Johnny Come Home

by Rafael Henry

Chapter 24

'Why don't you two take yourselves off for a walk? Or a swim?'

The boys look at each other.

'Do you want to Duncan?' Asks Richy, allowing himself an unconscious grab at his nethers. 'We could go around the Point to Scatho? It's more interesting there.'

So off they go, after some firm instructions with regard to tide times. If they were late coming back and the tide was up, they'd have a long walk up and along the cliff path to get back to the Hut. With the boys gone in bare feet and just in their newly washed shorts, un-ironed and looking like they'd shrunk an inch or two, Alex was left with John.

'He's so deliciously smooth Alex. And those round eyes. I'm assuming he's still intactus ?'

'Oh yes, but someone is going to have the pleasure soon. He's at that waiting for the right moment stage.'


'Possibly, if his time is up. He'll know when it's up.'

'He certainly will, if it's Ricardo. He won't take any prisoners. Not with that weapon of his.'

'That's bloody crude John.'

'Yes, sorry to injure your moral code Alex.'

I can't imagine it would come to that. But perhaps Duncan is 'another me', with all my tendencies in that direction?

John asks 'Did you notice? Earlier, on the towel? A little bronze eye looking at us?'

'Thus far denied to all comers. Indeed I did notice. Does Richard have the wherewithal, should the need arise?'

'I assume so. I haven't slept with him for a couple of years now. One grows out of doing naughty things with one's brother. We made do with saliva and olive oil as I recall. Just right for a slim Jim.'

'I don't think that will suffice with John. And remember I've not ever had a little brother to educate. Lucky you.'

'So you picked on me then?'

'I don't remember you complaining?'

'I wouldn't. Not in my nature.'

'Not even now?'

'Not even now. I imagine our little angels will be ages?'

'What about your mystery man? Don't tell me it's the new matron? Not a maths teacher? I couldn't bear that.'

'Oh God forbid! Anyway, that's irrelevant. Sometimes one can try to relive the past?'

'Oh gosh. Are you feeling…….like that?'

'A bit it has to be said. Boys will be boys and all that.'

'When last may I ask?'

'Oh long ago.'

'I've just had my lunch John. Spare me please.'

'I'm not asking for that Alex. Just a little old-fashioned comfort?'

'Alright. Here? Or in there?'

'Here would be nice, en pleinair. You'll find some in the drawer in the bedside table.'

It was there, just as John said it was. Good. A chance to express my power over this particular angel.

As soon as I touched him between his legs, knees up and wide apart, he was hard and twitchy. He grabbed my head and began to kiss me. All rather wet I must say, but this isn't going to put me off. John always responded to a bit of interfering friction a couple of inches up. Some boys like it and some don't. The most beautiful boy I ever brought to orgasm, or at least one of them, was Simon Perret. He didn't like it when I introduced him to the subject. John does like it, big time. But I only have one hand available, and currently heavily occupied with exciting John's internals. So no alternative then, despite my digestive system still coping with a hefty mixed salad.

How long did he say it had been since his last? I wouldn't have called it peaches and cream. Not exactly, but how he's come on since the last time I partook.

It was always a convenient way to deal with a post-pubertal boy's problem who had forgotten to put his hanky under the pillow. Waking him up in the morning was my task. Every morning, all that term. He had his own 'cube', a private space hidden from the gaze of other boys.

'Sorry, I haven't got anything handy. Would you object awfully if I asked you for one of those extra special kisses? Do you know the ones I'm referring to?'

The first time was a daunting prospect, but the sixth and seventh time, it came as second nature to me, and pleased Tansley-Smith no end, all the rest of that term. He educated me to exactly how the average boy would want it performed, this fellating business. That Christmas, the end of my tour of duty, I found a large box of chocolates in my shared study. I suppose he thought that they would provide a tasty memory of our early morning sessions, well before the rising bell. Tansley-Smith had already risen to the occasion, well before the bell sounded and don't think a ton of Lindt chocs would have wiped out the memory of his essence rolling around my sweet mouth.

Big swallow Alex, and then all done and dusted, as is Johnny now. The whole operation has taken nigh on twenty minutes of my time.

'And what were you thinking of, may I ask. Not me I assume.'

