After the Ghetto

Part 3

by N Fourbois

Next morning the alarm clock woke them at six thirty on the dot. Adam drew the curtains and let the sun in. While they were showering together Adam hugged Simon from behind and whispered in his ear

"You were fantastic last night. Every time you get better." As he said it Simon pushed back against Adam's erect cock which was lined up with his crevice.

"If you want to, you can slip it in."

"It's all right. A quickie would be a bit of a waste. I'll wait till tonight and do the job properly, although you might have to give me a quick hand job, if only so that I can get my trousers on."

"Stop bragging, big boy," and Simon turned and gave him a kiss. When they were drying themselves Simon said "Don't forget it's Tuesday. We've got to strip our beds and tidy our rooms." They helped one another do the job.

"You can see we had a good weekend by the state of the sheets," grinned Adam. "I hope Mrs Green doesn't notice too much."

"She wears her Marigolds to deal with the laundry and if we scrumple them up properly she can put them str8 into the machine without seeing the telltale stains."

When they got down to the kitchen Philip was already in the middle of his breakfast and on to solving the Daily Telegraphcrossword.

"Morning, boys. Sleep well? I must get Brabazon to spray some WD40 on those bedsprings," and he carried on concentrating on the crossword. Huge blushes all round. "Oh, by the way, I've asked Mr and Mrs Legge round for a drink later in the week. They want a chat." That piece of news brought the sharp intake of breath reaction. "It's all right, boys. It's nothing you've done. At least as far as I know it's nothing you've done." Talk about relieving their consciences, then burdening them again. "I think they just want to exchange notes on bringing up gay sons." Simon and Adam gave Philip a look. "There aren't any books on it, you know," said Philip defensively.

Tuesday at school went fine. It was Wednesday that had its little irritations. Tony Legge was the first to notice it halfway through the maths lesson. His groin began to itch. It was okay there for he could surreptitiously scratch it under the desk. At first break it was a little more awkward because it looked as if were playing pocket billiards and this was soon picked up by his mates. However, by second break Adam and Simon were experiencing itching 'down there' as well. As they got into a huddle they became worried that they had given each other something. All those warning about safe sex came into their heads. At last reason prevailed. It was Adam who cracked it.

"Look, guys. Think about it. Tony, have you done stuff with anyone besides us recently? You've got to be honest."

"What do you call recently?"

"Since we played soccer that afternoon at our place in the holidays - that's about a month."


"Simon and I haven't either. So logically we can't have caught anything. I'm going to take a look." At that Adam went off to the toilets and locked himself into a cubicle. As soon as he pulled his trousers and slip down he saw the problem. He pulled up his slip and trousers, flushed the loo in case someone was listening and thought he was jerking off and returned to his friends.

"Well?" said Simon.

"It could be one of two things or a combination."


"It's either razor rash, but I think it's a bit late for that, or it's our pubes growing back and making us itch as the hairs penetrate the skin."

"Humph, I'm not going to the school nurse with that," said Simon.

"Looks like a self-inflicted injury," said Tony. "So what can we do about it?"

"Very little. Either keep our pubes shaved all the time or let them grow back and lump it in the meantime until they have, and if it really is razor rash there's no point in keeping on shaving them." The bell rang for end of break, but it didn't signal the end of the irritation.

It was Thursday that the Legges came across to the van den Bergs. Philip had Brabazon serve the drinks on the patio and Simon and Adam were encouraged to join them for a few minutes before the discussions got to the serious stage. Mrs Legge said how much Tony had enjoyed himself at the weekend.

"I can't get much out of him except that he had a good time," said Amanda.

"That's right," agreed Philip. "All I could get out of them was that they were chilling and hanging."

"Hanging and chilling, Dad," said Simon. "You have to hang before you can chill."

"That was kind of you to send him home with a goody bag," said Mr Legge.

"Nothing to do with me," said Philip. "Did you organise that, boys?"

"Yes, just a little memento of the weekend," said Adam.

"If you're going to be gay, you may as well enjoy being gay," added Simon, which caused some eyebrow raising, but no comment.

"Tony seems very keen that we should watch the video," said Amanda.

"There's some truth in that," said Philip. "I watched it with the boys on Saturday evening and learnt quite a lot. By the way, Simon and Adam, have you taken Lucy for her walk yet?" Lucy who was lying at Simon's feet pricked up her ears. That was the cue for the boys to disappear. "Can I get you another drink?" Philip went to look for Brabazon.

After everything had settled down again Amanda started on her agenda of questions.

"How did you find out that Simon was gay?"

"I'm not quite sure now. It was a pretty hectic time for me. My wife was dying from cancer and I was trying to nurse her, keep Simon on an even keel and run the family business. My wife told me she thought our son was gay. Women always know this better than men and with all the other things on my mind it wasn't a big deal. Just before my wife died we had one of those private family moments and Simon just came out with it. It was no surprise. We accepted it, grateful that we had an otherwise normal, healthy, intelligent son. We couldn't have any more children because Grace had started with ovarian cancer. I like to think that if circumstances had been normal in the household we would have been just as accepting, but that's pure conjecture. Brabazon, the old family retainer who brought me up in many ways as well as Simon has been very understanding in that direction, though we believed there was an ulterior motive. What about you and Tony?"

"David, would you like to tell Philip? I seem to be doing all the talking." David smiled indulgently.

"Lots of little things really that all pointed in the same direction. When we were out we'd notice that Tony stared at other boys. We told him it was rude to stare. He insisted on going to a boys only school. Fortunately we had no difficulty with that because we really like the school he's at and the different way they do things. He seemed to start adolescence early despite being small for his age and the crunch came when we found the inevitable gay magazine hidden under the mattress. We didn't say anything. We believe that even children are allowed a private life, but we did move it so that he would guess it had been found. Then a week later he was helping me in the garden and he came out with 'Dad, what would you think if I said I was not like other boys?' I said 'That would depend on how you were not like them.' 'Well, what would you say if I said I didn't like girls, but I do like boys?' I stopped to think for a minute and told him that I would say that I still loved him, but I didn't want him to have an unhappy life because of it. We hugged and got on with the job we were doing in the garden. When I managed to get Amanda alone, I told her what had happened, asked her to make a special tea that night so that Tony could tell us all as a family and we could celebrate. The only anticlimax was that Angelica, our daughter and oldest, said that Tony had told her some time ago, but she wasn't allowed to say anything."

"And William, our youngest, treated it as a status symbol as we appeared to be celebrating it," completed Amanda. "All we do now is keep looking over our shoulders to make sure Tony is safe in all senses of the word and we try to find out as much as possible. One of the important things was that no one chooses to be homosexual and now Tony is out we only discuss it on a 'need to know' basis. In other words we try not to make a fuss about it."

There was a lull in the conversation while the assembled company sipped their drinks, but Mrs Legge was unable to keep quiet for long.

"Where does Adam fit into all this?"

"It's a long story. When she was dying Grace was greatly concerned that Simon would be on his own because I travel a lot. I might have to send him to boarding school, which none of us wanted because he is so happy where he is. Although I could do nothing at the time these words were impressed on my mind as Grace's last wishes. After she died and things had settled down Simon came home and said he had met this fantastic boy and had fallen in love with him. All he knew was that his name was Adam and that he came from the local orphanage. I gave it a lot of thought. It makes a change from reading a paperback or watching the in-house movie again on those interminable flights. I came up with the idea and discussed it with Simon and Brabazon that we should offer a home to an orphan and if all went well he should become my adopted son. But we had to find the right orphan. I contacted social services and got bogged down in red tape - inspections, family atmosphere, official foster parent, difficult without a woman in the house. In the end I thought damn it and broke all the rules by going to see the house parents at the orphanage. I wrote them a letter in such a way that with a little prompting Adam might like to apply for residence here. He was a recent orphan and had sensible trustees who still held his guardianship. We interviewed him - twice to make sure he would fit in. We even kept Simon out of the way until we made Adam the final offer. And it went from there."

"Do you trust your boys?"

"Of course I trust them."

"I think what Amanda is trying to say," interrupted David "is do you trust them as far as sex is concerned?"

