Johnny Come Home

by Rafael Henry

Chapter 22

After I had explained everything to Duncan, he understood. I explained to him what I was then, at his age, and what I still am and what I always will be, and what I naturally would like to do but cannot. I never had such a conversation with Quintus Beer. I should have done.

I looked down at Duncan. His breathing has slowed now as I feel the heat on his forehead, his eyes wide and searching.

I remember Quintus now, as he pushes his fingers through my matted hair, looking down at me, smiling.

'Have you been somewhere special Alex?'

'Yes, very special.' I said.

'I can't feel your skin Alex?' Says Duncan as he turns to be closer to me.

I pulled my tee shirt up and over my head.

'Is that better?'

'Yes.' He says running his hand over my bare shoulder.

We had heard the front door close behind Duncan's grandmother. She shouted up to tell us she was going out for half an hour.

'No one can hear us now.' Says Duncan in that pre-pubertal husky voice of his.

'Hear what Duncan?'

He begins to fiddle with the fastening of my shorts.

'Is this a good idea Duncan?'

'Yes. It's not fair like this.'

'Now it's fair.' He says, having succeeded in his objective.

'So tell me about Richard. You managed to get some sleep then? You two in the same bed?'

'Yes. He told me about his girlfriend. Things they did together.'

'Did you like hearing about that?'

'No, not really. He's nice though. He asked me if I liked girls. I said I didn't really care about them. Then he said I probably will like them, but maybe not just yet. He said he liked being in bed with me. We held hands. He showed me how to kiss properly. He said I would need to know one day.'

'Did you like that?'

'Yes. He said I was probably in a phase at the moment.

'What phase Richard?'

'Oh, being with boys. You know, not liking girls. I think that's me. It's quite fun though. He asked me if I wanted to feel him. All over his body.'

'And what did you say to that Duncan?'

'I said I did want to, if he wanted me to. I could pretend to be his girlfriend.'

'And was that nice?'


'And then what happened?'

Quintus felt my body. He felt my shoulders and my back, my neck and all round my face, and pushed his fingers through my hair. I had my eyes shut all the time, waiting. I just kept on waiting. Surely he will soon?

I wanted Duncan to tell me more. I'm nosey like that. Boy stories. Boys with boys.

'I knew what Richard was doing. He was playing with it. I watched his face. He held my hand and squeezed it really hard. Then he let it go. He turned over and let me lie against his back. I could taste the sea salt on his neck. He let me feel him.'

'And in the morning? Who woke up first?'

'He did. He woke me up.'

'Gently I hope?'

'Yes. It was nice.'

'The way he did it?'


'Did you kiss some more?'

'Yes, lots.'

'He has a lovely mouth doesn't he?'

'Yes. He said there are different kinds of kissing.'

'Did he show you what they were?'


'Did you like that?'

'Yes. Can I show you now? You don't have to do anything.'

'That's a lovely idea Duncan but perhaps not right now. Your granny will be back soon. She's responsible for you while you're here. It wouldn't be fair. I'm eighteen now. In a way I'm responsible for you too.'

'Surely kissing won't hurt me?'

'No, if that's all it is.'

As we all know, us who love kissing mouths, it wouldn't end there. That's why Quintus never kissed me on my mouth I suppose. He had every opportunity to do so but he never did.

'A cuddle then? Just for a minute?' Duncan pleads with his eyes.

Ok, just for a minute.

He rolls on top of me, next to me if that makes sense. His and mine side by side. What a wonderful feeling. And then he starts moving. Moving against me, my arms around his back. Lower back now, and now lower still as I can feel the silky material stretched tight around the globe like forms, and between them. I remember the first time with Johnny, in a situation just like this one. But then we were not far off the same age, less than three years difference? Too much most would argue, too big a difference to be doing that kind of thing together?

Maybe. I admit, this is a different situation.

Duncan whispers a new demand, softly in my ear. The feel of the boy's warm virgin skin.

'May I show you?'

Absolutely you can show me.

No further warning or discussion as Duncan rolls onto his back beside me. It won't be the first time I've seen him and others just like him. If he's in the mood as I think he is, it will be an event worth watching. Let's see.

'How are you feeling Duncan. A bit sexy?'

He nods smiling.

'So what are you going to do about that then?'

'Can I?'

'Do you mean; may I?' I said, the pedant that I am, and about to see Duncan the way I would prefer to see him.


'Go on then. Do you mind if I stay with you?'

'No. I want you to watch me.'

Curious that. It's not what he's doing because I've watched boys do it enough times to know what happens. S. Endellions.

He's perfectly formed, this one and I'm not touching anything.

Three or four minutes go by so a little frustration is creeping in.

'It won't Alex. I can't.'

'Yes you can.'

'Will you help me?'

I always wanted someone else involved. Right from the beginning at S. Endellions, it was a case of take your partners.

You can work wonders with the tips of your fingers in all the right places, and if you're bold, you can find out if a boy likes, or will like at some time in his future, something extra.