'We're a bit of history aren't we now Alex? Sorry to say. A smooth honey is what I had in mind. How many drawings have you done of Duncan now?'

'On my second A6 sketchbook John. I'm going to reform him into molten aluminium one day soon, and breathe another life into him. My work has its admirers you know. All two of them.'

'The man from Arizona?'

'And the other one.'

The decking stands about four foot above the level of the sand. Neither Alex or John have heard the boys approaching, after all they are both otherwise engaged and there's no way they would hear two pairs of feet silently arrive to find a sight Duncan couldn't quite understand. Richard has Duncan in front of him, his hands around his tummy, holding him tight. On their lengthy walk along the beach, they've come to an understanding. Richard knows exactly what's going on,

'What are they doing Rick?'


It was a bit more than that.

'There? That's not where you kiss people? Is it?'

'You can do; if you want to.'


The pair of them kept watching, transfixed. Johnny couldn't keep still as Alex kept kissing him, one hand between the boy's legs, fiddling with his balls.

Richard loves the feel of Duncan's tummy, smooth and silky as it is. His hands drift lower as the two boys watch the two lovers, Alex's head bobbing up and down. It was very obvious what was going on but for Duncan it was a shock to actually see what he knew could happen between two boys. He'd heard stories.

'What's going to happen Rick?'

'Keep watching. You'll see.'

Duncan's hand is now on Richard's. Holding it tight now, he pushes it further down, inspired, so it slips inside his shorts. It's not the first time someone had touched his penis. He keeps watching the two boys doing what they were doing on the decking, in broad daylight. He lets go of Richard's hand and looks down. He's coming up quickly. That's what Duncan calls it. Coming up. When he plays with it, it always comes up. The skin that covers it when it's down, stretches and the head appears, all shiny and sensitive.

Duncan feels Ricky behind him. He's come up now too, but it feels ways bigger than he does.

It must have been five minutes. Ricky pulled his shorts down low enough to hold the boy's penis properly and start rubbing it. Duncan looks down again to watch as he holds Richard.

'Look now Duncan!'

Duncan looks up, his mouth open, eyes wide. Alex has stopped kissing John now, at least not where he was kissing him. He's kissing him where you usually do now. John's penis is sticking up, shining in the sunlight. To Duncan it looks huge.

Duncan puts his hand back onto Richard's, and stops him doing what he was doing.

'Don't you like that Duncan?' Whispers Ricky, feeling guilty. He thought he would like it. 'Didn't it feel good?'

'It did, but……'

'But what?'

'It was coming.'

'What was?'

'The feeling.'

'Didn't you want it to come?'

'I don't know. I think so. I'm not sure. Can we? Together?'


'No, later. Is that what happened to Johnny?'

'Yes I think so.'

'By kissing him there?'


Duncan looks perplexed. He has a lot to learn, but learn it he will, and soon. Richard may rise to a challenge he can't resist. Duncan's penis had 'come up', as he puts it.

'I can't let them see me like this Richie.'

'Yes you can. Feel mine.'

Duncan looks down and touches the front of Richard's shorts. He's come up too. He gives it a hard squeeze but the big object hardly gives at all.

'Go inside Duncan. Just for a minute.'

And so he does. It feels hard and hot to the touch.'

'There. It's good isn't it? They won't even look at us. I promise. We ought to take our shorts off. It's fun Dunks. Come on. Just for a laugh. They'll love it.'

Duncan looks at Richard doubtfully. But something has connected in his mind so that what he thought wouldn't be appropriate in normal life would be fine here at the Hut. If Richard was going to do it, then why couldn't he?

When Duncan let Richard take his shorts down, he felt quite proud of himself. It was fun, just as Richie said it would be.

'Now mine.' Demands Richard.

When they compare, Duncan's erect penis is little more than half the size of Richard's. They touch tips, as it were, playfully.

'It won't bite Dunks.'

Richard is almost a foot taller than Duncan. As the shorter boy leans forward, he gently touches the warm inviting object of his desiring; with the tip of his tongue. And then again, moving the tip of it over the tip of it, if you can imagine that. A breathless Richard senses good progress here.

Go on Dunks. You're almost there.'

Duncan knows he is. Just one more stage further and he will indeed be there.