"The answer is still yes. I don't know what they get up to. I don't want to know what they get up to and if I did know I would keep it to myself. Boys will always be boys. We've had the talk about being safe and after all is said and done you can tell they are more than foster brothers or good mates, even best mates. They are in love with each other. You just have to watch them to know that. I've seen them hug and kiss in front of me. I have no difficulty with that, although I've warned them against doing it public. Okay, they have their arguments, but soon make up and my greatest difficulty is not to take sides because you naturally want to protect your own flesh and blood, but to the best of my ability I treat them equally."

"That's something we've yet to face, David. Boyfriends."

"Well, we've coped with Angelica's. This is only slightly different."

"What about school, Philip?" Amanda was remorseless.

"What about school?"

"The attitude there?"

"Very supportive. I had to come clean when I wanted to register Adam as a pupil, especially as strictly speaking they didn't have room for him. They appreciated the special circumstances... and no doubt that my company has a sizeable charity fund and although the South African account is fully committed, the British one isn't. The boys tell me they are out at school and that it makes no difference, or rather they are trusted more because of it. That's why your Tony could confide in them."

"Is there anything we can do to support them?" asked Amanda.

"Just be there for them when they need you. There would be nothing worse than wading in, supposedly trying to help them, when all you've done is reduce them to a crusade and put the spotlight on them. Do you remember the other day, Amanda, when you referred on the phone to their 'little problem'? It's not a problem unless someone makes it one. Line our three up with a dozen other boys and get a stranger to pick out the gay ones. He couldn't do it unless they deliberately gave him a clue. What I am saying is let sleeping dogs lie." There was a pause. "Phew," said Philip, "I feel exhausted after climbing down from my soapbox. And talking of dogs I think I'm just going to get a cold wet nose on the back of my hand. Hi, boys! Good walk?"

"Yes, thanks. Hi, everyone. We're just off to bed."

"Via the kitchen of course," said Adam.

"Ask Brabazon to refill the drinks."

"Not for us, thank you," said David. "We must be off. A working day tomorrow." The boys said goodnight and disappeared with Lucy following them.

"Philip, you must come over and have dinner with us when you get back," said Amanda, "and bring the boys with you. I hear they enjoy a family dinner." Philip showed the Legges to their car and they said good night.

Upstairs the boys inspected their razor rash. At least it wasn't itching so much.

"We'll have to think this one through," said Adam. They took each other into a hug, gave each other a good night kiss and got into Simon's bed with its fresh linen.

Friday - the itchy pubes incident was written off to experience and now it was behind them they could dedicate their minds to other things. One of the other things was Roly Bedbug.

"What do you think he's after?" enquired Adam.

"Any number of things," answered Simon. "He's a pretty cool customer and when I say cool, I do not mean 'k-e-w-l'. I've known him now getting on for three years and when Roly Bedbug does something, in the first instance it's for Roly Bedbug. When he came out, he exploited his homosexuality. I think I said to you he's got the reputation of being a slut. He's never had a regular boyfriend and for him being gay has nothing to do with love. It's a business venture, one that's proved very profitable and not only in terms of money."

"So really, apart from being gay, we've got nothing in common with him?"

"Don't write him off. He could be useful for contacts, always provided we're useful to him."

"What do we need contacts for?" asked Adam.

"I can think of several reasons. Those we've got to look out for, those who will be sympathetic towards us in case someone turns homophobic, we might want to organise a gay party or a gay disco."

"Hey, I never thought of that. Changing the subject slightly I think we ought to do something for the gay pupils in the school."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Just knowing who they are, showing them that they're not alone, providing them with someone they can talk to or get advice from. In America they set up Gay and Lesbian Alliances in schools."

"Yeah, but that's to fight prejudice. We're lucky here. Everyone seems pretty cool and there's always the danger that by putting something on an official footing and making it obvious or a campaign you can make enemies you otherwise wouldn't have had."

"Mmm, s'pose so, but I'd still like some informal recognition."

"We could form a society and call it the Cockatoo Club."

"Oh yeah, I can see the Headmaster allowing us to do that. Just imagine the notice going up on the board. '... I therefore sanction the formation of the Cockatoo Club for the homosexual members of our community. (signed) A M Kemp, Headmaster.' And why the Cockatoo Club?"

"Duh, obvious, dummy. Because we all like a cock or two."

"Ho, ho, ho," laughed Adam, rolling around and holding his stomach in an exaggerated manner.

After school lunch Simon and Adam were walking along an otherwise empty corridor on their way to get changed for athletics. Simon looked around to make sure and seeing the coast was clear he opened a door with the notice on it: 'This cupboard must be kept locked at all times'. Inside were various implements and materials for cleaning the school. He bundled Adam in, closed the door and standing behind him thrust his hands into Adam's trouser pockets. There was little Adam could do to resist in that position and in the restricted confines of the cupboard - not that he wanted to - but apart from being startled he was beginning to enjoy the feeling of Simon fondling his balls though the lining of his pockets. Simon whispered in Adam's ear in a deep sexy voice

"Tonight I want to make mad passionate love to you and lick the spunk as it drips out of your hole. So make sure you have a good shower after swimming."

"I love it when you talk dirty to me," said Adam. "But for goodness' sake slow down or I'll come off in my pants... Aagh! Too late!" The warm sticky liquid was already forcing its way out into his Tommy Hilfiger slip. Simon slowly took his hands out of Adam's pockets.

"Shh, I'll see if the corridor's clear." Simon listened and opened the door a crack. "It's okay. Quick, let's get out of here." The two boys slipped out into the corridor as if nothing had happened. Adam's trouser bulge was returning to normal and the hot sticky wetness was fast becoming cold sticky wetness. When they got to the changing room Adam was quick to change and relieved to get off his soiled slip, but the smell of his seed was beginning to turn him on and his dick was not in a mood to behave.

"What shall I do with this? I can't leave it on the radiator to dry out."

"Especially as it's summer and the heating's not on," responded Simon with a chortle.

At the end of the afternoon when he came back to change into his school uniform, his undies had dried, one advantage of thick, good quality cotton, but had become starched with his own seed. Uncomfortable as they were he would have to sit through prep with them like that and put up with it until he got home.

"You're going to pay for that, Simon van den Berg."

"Oh, goody," Simon replied. "I can't wait for that," and the boys went off to prep giggling.

However dismissive they might have been earlier in the day, the idea of some kind of loose association or recognition of the gay community kept returning to them. Lucy's walkies that evening was somewhat curtailed because it had come on to rain, not that Lucy minded. Spaniels are after all water dogs. The question would not go away.

"What are we going to do about Roly?" persisted Adam.

"I don't know," replied Simon. "The obvious thing is to invite him over here one weekend for a sleepover, but... " and here Simon hesitated. "Okay, if I'm going to be blunt about it, I don't like him that much. He's okay in a group at school. He was okay when we had him over for football for a couple of hours in the holidays, but two days - or worse three nights of him would be enough to turn me hetero. I don't know why. He's got a sexy body, but I can only describe it as attitude. There's something about him that irritates me."

"I'll put that down as a no, then?" said Adam.

"Mmm, but don't dismiss him completely. It might be worth talking to him. We may as well make use of him, for you can be darned sure that in the reverse situation he'd want to make use of us."

"Still, it's Friday night, we don't have to get up until late tomorrow, you made a dire attack on my person, plus a threat, and I shall be very disappointed if you don't carry it out."

"What? You want an early night?" Simon reacted innocently.

The boys went off to the kitchen for cocoa and biscuits. Lucy was given her dog biscuits and then they went off to say good night to Philip who was relaxing in the TV room.

"Before you go up, boys, a couple of things. I shall be away in London until Friday. You can reach me at the club if you need anything. Then on Saturday we've all been invited to dinner at the Legges'. So don't organise anything. On Sunday I'd like to take you out for the day somewhere. Get your thinking caps on and if it needs pre-booking, let Brabazon know. I was thinking of something physical and outdoors rather than indoors like a walk on the hills and a pub lunch and then we can take Lucy with us. Also all three of us need to do something entirely different from the rest of the week and if we're going to be a family we ought to do it together."

"Hey, sounds great," said Adam and Simon agreed.

"Adam, have you got any walking boots and waterproofs?"

"Only cycling waterproofs."

"Talk to Brabazon and you can get them organised tomorrow. Simon will give you a hand. He'll know what you need. You might have to break the boots in, but they'll have to be broken in some time and we'll keep an eye on you."

"We're going up to bed now, Dad," said Simon. "We need some quality time together."

