felt, and no more sore bottoms into the bargain. A win win indeed! The boy's name was Daniel. We were playing up in my bedroom when he broached the subject of sex. We talked about what we thought boys did together for a few minutes and then decided to give it a go. The best way was to put your penis, having got it 'up' first, into your partner's bottom. I thought of the cream mum used, and now me, to oil the wheels after Daniel's failure to penetrate me. His hard little pecker just would not go in. Kissing first would definitely help the process. Daniel would try first, with me underneath and holding my legs back. I wondered if his penis would feel anything like my finger did. Drenched with his and my spittle plus the cream, Daniel eventually slides into me, as far as he can get. After a minute or so, my penis is hard, and I'm enjoying the sensation of being rubbed up within. I look up into my friend's eyes and see them closing. I love the look of the boy as he makes love to me. I start to make the kind of encouraging noises I want to make, designed to make Daniel push harder and faster still, breathing loudly and deeper. And then he stops, opens his eyes and smiles down at me. Up on his knees between my legs, he examines his penis, squeezing it from base to tip, until a clear sticky bead of something I know nothing about appears.

'What's that Dan?'

'My stuff. Do you get it yet?'

Answer, no I don't, but I'm not telling him. But to my delight when Daniel examines me, there is a similar clear sticky bead emerging. The trick was to squeeze hard from the base right to the tip, something I hadn't done before. Good news!

Next question from Dan…….'Shall we play draughts Alex?' Once done, a boy's mind quickly drifts on to other matters. But not for long. Mother nature has a way of re-focussing us in just a few short minutes. This time it was kissing again, but not on our mouths. Again I was the guinea pig with Daniel doing all the work but not getting 'the feeling' as we tended to call it. I got it this time, for the first time ever, and let me tell you, it was good. Very good. We knew we had been very naughty!

My mother appeared in the door soon after.

'Are you boys alright? You've been very quiet up here. I've made a jug of squash for you.'

The next morning, quite early and sitting on the loo for a while, I heard the front door close and I knew my father had left for the station and the office. I shouted down through the open door of the lavatory.

'I've finished mum.'

She didn't come up, but told me to get on with what I knew I needed to do to get clean. I realised how much I enjoyed the sensation of my own hand doing what I had been taught to do. A very enlightened mother. It has always been a matter of pride that I very rarely fail to put unmarked undies in the washing machine. I can recommend the process to anyone who has had that trouble.

I could see Quintus in the shower from where I was on the bed. How on earth would that thing fit inside me? I knew it would if I tried hard enough. A boy's anus in the normal course of events, has to stretch wide enough to excrete, and so it would stretch wide again as a large object gradually penetrated it going in the opposite direction. It was perfectly logical. I knew it might be uncomfortable, at least to start with, but it was something I need not concern myself with unduly. Anyway, I must put Quintus's needs first, and his carnal desires upon me. It is my desire and duty to perform to the best of my ability.

Parked now, I took Duncan's hand as we picked our way down the narrow pathway to the Hut, unable to avoid the sharp thorns on the brambles, the black berries forming nicely now. Another month and we'll be picking them with black stained inky fingers. Looking ahead through the undergrowth, we see the shape of the Hut against the glow of the sunlit sand, mostly uncovered by the falling tide. It's a joy to feel his soft hand in mine, and truly romantic. With just trainers on his feet, and bare chested, I can't resist an encroachment. It was just my finger tips between his bare flesh and the waistband of his white shorts. Duncan stops as he feels the intrusion.

'That's nice Alex.'

'Is it?'



'It makes me think about things.'

'What things?'

'I don't know. Just things.' He says, looking up at me, with those eyes.

When we arrive at the Hut, Richard is lying on a plain pale blue towel on the decking. John shouts to him.

'They're here Rick.'

Rick stands up, the waistband of his shorts rolled over several times to expose as much of his tummy and legs to the sun as possible, the rest hitched up tight into his groin. Anna would never allow him to look like that in public, but here? His tan has deepened one shade as he smiles at us. Then he runs towards Duncan, his arms around his shoulders. Go on Duncan!