'This bit Duncan. What you're doing…….do it there. This bit.'

Of course he wants the most sensitive part touched by the boy's tongue. And then enclosed by his lips. Well done Duncan. You've broken through. Life for you will never be quite the same again young man.

The boys, laughing, threw their shorts onto the decking so they landed close to Alex and Johnny. It surprised them rather as the two items appeared as if from nowhere, just a couple feet from their heads. They were both on their backs enjoying the sunshine. And then they appeared.

'Good grief. What have you two been up to?'

'Nothing.' Says Richard, smiling broadly.

'Really? Did you enjoy your walk Duncan?'

'Yes thanks.'

'Find anyone to talk to?'

'Richard did.' Says Duncan.

'Oh? Who was that?'

No answer. Then Richard thinks he can cause a bit of bother.

'Duncan was watching just now. He wanted to know what you two were doing. I didn't tell him. He wants to sit with you.'

He can if he wants to. Do you want to darling?' Alex asks Duncan. 'Here. There's room between us.'

'Go on Dunks.'

Duncan is beyond excited.

'Like this?'

'Yes of course. Like that is good. We're thrilled that you feel you can relax with us Duncan. That's what we want. We want you Duncan. We love having you here with us. Richard feels exactly the same as we do. Don't you Richard.'

Richard nods, fiddling again.

'Come on then.'

Duncan obeys, lying on his side towards Alex.'

Your skin feels very hot Duncan. Fetch some cream please Richard. Duncan's burning. That would never do.

Sneaky Alex. Why wouldn't he want to feel the boy's warm skin under the palms of his hands? We would.

Duncan is faintly embarrassed by his perky erection that's persisting, despite the new and unusual situation he finds himself in. He knows that Alex is kind and affectionate. That's ok with him. He feels comfortable and safe next to him like this. He looks at the older boy's penis. It's grown big again like his. He feels it touch his thigh as the palms of the boy's hands work the cream into his skin. Duncan has decided that Alex, or Richard, and especially Johnny, could do what Alex is doing right now, with the same pleasing effect.

Alex is careful not to go too near Duncan's penis. Duncan thought he was going to smear the cream all over it and was wondering what that was going to feel like. What if it made the feeling come? What would he do then? Let it come? Or try to stop it? He knew he could never stop it once it had started, properly. It always came. Anyway he wouldn't want to stop it.

Duncan has hooked his hands over my shoulders for more purchase as he moves his body up and down my stomach. He's getting into a rhythm here, with his legs either side of my thighs, knees on the decking. This reminds me of Johnny in the early days. It was the first time he ever ejaculated with me in close proximity. We were in bed, him lying on top of me. I knew he was 'in the mood' as he used to say when he felt overwhelming randy. Our relationship hadn't reached the point of real sexual freedom with one another, so this was the obvious forerunner to proper consensual sex together. That came quick enough thereafter. He's pushed his mouth into the side of my neck, licking and pretend biting as he rubbed himself against me. What I could do with my hands behind him was meant to encourage the boy to the dizzy heights, and it did. I could reach his buttocks easily enough but not all boys want to feel finger tips going where they would rather they didn't. Johnny had no such reservations. The words were clear enough…….'go on, go on.' That was the trigger for Johnny. When he sat up, his bottom in just the right place as far as I was concerned, it was all there, no longer a slippery pool between us. Right from the beginning he was a very productive boy. More so now at sixteen, no doubt much to the delight of his mystery friend.

Richard moved across and lifted Duncan off me before anything happened. The way he was going, it would have happened which I would have enjoyed of course, but this wasn't the right moment at all. He's Richard's responsibility in that department while we're here at the Hut, not mine.

'Duncan looks tired Rich. Would you take him inside please. You can both have a sleep for an hour……at least.'

That was an order, not a suggestion.

John and I went for a stroll around the headland and onto the next cove around the corner, Scatho. With an incoming tide now, we knew we would have to take the long way back. We were away about an hour and a half. When we got back there was no sign of Duncan and Richard on the decking so I went inside and slowly opened the door of the boys' room. They were both lying naked and uncovered on the double bed, sound asleep. I walked up to the bed and had a good look. There were nice thoughts going on in Ricky's head by the look of him, but Duncan looked like his diminutive self, all wrinkled and spent, no doubt, but no tangible evidence anywhere for thinking that. Richard would have found a way of relieving Duncan's ardour. I bet I know how. How lovely they both look at this moment.