"Oh, Simon, that's a horrible expression, and all the time you spend together should be quality. Also, if quality time is code for something, I really don't want to know anyway." Both boys blushed. It dawned on them at that moment that Philip wasn't under any illusions as to the nature of their relationship. They kissed him good night and went off upstairs.

"That was interesting what your dad said about being a family."

"Yees, we don't really talk to him enough to find out what he's thinking. He must miss Mum, probably more than I do." Simon had just realised what he'd said. "No, I don't mean it like that. I miss her as well, but we're kept so busy at school we don't have time to think... you know, contemplation type thinking."

"I know what you mean. When we might otherwise be thinking of our parents, we've got things to do... and of course each other to think about." Adam squeezed Simon's hand. "Simon, I love you so much. I don't know what I would do if you were taken from me... like Mum and Dad were. It's horrible to think that we only met because Mum and Dad died." The boys' mood had become very sombre, a tear rolled down Adam's face.

When they reached Adam's room, Simon went into his own and came back with a CD. He put it into Adam's player. It was slow smoochy music. The two boys danced together, holding each other tenderly, clinging on tight as it were a desperate attempt not to lose the other.

"You don't mind about what I did to you at school today, do you?" said Simon.

"No, I don't mind. I was just a bit startled, that's all. Can't say I like the cold, wet, sticky undies bit, though. We've never done that before. I just didn't know what was going on."

"I can't explain it, Adam, but you have such an effect on me at times, it's hard to control myself. There are occasions when I just have to smell your body and it turns me on and I want to consume you."

"I know that feeling."

"By the way, you know how to stop someone doing that, don't you?"

"Stamping on your feet would be one way."

"Yees, I s'pose so, but I was thinking of something less painful."

"Go on."

"Just unzip your fly. Do you want to see if it works?"

"Not just at this moment," said Adam. "I'll take your word for it." Then after a pause "You know, we must spend twenty-three hours a day together and yet during that twenty-fourth hour without you I feel incomplete, as if part of me is missing. You haven't forgotten your promise, have you? The one about making love to me and then eating the spunk out of my bottom?"

"Of course not, my love. Let's just enjoy this dance together first." The emotion and the physical activity became more intense and they ground their bodies together.

"Careful, Si, I don't want to come off in my pants again. I want to save all my love juices for you," he said as the music continued. The hands began to wander and they gradually slipped each other's clothes off until the disc stopped and they were both in their undies. They kissed and broke.

"I'm just going to freshen up, Si."

"You sound right girlie saying that."

"Whatever," answered Adam. Then he went off, locked himself in the bathroom and gave himself an enema, just as he had read about it on the internet. When he returned wearing a towelling 'loin cloth', he was ready for a night of intense lovemaking. It was ten o'clock before they appeared for Saturday brunch.

The following week at school had become routine and Adam felt as if he were an old hand. The only piece of excitement was that in the dance class plans were being made for the end of term show and since Adam had in a short time shown himself to be a natural dancer and because Simon had already proved himself over the years they were asked to perform a simple pas de deuxin the production. They both felt proud to have been asked. They would have considered themselves lucky to have been selected for the chorus.

"It's because of your obvious teamwork that I know I can train you up to the required standard by the end of term," their dance teacher had said to them. They had extra tuition and practices during their cricket sessions, but neither minded that.

The other advance was that they sat with Roland Bedford for a couple of lunchtimes. They hadn't asked him any direct questions so far - slowly slowly catchee monkey - but they brought the conversation round to matters of mutual interest as far as their sexuality was concerned.

"So, Roly, we're interested in getting to know the gay community in the school better, but we don't really know who they are," said Simon.

"That's odd because they know who you are," Roly replied tantalisingly.

"Are you going to name names?" asked Adam.

"Are you asking me to divulge my customer base?" said Roly. "Some of them aren't even out." Adam and Simon gave each other withering looks with 'Told you so' writ large across their foreheads. "If I were into blackmail, I'd have a great time, but... " Simon and Adam were squirming at this bout of self-righteousness, but didn't say anything since that would ruin all chances of finding out what they wanted to know. "... I may be gay, I may be lecherous, I may be too much of a businessman for some people's tastes, but I'm not greedy and my nice little earner does me all right as it is, thank you very much."

"So not even a clue?"

"All right, you want a clue. Mmm, just keep an eye open for who you see me talking to. Common sense really." Adam and Simon were getting nowhere. "On the other hand... we could make a little business deal."

"Such as?" enquired Adam.

"How about in exchange for one of your weekend sleep overs we swap... what shall we say? ... intelligence? Data? Experience?" Our boys were taken aback, especially as they thought their little weekend adventure with Tony Legge had been discreet.

"What do you know about weekend sleep overs?" said Adam.

"Has someone been blabbing?" asked Simon.

"No, no, no. Please, guys," said Roly trying to calm things in a rather superior way. "Just a little observation and the application of the little grey cells." Simon and Adam simply looked blank. Roly was enjoying having them by the short and curlies, or rather after the previous week's adventure the very short and not so curly. "Okay, let me put you out of your misery and explain. You two are gay - fact, Tony's gay - fact, his little brother isn't - fact. When we were playing football at your place in the holidays, Tony wanted to skinny dip in your swimming pool. We couldn't because of the women staff, implying you did on other occasions. No proof, but arrows pointing in the same direction. Then one Friday evening you're seen driving off with Tony and being driven to school with him on Monday, while normally you cycle. Now it's the Legges' car - that confused me at first - and yet you haven't got any weekend gear with you. Neither has Tony, but he would leave his in his mother's car and you wouldn't leave yours there if you had any, but take it with you. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that Tony spent the weekend with you, rather than you spending the weekend with him. Add to that the fact you have the facilities and the privacy." Roly smiled. "It's a no brainer really and as I say it could give us grounds for negotiation. I'm sure you'd entertain me regally between you and a threesome is not an easy thing to arrange. I know that professionally speaking."

"We'll have to give that some thought," said Simon. "My father's away with business a lot over the next few weeks and he won't give permission for a sleep over when he's not there."

The first bell rang for the boys to go off to activities. After they had stacked their trays, Roly left them.

"I'm beginning see why you're not too keen on him, Si," said Adam.

"I wouldn't care if he were the only gay in the village, he still wouldn't get an invitation to a sleep over at our house."

"Let's go off and do some dick-spotting."

"Ah, spotted dick. One of my favourites," said Simon as they made their way to the changing rooms.

That evening, as they felt knackered from intensive dance practice, they decided to walk Lucy rather than run with her, but it meant they could talk between throwing a tennis ball for Lucy to fetch.

"Simon, you know we were talking about going off to do some dick spotting this afternoon? It's something I've done a lot of, but never actually thought about before, well, not until prep, but why do we do it?"

"Mmm. I'm going to have to think about that one. I think I've worked out why we check out packages."

"Go on."

"It's like str8 guys staring at girls' tits. It's a basic form of sexual attraction."

"Yeah, but what do they look for?"

"Size is the main thing, or so I am led to believe."

"Okay... and I suppose we're the more impressed the bigger the trouser bulge is. Let's move the argument on. The str8 boy sees the real thing... the real boobs - what then?"

"Before we try and answer that," said Simon "let's try and see it from our point of view. Then we're working from what we know towards what we don't know."

"When I look at a kid's tackle the first impression is whether it is beautiful or ugly."

"And what makes it beautiful or ugly?"

"Oddly enough it's not size, though I'd have thought it would have been."

"Explain with examples."

"You've seen those pics of Ralph Woods on the internet. They say his cock is ten inches long erect and not much smaller limp. On him it looks good, but that's because he's a hot looking guy and so fit. And oddly his balls look quite small in comparison. He'd look just as good with four inches. Then there are others with long cocks who look like Elephant Boy with great big trunks hanging down in front of them." Simon burst out laughing at the idea.

"You want to feed them a bun?" he said and that got Adam giggling.

"There, you see, it's like a freak show at the circus. Then the next thing is whether they are circumcised or not." Simon shuddered at the idea of having the foreskin lopped off. "I don't like the idea of circumcision," continued Adam, but some cut dicks can be quite beautiful, while most are ugly, malformed, mutilated. There were quite a few cut boys in the orphanage, particularly Asians."

"You know your dicks, don't you, Adam?"