I knew I was doing the right thing, long light strokes from the knee upwards along the inner thighs right up to where Duncan's legs meet. When I put my nose in his hair, his face turns so that I can meet his mouth. We kiss nicely until he's too breathless to continue that delightful meeting of wriggling tongues and the boy pulls away. The process is nearing its end for Duncan. One last interference from me will tell me something I'd like to know. If he doesn't like it, I'll be told. Just like Simon Perret told me.

What sweet pleasure for Duncan. There he goes, with a sharp intake of breath, exhaled. And now he's up there, flying high in the sky.

Now I need that thumb of yours Duncan.

He's breathing deeply now, his eyes wide open, and unaware of my deed. I've taken his hand and kissed it, and eased the boy's thumb into my mouth, gently stroking it with my tongue. It's just another way to please him, and me. Such a sweet sensation.

With his grandmother due back any minute, I helped Duncan get dressed, always a delightful operation. He's one of those boys like me. It stays with you.

'It feels like it's still there Alex?'

'Not quite all gone?'

'No. It feels like it's still there. A bit tingly.'

I know that feeling well enough. Ah, the intensity of puberty.

Granny didn't comment even if she had noticed. Duncan had told me she had given birth to five children so she would know all about boys and men, and all their nasty habits.

I looked at Duncan in his summer shorts and the neat arrangement underneath, pressed flat and contained, and still loaded with potential. He had offered his thumb to me again, with that knowing smile. You're not as innocent as you want me think, are you Duncan?

I popped the question to Duncan in front of Elspeth, his grandmother.

'How would you feel about coming back to the Hut for another week Duncan?'

His eyes lit up as he looked at Elspeth. It's a no-brainer as far as both of them are concerned. Then he looks back at me. There are questions in his eyes and I'm guessing what they are. The same arrangements?

I know that Johnny and Richard's mother, Anna, would like a few days to be back at home. Eustace, aka Sis, has a developmental appointment with the doctor, which Anna doesn't want to miss. It's a question of whether I can be left with the boys, plus the added responsibility of Duncan, not that his people seem to be remotely bothered about him. Thank goodness for Granny Elspeth.

I used my master key to get into the Head's study, having first reported my presence to the on-site manager. Dr Simpson is currently away at a summer conference in Cheltenham, so I'm assured. Good. He better had be, therefore no chance of any interference while I indulge in a bit more serious digging into matters that don't concern me. It's astonishing, at least to me, that I have this kind of access to some very confidential information contained within the Head Man's little empire up on the first floor of the rather elegant Edwardian building. It's a measure of how desperate they are to have someone with sophisticated IT skills readily to hand I suppose, and due to my age and lack of experience [they think], very cheap to run.

So here I am sitting at the deep cherry coloured upholstered armchair that can rotate three hundred and sixty degrees, with everything on his system at the touch of a button. Apart from mending the simple glitch on his stand-alone PC, which is why I've come in during the holidays, I have the run of his machine. So let's have another look.

The glitch disappeared simply by enacting the system restore application. Twenty minutes hard labour that was. Or rather wasn't.

I know there have been some resignations last term which is awkward for the school in that replacement staff need to be found, and able to start work after Christmas. An awkward moment. The advert went into the Times Educational Supplement in June. I don't even have to get into one of the desk drawers to read all the application letters. I know that Hillary, the Head of Art, has asked for a technician-cum-artist in residence, so I'm going to start with those hopeful missives first.

The first six look very run of the mill to me, and then I picked up the seventh application letter, all three pages of it. To say that my blood ran cold, and then hot, is putting it mildly. At the top of the first page above the 'Dear Dr Simpson' bit, the Head had written; Request references .

My heart pounded away for at least five minutes before I was organized in my head enough to keep delving into places I shouldn't. The confidential info regarding current boys is always worth a read. There's the usual stealing incidents and Robin got found out. Some bullying has been dealt with 'very firmly'; my arse. A couple of nasty altercations between staff members sounded most unpleasant. One of the ancillary staff has been sacked for an indiscretion with a gardener. Nothing unusual in that. If it's the gardener I've noticed, I wouldn't say no to an indiscretion with him myself. He's all blond and beautiful, or a 'hunk', as Johnny would say. I don't remember him ever referring to me as a hunk, the ungrateful boy. After all I've done for him!

Next up, the collection of CD Roms. They're all labelled, most of them photo collections, Sports Days, Prize Givings and so on. I go on sifting through the pile and find one which has the title blacked out with a marker pen, and a red dot in the corner of the square white paper envelope. I undo one end and out comes the disk. Looking at the blacked-out title, I can just make out the writing underneath. Year Seven Summer camp 1984. That might be of interest. Let's have a look shall we?