It's a seminal moment. Duncan responds by placing his arms around Richard's middle.

'Can I help Duncan put his things away please?' He asks quietly, Duncan standing by him, holding the rucksack.

The two boys are gone.

'They've been in there ages Alex.' Observes John, lying on their beach towel next to Alex.

'They need to catch up a bit away from us John. Leave them be.'

'Let sleeping dogs lie then?'

'I'm not sure they're sleeping just yet. Chatting more likely.'

John laughs.

'I'm going to do a shorts wash when they finally emerge from their conference. Mine are just about stand up on their own. Yours look a bit grubby too Alex.'

'What's this then? Trying to turn this place into a mini nudist colony?'

'Mini? Are you thinking of Duncan?'

'That's unkind John. Small is beautiful. Anyway he's not.'

'Oh? So you're well informed are you?'

'I just happen to know, that's all. He's modelled for me.'

'And you for him I heard.'

'A side line John, and it's not just him. Two life classes. The pay is rubbish for what I do at that place. Anyway I enjoy it.'

'Exhibitionist that you are.'

Actually I'm not. Just an aesthete.'

'All art and beauty then?'

'Quite. You're a Philistine John.'

When Duncan and Rick finally emerged from their bedroom. John announced the shorts wash.

'You needn't Duncan. You look clean enough. I'll have yours please Richard.'

Richard did as he was told, as did I. John was already naked as naked gets.

'Sorry Duncan. It's a mad house here.' I said, aware of Duncan's potential embarrassment.

'That's not fair.' Chirps up Richard, and gesturing in Duncan's direction. 'He should be too. Come on Duncan.'

There's a silence for a few moments to see how Duncan reacts to Richards smiling challenge. And then it's thumbs in, and down they come.

'Oh well done Duncan! You're a star.' Exclaims John.

It's only for a few seconds, but Duncan has passed the test as he stands nude before us. We all look, needless to say. Everybody looks at a new boy, naked for the first time. Richard has left his boyhood behind now, just. Duncan has yet to leave that stage. How nice it is to have someone around to remind us what we all looked like not so long ago. I never looked quite like that, having been deprived of a foreskin at an early age. Despite my later questions on the subject, I never received a satisfactory answer. I've heard that I have a reduced sensitivity when it comes to my orgasms, not that I've ever be able to compare. Oh well. There's not much I can do about it now. Anyway it might not be true. I hope not. Fancy being cheated of extra sexual sensation by a flashing blade!

I made a light and rather late salad lunch before the two boys spread themselves out on the other huge beach towel to enjoy the warm sunshine on their bodies. All our nakedness is now the norm, and natural. John and I sit in our wicker chairs admiring our new arrival, his legs laid out straight before us. I'm wondering how long it will be before he raises his knees again.

I didn't have to wait long. This time the knees drift wider apart.

With John just inches to my left, I nudge his knee with my hand. Looking sideways I can see his eyebrows raised, and a faint smile on his face. The knees drift wider still as the boy rests his hands on his tummy.

'Now there's a sight for sore eyes Alex?' John whispers, sideways.

'I can just recall my sore eyes John. Remember? Who gets to see that now? When are you going to tell me?'

'None of your business Alex.'

Richard turns over onto his tummy, and then Duncan copies him, a left foot touching the other's right foot, one face turned towards the other. Then there's an annoying tickle into Duncan's ribs from Ricky. Bodies move awkwardly. A hand comes to rest on Duncan's back, quite low down. It's a soothing hand. A gesture of affection? The hand moves lower until it rests on one pale cheek, then lower still on the back of the boy's thigh. The hand moves up to Duncan's lower back, and is still there. I'm wondering how Duncan is feeling at this moment. I know how I'm feeling. Two lucky boys.

Richard turns onto his side, whispering words into Duncan's ear.

'Your brother has come on John, don't you think?' I say quietly.

'It's called growing up Alex.'

'That's the thing about our male bodies. They advertise our thought processes rather.'

'There's no hiding place is there?'

'No. So what are your thought processes just now?'

'Time those boys got some exercise. See if the clothes are dry yet. We could send them off for a walk?'

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