"Years of study, but I doubt whether I know that much more than you. But the argument works with uncut guys as well. Some pricks have far too much foreskin and look unappealing while others are so attractive that they beg for an instant BJ. And then the same applies to testicles - size is interesting, but sexiness is decided by whether they are round or plum shaped, tight or loose, low hangers or almost inside the body. Take big Alex P... for example. He has a fantastic trouser bulge - instant hunk, but when you come to check him out it's formed of a six-inch dick - plus point - long overlapping foreskin - minus point and two silly little undersized balls - double minus points. Contrast that with little Tony Legge whose equipment is perfection."

"What about mine?" asked Simon half tongue in cheek.

"Better than perfection," answered Adam without any hesitation or irony, "especially when it's inside my butt or my mouth."

"And yours?"

"I'm quite content with mine," replied Adam, still quite serious. "It looks good to me, makes a good package whether in speedos, sports kit, Levi's, cargos or my school trousers, hangs nicely, when it's free points due south when it's behaving itself, and best of all it fits your butt hole perfectly. My only complaint is that my dick misbehaves too much, but I suppose that's better than the other way round." Simon could see that Adam was passionate and serious about his subject and that any attempt at humour would have been misplaced. "I'll show you what I mean on the internet when we get back, but going back to Ralphie, would you honestly and in all seriousness want a full ten inches up your butt?" Adam was exhausted both in the sense of tired and in the sense that he had nothing left to say on the matter. By now they had reached the wishing well, their wishing well as they called it. They sat on the edge getting their breath back after a brisk walk up the hill. Lucy had been lying patiently by the side of it waiting for her sluggard humans.

"I've been thinking about our other poser as well."

"You couldn't have had much prep," said Simon.

"The same as you. It's just that I got through most of the maths during the lesson - while you were idly staring around the room, I noticed."

"Staring, yes, idly around the room, no. Andy C... got a stiffie and not only was it sticking out a lot, but he was having great difficulty trying to re-arrange it, and I'm afraid that was a lot more interesting than simultaneous equations."

"I'll agree with you there. You should have told me."

"Oh, yeah, bawl across the room 'Hey, Adam, Andy C... 's got this ginormous stiffie he's trying to tuck away'. Besides you wouldn't have been able to see anything from where you were sitting and I was saving it to tell you over cocoa tonight."

"Oh, yeah, that would've given Brabazon a seizure trying to put on a sufficiently disapproving look. Anyway, for what it's worth here's my idea for how to find out who's gay in the school. At my last school we sometimes had to climb up onto the benches in the changing rooms because the floor got soaked. That's something I don't miss. Now we could stand on the benches to get changed, even if we have to make the floor wet deliberately, linger, before putting our undies and trousers on last, and watch out for who checks us out. Then a discreet word in their ear at leisure."

"Good thinking, Batman. It might just work at that." At that moment Lucy gave a woof to inform her humans it was time to go home. The boys stood up to make their way down the path through the wood. Lucy ran on ahead and by the time they had caught up with her she was swimming in the lake trying to make friends with the ducks and coots.

"Oh bugger," said Simon. "Just what we needed. Hosing her down and drying her off before we can take her indoors."

The boys were looking forward to the family dinner date at the Legges'. They felt really grown up about it, especially when Brabazon announced that he had pressed their suits and that Master Adam's new shirts had been unpacked, ironed and put on hangers in his wardrobe. They decided they would walk into town and have their hair styled at the hairdresser's. Brabazon insisted on telephoning first and making an appointment.

"That way, young gentlemen, the cost will be put on the family account." They walked rather than cycle. It gave Adam a chance to wear his new walking boots and they did not want the hairdressers' work instantly undone by the wind, and today they were hairdressers rather than barbers. Adam could hardly suppress his mirth as his hairdresser repeatedly rubbed his crotch against Adam's elbow while he attended to his hair and he could feel he had a semi on.

"I think we should take Tony a little gift," suggested Simon. They walked into The Body Shopand purchased a bottle of lavender oil and had it gift-wrapped.

At half past six Philip, Simon and Adam climbed into Philip's car and set out for the Legges' house. Lucy gave them a doleful look since she knew she was in for an unexciting evening looking after the house. When they arrived they were greeted by David and Amanda Legge. Tony and William were not far behind. Adam and Simon looked extremely smart in their suits, while the other two boys were dressed in shirt, tie and flannels. The guests were shown into the living room, seated and offered drinks. Ten minutes later Angelica appeared and introduced her boyfriend before they went out on their own date. Mrs Legge told her how pretty she looked, probably realising that the boys would be unlikely comment. In due course she invited them to take their seats at the dining table. The main course was a joint of lamb, still pink, and accompanied by mint sauce made from mint out of the Legges' own garden as were the vegetables. The conversation was lively, mainly because the boys were in such a good mood. You have probably heard of the 'swan effect' with everything serene and tranquil above the water while webbed feet are working away at full pace below the surface. The boys were achieving a similar state at the dinner table with everything peaceable and jolly as far as the adults could see with some pretty intense games of footsie and thigh stroking going on underneath. And who instigated it? William, the one str8 boy at the table, although he got his come-uppance when he started giggling, gave the game away and was given a stern look.

After the meal was over Amanda was congratulated by her guests on her cooking and William was volunteered to help stack the dishwasher as he had no personal guests to entertain.

"Mum, can I show Simon and Adam my room?"

"Of course, dear. We'll give you a call when we miss you." Tony led them up to his room and locked the door.

"Just in case Will decides to burst in. I want to show you this," he said as he booted up his computer. He put in a CD entitled Holiday Snapsand opened it up. He had made the individual pictures into a slide show. "What do you think?"

"You've been on holiday in some very weird places and stayed in some strange hotels," remarked Simon.

"Yeah, but it was worth it," Tony answered with a giggle. The slide show consisted of boys much their own age, all of whom were sexy, whatever they were wearing. All three boys were unconsciously licking their lips as they looked and finally started surreptitiously re-arranging themselves.

"Do your parents know you've got these?"

"Well, not these, but they know I look at pictures. They found my porn mag. They didn't say anything, but just moved it so that I knew that they knew. In fact, that's what made me think it was safe to come out."

"Have you got any naked ones?" asked Adam.

"Yes, but not on this disc." He swapped the disc for Holiday Snaps 2. It needed a password to open it and each folder of pics needed its own password. The boys feasted their eyes.

"Gosh, I could do with a wank," said Simon. At that moment they heard footsteps climbing the stairs. Tony immediately took the CD out and unlocked the bedroom door just in time to prevent William from bursting in without opening it.

"Hi, guys, what are you doing?"

"Just going to put a CD on so that we can dance to it. Do you want to join in?" asked his elder brother.

"Not with you guys. That's so gay. I'd rather dance with Angelica even though that's so girlie."

"You won't get a better offer tonight," said Tony.

"I'm going to sit with Mum and Dad and do some real grown up talking."

"I wouldn't. I think they want to talk privately among themselves. That's why we're up here."

"What dances are you going to do?"

"The Hump."

"Eugh, that's dirty."

"Hey, young man, I don't think you're in any position to dictate what's gay and dirty after what you were doing under the table this evening."

"Oh, that." William blushed. Adam and Simon gave each other a look and said simultaneously

"Hey, guys, we're here. It's us, Simon and Adam, remember?"

"Right, I'm off, guys, to watch some TV," said William.

"And don't disturb us unless you're prepared to take all your clothes off." said Tony.

"Yeuk, is that what you gay boys do?"

"That and more," said Tony, "especially when we're playing strip poker or strip spin the bottle. And don't forget to knock before you come in."

Peace restored, Simon said

"We nearly forgot. We brought you this." and he took a small packet out of his jacket pocket, handing it to Tony.

"Oh, lavender oil. I've heard about this."

"Scented lube, basically," said Adam. "You can rub it under your foreskin when you're having a wank... "

"... or better still smear some on your acorn... " Tony giggled because he had never heard it called an acorn before, but immediately knew what Simon meant. "... then on the palm of your hand and it will make you really squirm with pleasure."

"Don't get it near rubber jonnies. It'll dissolve them."

"And keep the stopper on or it will evaporate quickly."

"And it will make you smell nice."

"Nicer," said Simon wriggling his eyebrows in a seductive manner.

"Hey," said Adam, "that was a great idea of yours about dancing the hump."

"We ought to do it in our undies," said Tony. "It's sexier. I saw a vid on YouTube with these two kids in boxers and all their bits bouncing up and down. That was so hott. We'd better not do it like that here because of you know who."