Dr Simpson has four children, three girls and one rather delightful boy, it must be said, not that that means anything. But my guess is that the disk has been confiscated. All those fun activities the boys indulge in on their week-long camp. Such diversity, swimming in the lake, playing cowboys and Indians, and quite right too, why bother with clothes? After the first few hours, the boys don't notice Mr Whoever he is, or probably was, going around with his camera, recording the moments. Some of the more intimate shots are really rather lovely. One boy in particular seems to have caught our photographer's eye, and doesn't the boy know it? The little show-off. The boy poses for the camera, laughing and pulling at his foreskin alarmingly. And then……cut! There's another boy, very cute, emerging from his tent, naked with the most charming erection. He's surprised to see the camera pointing at him, as a hand instantly moves to cover himself. There's plenty more. Six boys swimming in the lake? All rather lovely.

I thought I'd check out the photo 'Gallery'. Well done Dr Simpson, nothing untoward there, but now I do know a lot more about Julian, his youngest, and his best friend playing in the paddling pool. Does this spying activity engender guilty feelings deep down inside me? Yes it does rather. The trouble is that I have this dark need to know .

I'm re-reading the application letter. Is it the same person? A certain person? It looks like it. In a couple of weeks there should be references pinned to the letter. That I have to see. In the meantime, Duncan has the all-clear to come back down to the Hut, but I need to talk to Richard about the sleeping arrangements. With Anna and Sis gone home for a week, that leaves me in charge of Richard and Johnny, and Duncan, and two double beds at our disposal.

I'm tempted to steal the interesting CD with all its very sexy contents, but that might put a cat amongst the pigeons, so better put it back where you found it Alex. Julian was one of the boys on the Camp. Perhaps he mentioned all the camera pointing to his father?

'He took tons of photos of us Daddy.'

'Oh? Did he? What were you doing…….exactly?'

'We had nothing on most of the time Daddy. It was massive fun.'

I bet it was!

Something like that might have alerted Dr Simpson, and then he had a quiet word with Mr Whoever-it-was who was the over-keen photographer. All those naked boys?

'I'll need the CD I'm afraid. Can't have anything like that floating around the place. By the end of the day please, if not sooner.' Demands the Head Man.

Maybe Hillary knows something about this.

I took Richard for a long walk on the beach, essentially to discuss his friendship with Duncan. I'm undecided about one thing. Maybe the two brothers, John and Richard, should share one double, which they would be well used to. That would leave Duncan with me in the other room. On the other hand, the status quo should be kept, with Richard a little more informed as to his duty towards his friend. That would leave me to find out what's going on in John's sex life. That's the thing about our Johnny, he will be having a sex life.

'Duncan tells me most things Richard.' I say, getting hold of Richard's hand again. 'She seems a nice girl you've found?'

'She's ok.'

'And Duncan? He's ok too?'

'Yes. But I'm supposed to be moving on now Alex.'

'Do you want to?'

'Want to what?'

'Move on. You're being very nice with Duncan. He really likes you. It's a shame to waste your time together Richard. It might not come again. Shall I ask Duncan if he'd prefer to share with me, while Anna's away with Sis?'

'No, don't do that.'

'Good. There's an old saying, make hay while the sun shines. I think you might have underestimated Duncan rather. You're both here to enjoy life for heaven's sake. Forget the pyjama's and give him a cuddle. Your girlfriend will still be there when you get home to her. Duncan's not some dry old stick you know.'

I thought I'd chuck that one in, just to see Rick's reaction. It was exactly as I expected, as he rises to the bait. Just ordinary bait to him, but jailbait for me.

'Dry old stick? Isn't he?'

'No, as a matter of fact.'

'How do you know that?'

'A little bird told me.'

I let that sink in, waiting for Rick's next question.

'So will I be in with my brother?'

'Not necessarily. Who would you like to be with, apart from me?'

'You? That means Duncan would be in with Johnny. That wouldn't be right surely?'

'So what would be right for the both of you?'

Silly question. I thought he'd come around to my way of thinking. All you have to do is make Rick think it was his idea. So simple a being is he. Excellent. This, if I'm not misjudging those two, will be lift off in the spare bedroom. In the meantime I can get to the bottom, in a manner of speaking, of Johnny's current mystery boyfriend.

With Anna still at the Hut for one more night, I could go home. I wanted to look at the CD I had copied from the one I found in the Head's desk drawer. There were three hundred plus images on it, most of which I hadn't seen when I was in his study snooping. Some images were ninety second movie clips, shot when the boys concerned were not looking. I'm ashamed to say that I masturbated twice that night, inspired by what I saw. It was profoundly pleasurable. Instantly inspired, I wasn't prepared. I've had that problem before and it's very awkward! We never worried about such niceties at S. Endellions. We didn't care where it went. If you felt like doing it, you just did it. If it was at the back of the class, fine. Trouser pockets go into holes at some point which gives you better access, and as I said, if and when you come, you can forget about it. No visible damage done.

I need to see Hillary asap to ask a couple of questions, without divulging my sources, of course. One or two dots are beginning to join up. The plot thickens!

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