I found the front end of the bedsheet and covered up the two boys. But before that I couldn't resists a couple of studies of those two perfectly posed figures. I didn't have time to put pencil to paper, but I have other very convenient means to hand.

Reviewing my work in the smaller bedroom I'm sharing with Johnny, at least until Anna returns with Sis, I'm pleased with the quality the new Sony equipment provides. How my online friend in Arizona would like a peek at these two boys lying facing each other, one still with a hand lodged in a place I would very much like if it were mine. No wonder Richard's sex has expectations. Maybe he hasn't yet?

I can't help my excitement as I study my work. There's so much potential here for a new piece of cast aluminium. And there's another more immediate possibility. I'm feeling naughty.

The boys haven't moved since I last saw them ten minutes ago.

I gently move Duncan's hand from where it was, wedged between Richie's thighs. If he wakes up, he wakes up and that's the end of it. But he doesn't.

Moving around the bed, I can kneel and easily reach the bit of Richard I'm seriously interested in. He's asleep, but if he wakes during the process, he'll not be unhappy. Let's give it a try shall we?

I could have made Quintus happy. I know I could. I'm good at it. Believe me, I am.

I'm sure that wet dreams have been my most intense orgasms. It must be the time it takes, the slow build up and all that. It should feel a bit like a wet dream for Richard, hopefully with a lot of wet at the end.

I left three fingers on his perineum so I will know when his pulsing starts. I'd put a finger somewhere else if I could, for the same reason, but the way he's lying doesn't provide me, or him, with that posibility.

He didn't appear to wake up. Typical Richard, playing games. Nice games.

It wasn't even five minutes, probably nearer three, before Richard came up with the goods as I knew he would. Peaches and cream, and a full serving of it too. Duncan is in for a treat at some point in the near future.

'I knew you'd enjoy it more if you thought I was a sleeping boy?' Remarks Richard.

'Really? What makes you think that?'

'Your S. Endellion stories you told John. Nice ways to wake a boy up?'

'Oh those stories.' I said, laughing.

'Yes. They were true weren't they?'

'Yes they were. One of the jobs small boys do for the big boys, if you're selected, and want to be selected. They find out who the ones are that will do the job, and those that never would.'

'And you would?'

'Oh yes. By the time Johnny and I got together I was an expert at it.'

'And popular with the boys no doubt.'

'Quite. I'd be lent out, if that means anything, as a special favour to a friend. He'd report back of course. Marks out of ten please.'

'Ten out of ten?'

'Well, at least nine.' I said smiling.

I always had a hard-on when I performed fellatio. That was remarked on. A highly sexed boy was a prized possession indeed.

There was one thing that, according to Simon, made me special, and way ahead of the very few others that were prepared to give their elders and betters a good time, and that was my endurance. I would always go on to the end, however long it took. Sometime Simon couldn't wait for me to slowly open his cubicle curtain and he's already done it, hanky still in hand. A lesser boy might release his victim mid ejaculation, not particularly relishing the warm stuff in his mouth and wanting to get rid of it. Not me folks. I would go on to the bitter end, getting the very last vestiges out of my grateful buddy. Simon enjoyed an immediate post orgasm kiss, for obvious reasons. That was very nice for both of us.

Richard informed me that he was awake shortly after I began my ministrations.

'You would enjoy it more I you thought I was asleep.' Richards remarks. Possibly true. Some of those S. Endellion boys did pretend to be asleep. I tried that with Quintus, thinking he couldn't resist the temptation of a sleeping boy lying there waiting for him. He could.

Hurray! Eustace, or Sis as we call him, is officially out of nappies and sporting the most delightful little panties.

I had a very lovely friend, both of us around nine years old at the time. We would strip down to our pants up in his bedroom, before unsuccessful masturbating sessions. He would insist on calling his briefs, panties, pulling them up high and prancing about the room. He was the first boy who wanted to kiss properly, which always induced our almost instant arousal. I was jealous of his foreskin which he would withdraw enticingly for me to admire what emerged, shining, a deep pink colour, and ready. Happy days indeed.

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