"I've got a better idea," said Adam. "We'll practise here tonight and then you can come over to our place and hang... "

"... and we'll set up the web cam," added Simon. Tony put on a CD and Adam and Simon took off their jackets. The dancing didn't last long. It was too energetic, even for fit young things, after a large meal. They flopped down on Tony's bed exhausted.

"Can I come over tomorrow?" asked Tony.

"Not tomorrow. We're out for the day," answered Adam.

"Next weekend should be okay," said Simon. "We'll confirm at school."

"How's the boyfriend situation going?" enquired Adam.

"Not very well," said Tony. "I've been talking to Roly Bedbug about it." Simon gave a long 'hmmmm', Adam cleared his throat long and meaningfully. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"We've reservations about our Roly and his working methods," said Simon.

"We've been talking to him to try and find out who the gay kids are at school and he only wants to give as part of a 'business negotiation'," said Adam.

"But we've got a plan and you can join in if you like."

"Oh?" said Tony. Our boys explained to their plan for the changing room. "I'm in." At that moment there was a call on the stairs from Mrs Legge.

"I'm just going to make some cocoa." There was a thundering racket on the stairs as four boysstampeded down to the living room. It was almost eleven o'clock when the Legges said good night to their guests who in their various ways had spent a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

Arriving home our family found that Brabazon had retired and that there was only Lucy to greet them.

"Str8 to bed, you two," said Philip "and I mean str8 to bed. You'll need all your energy for tomorrow and a nine o'clock start." There was a groan from both boys as they looked at the kitchen clock.

The following morning started grey, but the weather forecast was good. After a hearty breakfast the family set out in the car for three-quarters of an hour up into the hills. They parked up in the car park of a popular beauty spot and discarded their trainers in favour of walking boots. Lucy was the most excited member of the family and was already dashing here and there enjoying the different smells of the countryside. Philip held the ordnance survey map as he had devised the route and failed to tell the boys where they were heading for. They walked a well-trodden path meeting and passing ramblers and hikers on the way. The view across the hills cleared as the sun burnt off the cloud and the boys took delight in naming as many birds as they could. The path started to descend and with precision timing they ended up at a village pub in time for lunch. After the experience of the previous evening they ordered a single course light meal, enough to keep them going as Brabazon would prepare dinner for their return. Philip ordered drinks at the bar, including a bowl of water for Lucy. As they were eating Adam said

"Philip, are we going back the same way?"

"Oh, no, no, no. You never go back the same way. You might get ambushed by bandits." Simon gave his father a look. Obviously he had heard this before - many a time and oft. When they were finished, they headed off again, led by Lucy even though she didn't know where they were heading. "How are those new boots, Adam?" asked Philip.

"Fine at the moment, thanks." The boys were stripped down to cargos and tank tops.

"Careful those white bits don't burn. Up here you can burn before you notice it."

"It's okay, Dad. We put some sun block on while you were in the loo."

"What we're going to do is climb up a bit, cross into the next valley, then it's all downhill along the stream. At one point there's a small waterfall, then we carry on down till the valley flattens out, the stream forms a little lake and there's another pub there. Nothing too hazardous and it's all on well marked paths." The boys and Philip carried on in good spirits, reinforced by their pub meal. "It should take us about three hours and by then we'll have had enough." They reached the waterfall in a couple of hours. It was only six foot high and the water played down into a little pool which over the years it had eroded out of the rock.

"Can we go for a swim in there?" asked Adam.

"I don't really advise it. The water will be warm enough, but your feet will probably swell if you take your boots off and it will be difficult to get them on again and that's a good recipe for blisters, as well." Lucy had taken absolutely no notice of the advice and was already in the pool, having the time of her life. Philip took out his mobile phone and looked at it. "Good, I can get a signal. We must be approaching civilisation." He dialled. "Brabazon, could you come and pick us up in an hour and a half or so, please? ... ... Fine. ... ... Yes, the Lakeside Inn, and could you bring a big towel, better make it two, for Lucy? ... ... Okay, see you there," and he cut the connection. "Brabazon just impressing on us that as he can't be in the kitchen there won't be a roast tonight, but a cold collation. I think one of his cold collations will go down well." After a photo call at the waterfall they continued on the downward path. An hour later they reached the Lakeside Inn as planned. Lucy had made a lot of her descent in the shallow stream and was just as at home in the lake. The only thing was she had to be tied up outside while our three went into the inn for a drink and to wait for Brabazon. When he arrived Lucy was dried off thoroughly before being allowed into his car, and only then securely held in the second towel. On arriving at the starting point she was fast asleep and as she refused to be roused she travelled off home in Brabazon's car after our three had transferred to Philip's. They changed their boots for trainers and put on sweaters before climbing in for the journey home.

Philip drove slowly to give Brabazon time to get well ahead so that he could 'carry out his duties'.

"Just about time to shower and change before dinner. A quick shower, boys. No time for fun and frolics now." Simon and Adam were far too knackered for fun and frolics. Over dinner Philip asked

"Did you enjoy yourselves today, boys?"

"Great," said Adam and Simon.

"Although I'm physically tired," said Adam, "I really feel mentally refreshed." The meal over the boys said good night to Philip and thanked him for a marvellous day.

"I'll see you Friday evening. Be good," and he kissed both of them good night. The boys went upstairs, stripped off their clothing and climbed into Adam's bed. The alarm had been beeping for at least five minutes before one of them woke up. On the cycle ride to school Simon said

"Do you realise, Adam? We've gone almost forty-eight hours without any form of sex."

"We're simply going to have to make up for that tonight," he replied.

They decided not to put their plan into operation until Tuesday. They wanted to brief Tony and it would be easier to carry out after gymnastics rather than cricket as everyone finished together at gym, but came back in dribs and drabs from cricket. Also it was impossible to change out of a competition top without going completely naked at some stage. During cricket Simon and Adam had extra dance practice in any case. On Tuesday the three lads were all keyed up for their little scheme. They were the first three out of the gym and into the changing room. They each got a cup of water from the dispenser and carefully poured it over the stone floor by the bench where they were changing. They just managed to dispose of the plastic cups before their classmates came in. Now they found themselves in the middle of a crowd with the perfect excuse for standing on the bench to change, as their immediate neighbours had to as well. Taking off their trainers and socks, they climbed onto the bench and slowly removed first their shorts and then even more slowly their comp tops. Their actions immediately drew the attention of the assembled crowd and the massed choir started chanting the Strippertune. This only encouraged them as they choreographed taking off their kit and making a fuss about finding their games towels. The plan was working well. They were last into the showers and oddly enough first out of them. They dried their feet before climbing back onto the bench to dry the remainder of themselves off. The rest of the class came back in dribs and drabs, but the interesting point was who the first ones were and among them was of course Roly Bedbug. It wasn't a case so much of gaydar, but reading body language, the interested boys almost drooling and with their tongues hanging out. The changing room was now filling fast and the ribald remarks started with rhythmic clapping and shouts of 'Put it away'. The boys just continued getting changed, standing facing the crowd of admirers disguised as verbal abusers. Shirts went on first, then ties, followed by socks. One boy, Paul Taylor, was standing in front of Tony, his eyes out on stalks.

"You can touch it if you like," said Tony. As if in a trance Paul slowly raised his arm and place his hand under Tony's dick which reacted in the only way it could and stood to attention. All those around started making 'yeuk' and 'eugh' noises, or whistling, shouting out 'disgusting' and 'perve', but it didn't prevent their interest or stop them staring. The cheering brought Paul out of his trance. He blushed when he realised what he was doing, but only took his hand away immediately after he'd given Tony's cock a couple of yanks. There was a cheer which brought in one of the games masters, but the boys all dutifully crowded around Adam, Simon and Tony so that there was nothing for him to see.

"Keep the noise down, please," and the master went on his way, probably in little doubt from his own schooldays about what might be going on. It was time for our three to pull on their undies and finish getting dressed before going off to tea and prep.

"I think we have enough ammunition here," said Simon.

"Yeah," added Adam. "We'll write out a list at home and e-mail it to you, Tony."

Simon and Adam arrived home just after six and had high tea in the kitchen since Philip was away.

"Brabazon, any messages from my father?"

"One," replied Brabazon "to both of you." He handed them a piece of paper. Simon read it out.

"'Sorry to have to tell you this. I know it's half term next week, but I have to fly of to South Africa for that week. I had thought we might get away for a few days. I can't take you with me as it wouldn't be safe to leave you to your own devices. I'll make it up to you during the summer break. Love Dad / Philip.' Hmm, that's a pity, but every silver lining has a cloud. We need some rest and recuperation and I don't think half term will be entirely wasted somehow." He would say no more in front of Brabazon. After tea, chores and then taking Lucy for a walk. She appeared livelier today, but for most of Monday she had been dead to the world as she slept off Sunday's mega-walkies. Finally the boys got down to working on their list of potential gay pupils. In the end they sent Tony four names with Taylor at the top and omitting Roly Bedbug as being of no interest. They asked Tony if he thought any should be added and then said they would discuss it over lunch, which would leave them with two and a half days for action before half term.

Next day Tony, Adam and Simon took their trays to the remote part of the dining room unofficially reserved for private conversations. Simon took out the list and Tony added Peter Thoroughgood to it.

"Thoroughgood?" questioned Simon. "I'd never have thought it."

"He's going to have to warm his hands up," said Tony.

"I can only repeat the one in ten statistic," said Adam. "There are likely to be some seventy-five gay pupils in the school with ten or eleven of them in our year." Tony got out his school list and looked through it.

"And five or six members of staff."

"Now if we could only find out who they are and get them on our side," said Simon.

"Finding out would be comparatively easy," said Adam. "Getting them to come out and be on our side is an entirely different matter."

"Anyway," said Simon "here's the cunning plan. What are you doing over half term, Tony?"

"Not a lot."

"Neither are we. Dad's got to fly to South Africa. So we have to amuse ourselves under the watchful eyes of Brabazon and Mrs Green. That's no problem. They're as good as gold as long as we keep our rooms tidy and keep to meal times."

"Then we suggest that you come over and hang out with us in the afternoons. We don't want to do a lot in the mornings."

"Or rather," said Simon "we do want to do a lot, but while two's company, three will be a crowd."

"Your dicks will drop off from over use," laughed Tony.

"It's a risk we're willing to take," giggled Adam.

'Phase One," said Simon "is we've got to talk to the people on our list, see if we're right and if we are, get them to come to our place to kick a ball round on Saturday. Okay so far?" Adam and Tony nodded.

"Phase Two," continued Adam "is to see whether they are interested in doing stuff. Then they get an individual invite for an afternoon with the three of us."

"Even if they're not gay, they might still be interested in experimenting - bi-curious," said Simon "and we should know that by the end of Saturday. How does that sound to you, Tony?"

"I like it, and put Paul Taylor down as number one on the list after he touched me up yesterday."

The three stacked their trays and went their separate ways to sound out the boys on the list. They re-gathered over tea and by the end of prep Adam and Simon had managed to issue invitations for Saturday afternoon with a 'by the way, did you know we've got a swimming pool, so bring towels'. Before they went home, they told Tony to come over at eleven and have brunch as there was a certain amount of preparation to do. By Thursday lunchtime they had received positive replies which surprised them as they thought at least one of their families would be going away on holiday. The formula would be similar to the one for the afternoon at the end of the Easter holidays except that this time they knew Mrs Green wouldn't be there and so they could swim naked in the pool.

Finally, after much anticipation, Saturday arrived as it inevitably does after Friday and two much refreshed boys in running kit and trainers arrived around eleven o'clock in the kitchen for brunch.

"Can we have brunch all next week, please, Brabazon?" asked Adam

"And our main meal at night?" said Simon. "We want to catch up on our sleep and if we have brunch that will get us though the day and a main meal at lunchtime will just be too much." Brabazon was happy to agree. Serving two meals instead of three saved him and Mrs Green work.

About ten past the doorbell rang and Brabazon announced 'Master Anthony Legge'. As he was shown into the kitchen Simon and Adam spontaneously took him into a hug and in both cases their crotches met. Brabazon explained to him the routine for brunch, then left the kitchen to attend to his duties while the three boys helped themselves to food. While they were eating, they discussed the format of the afternoon in detail. By twelve the work was done and they had two hours to kill. Walking Lucy took up one, but sex was out of the question. Adam and Simon had left their bed fully satisfied that morning and all three had to be fully prepared for whatever the afternoon might bring. Just after two Brabazon showed five boys through to the back garden. He advised Adam and Simon that he had put snacks and drinks into the fridge in the summerhouse and that they were to tell him when they were using the pool.

The first few minutes were used up in chatting, showing off and admiring the various sports kit and the virtues of the latest trainers. Then it dawned on Adam.

"If we're going to play football, it would be a good idea to have a football," he announced and went off to the games room to fetch one. When they came back they divided into teams - Tony, Adam and Simon with one visitor versus the rest and they made sure 'the rest' played in skins. Tracksuits were peeled off and piled up to make goal posts and the game started with everyone taking a turn in goal. The late May sun and the effort put into the game soon made the boys sweat. Lucy at first tried chasing the ball, but quickly realised that she was onto a loser and curled up in the shade of one of the trees.

An hour's football was quite sufficient in the warmth of the day and Simon was quick to suggest

"Let's go for a swim. Bring your kit with you." The guests dutifully obeyed. When they were in the changing area he announced "There are three house rules. One, before you enter the water you must go and have a pee, whether you want to or not. The loos are off the shower room. That means we can cut down on the chlorine in the water. At least one person must stay out of the water and stand by the poolside telephone in case there's an accident. We can take turns for two or three minutes at a time, and finally since there are no women staff in the house today, it's nude swimming," and then a cheer went up. The boys stripped off their sports kit, obeyed the first house rule and encouraged by Simon they dived into the pool while he took first watch by the phone. They were all so excited that they hadn't noticed that Tony and Adam had slipped off temporarily. However, they were soon back and joining in the fun with the boys dive-bombing each other, games of dick tag and knights on horseback. In the end there were more people willing to man the phone than swim. Fortunately the water was quite warm and so no one suffered from the cold-water-effect. Again Simon took charge and said "Brabazon has laid on refreshments in the summerhouse. Just go through the shower to rinse the chlorine off." Another cheer and the boys rushed into the shower area and rinsed themselves, then through to the changing room which, to their utter astonishment they found had been completely cleared of towels and clothing. There were the usual incoherent adolescent grunts of surprise before Adam took control of the situation and announced

"Sorry, guys, we forgot to mention. We've already taken your kit across to the summerhouse for you." There were boos and catcalls, but they were really all good-humoured. "You go through the games room and up the outside steps which will take you into the garden. Then it's a jog across the lawn. The summerhouse is open." Everyone followed Simon and while they were running across the lawn to the summerhouse accompanied by shouts of 'streaker', nobody noticed Brabazon standing at an upstairs window staring down from the landing and quietly saying to himself

"If only I were fifty years younger."

The rush of bodies across the lawn woke Lucy up and she thought it great fun to join in the chase. As she caught up with the boys inside the summerhouse she went round giving one or two shocks as she put her cold wet nose against several bare buttocks, but the whoops and screams just added to the general atmosphere and enjoyment while the boys scrummed round one of the large laundry baskets to find their towels so that they could dry off. Once they were dry they didn't worry about their clothes anymore, but sat around on the loungers and chairs sharing the snacks that Simon and Adam had been taking out of the fridge for them. As the time progressed the guests started making their excuses, but had forgotten that they now had the task of searching through the other large basket to find their kit. Crowding round the basket was an excuse for squeals of delight and furtive and not so furtive touching up and feelies. Dressing became a fashion parade with a lot of laughing and giggling as individuals sashayed around the summerhouse in jockstraps, tighty-whities and tops only and among the mass of bodies Tony spotted a stiffie which he traced along its length and up the body until he found its owner, Paul Taylor. Their eyes met, Tony blushed, Paul didn't, but held his gaze and smiled.

"It's all yours, Tony, if you want it."

"I might even take you up on that."

"Come over to my house Monday morning and hang out. My parents will be at work. We'll have the place to ourselves."

"That's an offer I can't refuse."

When Adam and Simon overheard the conversation, they looked at one another and nodded while Simon said "A result."

Soon the guests had gone. Tony was the last.

"Hey, Adam, Simon, I've got a bit of a difficulty. My jock has gone missing and I'll have a low undercarriage problem on my bike."

"Not a problem I would mind," said Simon with a grin.

"Well, not until you got a strangulated testicle or got it in the neck at home because you'd lost some kit."

"Don't worry about that," said Adam. "It'll be in my bedroom."

"Oh, how did it get there?"

"Oh, it's not there yet. It's still in my pocket," said Adam patting the right hand side of his shorts. "We just didn't want you to be in a rush to go home."

"We made you a promise," said Simon "and if we have judged things correctly we won't have a lot of opportunity to carry it out."

"Oh," said Tony "that game of piggy in the middle with me as piggy." A broad grin appeared across his face. "Can I use your phone, please? I didn't bring my mobile." After phoning he said "Yeah, it's okay. We're not eating till seven."

Simon, Tony and Adam took the débris from the snacks across to the house. Adam said

"I think we can congratulate ourselves on a job well done."

"And five out of five on the list correct. It was interesting watching their faces... "

"And the tricks they got up to while swimming."

"Thank you, Brabazon," they said as they reached the kitchen.

"I think everyone enjoyed themselves," said Simon. "What's for dinner?"

The three made their way up to Adam's room. Now it was teamwork and division of labour. While Simon got Tony on Adam's bed for a snog, Adam got the tissues, towels and K-Y gel ready and unwrapped two condoms before his hands became slippery. The clothes started coming off.

"Okay," said Simon "I'm ready. Lube me up, Tony." Adam had taken his shirt and socks off and was rock hard inside his shorts. After Tony had worked two fingers of lube into Simon's butt it was Tony's turn for the lube which was Adam's job who finally he dropped his shorts and Simon slipped the rubbers over his two friends' cocks. The gymnastics could begin.

It was not an easy task. Lying on the bed didn't work, standing was better, but they ended up kneeling on the bed and found that worked best. For a first attempt it had gone amazingly well, if a bit messy. Adam and Simon were surprised at how well Tony had filled his rubber. A little bit of professional jealousy there. Tony felt exhausted. For him it had been quite an afternoon. The boys couldn't lie there for long. By the time they'd showered and dressed it was time for Tony to go home.

"I'll ring you this evening. Thanks a lot, lads. I owe you."

"And we'll make sure you pay back," said Adam.

"Come over and see us Monday afternoon and tell us how you got on," said Simon.

Tony dutifully rang that evening. Apart from feeling a little 'saddle sore' he said he had had a wicked day and was feeling great.

"I'll have to get pair of cycling lycras."

"Make sure they're not black," advised Adam.

"Or next time get me behind you and plough Adam. He can be such a brute." All three dissolved in giggles.

Sunday was a day of rest. Simon and Adam went to church in the morning.

"Mr Philip said it would be a good idea as you haven't attended for several weeks," announced Brabazon before they went up to bed on Saturday. It was his Sunday off. So Mrs Green prepared a normal breakfast and a Sunday roast for lunch. In the afternoon Lucy was taken for a leisurely stroll rather than a walk and when they got back they decided to go down for a swim. As Mrs Green was on duty they had to wear swimsuits, but when they got bored with swimming they experimented with wearing their dicks dressed to the left, dressed to the right, pointing north and pointing south, but found whatever they did they could not control the eventual result. After a few minutes Simon's would always return to south-south-east and Adam's being chunkier would stick str8 out. They fell about in giggles when they tried pointing north, then got stiffies which peeped over the waistband of their matching light blue speedos. When they got tired of that they showered, dried off and wearing towelling 'loin cloths' made their way upstairs for a lie-down.

"You know, Adam, you're getting hairier," and Simon ran his finger lightly over the fine hair on Adam's top lip and then teased the sprouting growth under his armpits. "But I still love you so much, even if you are hairy," and he planted a light kiss on Adam's lips. This was simply too much for Adam who rolled over on top of his boyfriend and initiated a game of tonsil tennis, only to be interrupted by the house phone. Mrs Green was calling them down to tea.

Over tea Adam said

"Instead of meeting him here, why don't we meet Tony in town?"

"That's a good idea. We'll get a change of scenery. I can take my camera and do some b... " At that moment Mrs Green caught his eye.

"We'll phone him when we've finished tea," Adam quickly added to save any embarrassment. "You were about to say 'boy watching' just now, weren't you, Si?" he said digging him in the ribs while they were making their way upstairs afterwards.

On Monday Brabazon was back in charge of the household. The boys rose late after rather a lot of fun together in bed, appeared even later at brunch and then spent time doing what adolescent boys of all persuasions do... played their music loud, kicked a ball around the garden, played snooker, did stuff on the computer until it was time to cycle into town and meet Tony.

Tony was sitting on the steps at the foot of the statue of William the Conqueror which dominated the square and acted as a meeting point for the town's young people. Adam and Simon locked their bikes up at the cycle rack while Tony carried his skateboard under his arm. They found an empty bench on the other side of the square where they could talk privately and yet at the same time keep an eye on the burgeoning male population, its beauty and its fashions and when not deep in conversation playing a game of 'Guess the Sexuality' or 'Spot the Stiffie' or classifying them into A, B, C or D types, or rather lphaetaammaelta because they were posh kids from a posh school.

"Come on, Tony," said Simon impatiently. "Give. What happened this morning?"

"Well, I suppose I got across to Paul's at about half past nine. When he answered the door there he was - bare feet, cut-offs, very cut off with wide legs so that you could easily see his buns, and his package in light blue, all topped by a sleeveless tee shirt in matching blue which clung to his body showing off his nipples. I was speechless. I had never noticed before that he had such long arms and legs. His arms had that kind of fuzz on - you can't call it hair - that glints in the sunlight. Anyway, he invited me in and we went str8 up to his room. On the wall he's got all these pictures of sportsmen, everything - footballers, rugby players, cricketers, tennis players, athletes, gymnasts all looking very... what shall I say?"


"... sexy in their kit. Anyway we're chatting away and it's obvious what he wants to talk about, but finally comes out with it. 'Tony, are you gay?' to which I reply 'Give me a kiss and I'll tell you.' He gets off his bed, comes across to me and gives me a sloppy wet favourite-aunt type kiss on my cheek. 'That's not a kiss.' 'What's a kiss then?' 'You can do it lots of ways. But first of all you've got to get me to lean against the wall, then you have to push against me and kiss me on the lips.' 'Isn't that a bit girlie? Boys don't do that,' said Paul. 'Don't knock it until you've tried it.' With a bit of encouragement from me he pins me against the wall and our lips lock. After a couple of pecks I held the back of his head and worked my tongue in between his lips and touched his. 'That's given me a boner,' he said when we broke. 'That's what it's meant to do. Put your arms round my waist and hold on to my buns.' I did the same to him and pulled him in so that we could feel each other's stiffies. When we came up for air I pulled his tee shirt over his head and took my shirt off. 'Haven't you ever done stuff with a boy before, Paul?' I asked. He looked down at the floor and shook his head. "Or with a girl?' 'Goodness, no, I wouldn't like that at all.' 'There's an easier way of doing this.' I took off my trainers and socks and led him across to his bed. We lay down side by side and continued snogging. He got really worked up and let me slide my hand inside his cut-offs. From then on it was easy to undo the button and the zip, slide them off and find he's wearing a thong that's already soaked with his precum."

"So what did you do next?" asked Adam.

"I gave him a really slow blowjob. He shot gallons and nearly choked me, but he enjoyed it so much that I persuaded him to give me one. Then we just cuddled and snogged for a bit, had a shower to clean up, then went and kicked a ball around in his garden till I had to go home."

"So are you two an item now?" asked Simon.

"No. He said he didn't want the commitment. Now after his first time he wanted to get a bit of experience with other boys, but if I wanted to do stuff with him again, he'd like to as well."

"Are you pissed at that?" asked Adam.

"Not really. I'd like a boyfriend, but I'm not in a hurry. I'm going over to his place tomorrow to hang out and we'll just see what happens. What I really want to do is to steal his cherry."

"Hey, Tony, can I have a go on your skateboard?" said Adam.

"Yeah, why haven't we got skateboards?" asked Simon.

"Never felt the need," replied Adam. He stepped onto the skateboard and rolled down the natural slope of the paving, at first a little unsteady, but after a minute or so he adapted to the motion of the skateboard and assumed a supreme grace, that grace which accompanies a complete lack of self-consciousness, the grace which in an adolescent is so unaccountable when it appears within five minutes of teenage clumsiness.

"Now, Tony, you can see why I love him so much. He just needs to be wearing the right kit. What is the right kit for skateboarding?"

"Lycras, dummy."

"Oh, yeah."

"I think now I've come out I might persuade Mum to let me buy some lycras. She always used to say you can't have those because they'll make you look gay. Well, I am gay, officially now."

Adam returned and handed the board back to its owner.

"Do you want a go, Si?" said Tony.

"Yeah, okay," and Simon followed the same path as Adam.

"Don't you think he looks he looks so beautiful, Tony? I love him so much. Out of disaster I have gained such a lot." Tony looked at him quizzically. "Oh, didn't you know?" Tony shook his head. "I suppose not. I've never told anyone at school, and no one's asked. You see, I lost my parents in a car crash last autumn and I'm being adopted by the van den Bergs, well, fostered at the moment, and adopted if all goes well." Tony didn't know what to say, but an embarrassing silence was prevented by Simon's return. "You were great, Si. You're a natural." The boys sat back on the bench and started to admire the local male youth.

"What's that one doing over there?" said Simon pointing out a boy of their age dressed in a pair of white shorts and a singlet. The other two shrugged their shoulders, but all three kept their gaze on him and as he approached he noticed them and came up to them. When he was close the sun was shining through his nylon shorts and they could plainly see he was not wearing any undies. Not only that his dick was half hard.

"Wod-je lookin' at?" he enquired graciously. "You gay or somethin'?" The three said nothing, but as it was three of them to one of him they considered themselves safe. They raised their right wrists and brandished the plaited rainbow coloured leather bracelets they were wearing. The lad's face lit up. "You can suck my cock for five quid." The three shook their heads.

"Why pay for something you can get free?" said Adam.

"You can look at it for a quid."

"We can see it quite clearly, thanks," replied Tony.

"Touch it then - only a pound."

"No deal," said Simon. "Try that lot over there," he said pointing towards the group seated at the base of William the Conqueror's statue.

"I'll get beaten up if I go near them."

"Sorry, can't help then," said Adam. The boy went on his way disgruntled and at a safe distance turned round and flipped them the finger.

"Friend of yours?" said Tony.

"No," replied Adam. "We thought he was with you," and they dismissed the incident with a nervous giggle.

We'd better get down to business." said Simon. "Who's in the school gay community?"

"In our year first of all." added Adam.

"Well, there's us three to begin with, Paul and Roly Bedbug, that we're certain about, and the other four that were with us on Saturday that we believe are gay, but we've no proof."

"What do we call proof?" asked Simon.

"That they've either come out and admitted they're gay or they're known to have actually done stuff," said Tony.

"How are we going to deal with that?" asked Simon. "We can't really go up to them and say 'Are you gay?' or start doing stuff. That would be tantamount to rape," said Adam.

"I suggest we just hang out with them and see if it comes out in conversation. They may have felt comfortable with last Saturday, but not yet be ready to come out officially," said Tony "but they'd be good kids to have on our side. Come over to my place tomorrow afternoon and I'll try to get as many of them as possible to come, but I won't ask Paul. We know about him already."

The square was beginning to empty and the workers made their ways home. The crowd round the base of the statue was thinning.

"I'd better be on my way," said Tony. "I'll be in touch about tomorrow." With that he climbed onto his skateboard and rolled away. On their cycle ride home Simon said

"Hey, Adam, do you know what I think?

"No, what do you think?"

"That we ought to get ourselves some proper cycling kit. This saddle can get a bit hard at times and I rather fancy you in those lycra shorts."

"You fancy me out of them as well," replied Adam. "Apart from that I'm with you all the way."

"We'll talk to Brabazon at dinner tonight."

"Talking of which I'm beginning to feel quite hungry."

Dinner was in the kitchen this evening, Lucy in her basket as she was not allowed to beg at table.

"Brabazon, is it all right if we buy some cycling gear?"

"By cycling gear, Master Simon, do you mean a new Sturmey-Archer or a dérailleur?" They smiled. They never knew whether Brabazon genuinely didn't know the meaning of some modern terms or whether he was encouraging them to use a certain standard of English.

"No," said Simon. "Proper cyclists' clothing."

"Shorts and shirts," explained Adam.

"I will never discourage you from being dressed correctly for the activity," replied Brabazon. "You had better take the family credit card. Be careful with it and don't forget to bring me the receipt for my accounts. Do you remember the PIN number?"

"PIN, Brabazon, PIN. It means Personal Identification Number. So PIN number is a tautology." Simon was enjoying getting his own back.

"Thank you, Master Simon, and would you be kind enough to answer my question?"

"Yes, Brabazon. It's Dad's date of birth." At that moment he experienced an intense trembling in his groin. He knew better than to answer his mobile at the meal table. It would have produced intense looks of disapproval. He had to endure it and the resulting boner until the caller reached voicemail. When Brabazon was clearing the main course he sneaked a quick look and saw it had been Tony calling. He told Adam and said he would ring him back later.

The following morning they came down to brunch a little earlier as they had to go shopping. They chained their cycles up outside the local cycle shop. They were greeted by a pleasant young man who listened as they explained what they wanted and said

"Walk this way." Adam and Simon looked at each other and grinned, both thinking of the variety of ripostes there were to that instruction and they were sensible enough to remain silent. When they reached the clothing department they looked at the garments on display. "There are three basic design of cycle shorts," the salesman said pointing to each in turn. "Loose shorts, tight shorts and bib shorts."

"We don't want loose shorts," said Simon emphatically.

"What are these ones with the shoulder straps for?" asked Adam.

"The bib shorts? As you can see they're cycling shorts that are held up by a bib or braces instead of an elastic waistband. Pro and serious riders prefer bib shorts over non-bib shorts because of the discomfort that can happen with an elastic waistband, such as digging into skin and chafing. The bib part of the shorts is made of lycra and polyester with large sections of netting to help keep you cool. Are you thinking of joining a club or racing?"

"Not really," said Adam. "We just want to look cool when we're cycling."

"So it looks like the lycra shorts?" said Simon.

"Any particular colour?" asked the salesman.

"Not black," chorused our two.

"Black is really the best colour because it hides any grease, oil or dirt and it's... what shall I say? ... more modest." Simon and Adam just looked at each other and giggled. "So, not black,"

"That light blue looks good," said Simon.

"Let's go for that," said Adam. "What about shirts?"

"With tight shorts we recommend lycra tight shirts. We have this tunic style."

"I like that," said Simon. "What colour do you suggest?"

"Well, as we need one on and one in the wash, let's get a red one and a yellow one."

"Now I'd better measure you to get the size right." The salesman produced a tape measure and measured the boys' waists and chests. "You do know that the shorts are designed to be worn without any underwear? That stops any chafing and they're designed to draw the sweat away. Because they're made of lycra they'll allow for you to grow... " That was too much for Adam. He just had to turn away and pretend his snigger was a sneeze. "... and they act as what are called compression shorts and give you the support underwear would and help prevent any injury down there."

"Oh, that's why guys look so good in them," blurted out Simon. Adam giggled again. The salesman fetched the goods and put them together on the counter.

"Have you already got bum bags?"

"No," said Adam.

"You'll need one because there are no pockets. We don't want any unsightly bulges in the shorts, do we now, gentlemen?" Again Adam couldn't control himself and started Simon off giggling. "As you've been such good customers I'll add them in at a nominal charge of £1 each." The salesman wrapped the goods. "Separate or together?"

"Put them in the same bag," said Simon as he put the credit card in the reader and tapped in the PIN. They left the shop still giggling. "You are awful at times, Adam."

"Did you notice how he groped my bum when he measured my waist?"

"No, but I did feel him give my nipple a tweak and them rub it better when he took my chest measurement."

"Why are we so attractive to other guys? I'm beginning to think we've got 'I'm gay' in marker pen across our foreheads."

"It must be the way we walk."

"Now don't start all that again, Si."

They rode home, gave Lucy a short run and then had the 'unch' part of brunch. They were due at Tony's at two and then the three of them would cycle across to Chris Rawlings's house. Of course they had to change into their new cycling gear.

"Yellow or red top?" asked Simon.

"Yellow. Not school colours. We're on holiday." When they came to unwrap the kit a piece of paper fell out. Adam read out what was printed on it. "'With compliments. Try our attentive after-service.'"

"What's wrong with that?"

"You haven't seen his addy. ''"

"Hmm, obviously looking for some more custom," said Simon.

"Of a different kind. I told you he was gay."

© N Fourbois 2009
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