Johnny Come Home

by Rafael Henry

Chapter 20

Anna used to say there's nothing like a crisp newly laundered and ironed white linen sheet on the bed, after a warm bath. I agree.

Afterwards, and Duncan asleep now and still on his back, I gently replaced the covering over him, and not before I took another minute to admire what was before me in all its glory. I've always thought it miraculous, the way we boys work. From seed to sapling. Such a strong smooth sapling quite unlike the texture of the mature oak. Quintus . My sapling to his oak tree you might say.

This sleeping boy. Now here's a good idea. I've never sculpted the figure, lying like Duncan is. The model boy. A model boy indeed, like that . Is he really asleep, or just pretending? No, he is asleep. He's been like that for an hour now, resting his body and soul. How beautiful he looks, in repose like this. I must record this moment, these moments. These minutes of pure beauty. I'm in love again.

It was an hour ago now, when I felt his forehead. It was hot, like burning coals. Duncan had asked the question just as I had asked the same of Quintus. Duncan got the same answer as I had been given six years ago. No. But a boy can do what a boy sometimes feels he has to do, such as the situation demands.

'You are allowed Duncan.'

'Will you stay with me?'

'Of course I will. There's no rush. Easy does it.'

He has lovely hands this boy. As time went by, his grip on my own hand gradually tightens, relaxes, and then tightens again, his head turned away from me. He doesn't want to see me looking at him. There's no one to hear him. Those lovely erotic noises. I always turned them on when Quintus stroked my face and shoulders. All those oohs and aaahs.

'Would you stop doing that Alex please. It's driving me mad.' He'd say. He'd laugh as my thoughts and expectations went straight to my loins.

'I'm a boy. I've got strong feelings Quintus. I can't help it.' I say, looking up at him with those pleading eyes of mine. I admit I could be very naughty in those days.

Duncan's forehead has cooled now as I place my fingers on it, moving his moist hair upwards. Who's a clever boy then? A very clever boy.

I squeeze the hand once more that's still in mine. He looks at me and smiles.

'Am I?'

'Yes you are, a very clever boy.'


'You know why.' I say, giving his warm hand another squeeze as the boy raises his head to look down his bare chest to his tummy.


Duncan's head drops hard down onto the pillow after the effort of holding it up like that to observe his achievement for a few seconds. Then he takes a long deep breath and slowly exhales loudly.

I extract my hand from his, all hot and clammy as it is, and placed it on his tummy, fingers spread wide with the tip of my little finger buried in his tummy button. I wiggled it about which made Duncan laugh.

'There. A bit of togetherness.'

He put his hand on top of mine, and held it as I lowered my face towards his.

'Are you glad you came?' I whispered by way of a jest. Duncan replies by way of the slightest nod of his head.

As so often happens with Cornish weather, the heavy and prolonged shower passed and the sun came out. We had enjoyed the rain, funnily enough, accepting the soaking we were getting, laughing and running about in the wet sand. I had hung our clothes on the makeshift washing line strung up outside across the wooden veranda, our shorts, shirts, and even our sandals. Oddly it was only our swimming trunks that were still dry.

Granny opened to red front door of number 32 S. Georges Road, Truro, Cornwall, England. Her narrow face smiled at us on the doorstep.

'Did you have fun? I hope you didn't have all that rain?'

'We got soaked Granny.' Duncan says with a smile.

'And then the sun came out to dry us out.' I said quickly.

'Oh good . Do come in both of you. You must be tired.'

She's a good granny, that one. They're worth their weight in gold, good grannies. And good grandpas.

I stayed for the necessary cup of tea, and then left shortly after. When I got home, I telephoned Johnny's house. Anna answered.

'Is John there please?'

'Is it about the trip down to you next month?' She asks.

'Yes. I was wondering if Richard was coming down too?'

'As far as I know. He wouldn't want to miss out on his Cornish holiday. It'll be me and Sis of course, and John and Rich as usual. Adrean's got to work.'

That's who I thought it would be. The usual crew. I would sleep with Anna with little Sis between us. Sis will be two by then, his birthday in early August. The seventh. How could I forget. The day Anna gave birth to Sis. I went to see the new baby, all red and angry looking just an hour after his appearance into this beautiful world. Like shelling peas Anna said. He just slipped out just like my penis had slipped into Anna that Thursday afternoon, and the next three Thursdays. But it wasn't Anna I'd fucked hard that afternoon. It was John's slippery bottom I'd watered as it had risen up to meet me in those mind-blowing final thrusts deep into the darkness. He knew of course. He always knew what was coming and when , as he shouted out his encouragement. Anna is the only female I have ever kissed in passion, or ever wanted to in that way. But it wasn't her, even then, at that moment; not even then. I was just sixteen and still little more than a child at heart.

I could imagine Johnny as a girl with those tight shorts pulled up high, the long slim legs and arms and his pretty long hair waving about in the breeze. So he'll share a bed with Richard in the other of the two small bedrooms. My plan is to squeeze Duncan in if I can. He's never met any of them so it might be awkward for him, being essentially a very shy boy. Still waters run deep.

Granny suggested we take our tea up to Duncan's room. Now I can put my idea to him.

'Would you mind if I took your photo Duncan?'

'No. How much of me?'

'Just your head. And maybe shoulders too?'

'You could have done that down at the Cove couldn't you?'

'It was chucking it down. Remember?'

'Afterwards you could have?'

'Ok, I could have but I've had an idea. When Johnny comes down in a fortnight with his brother Richard and mum Anna and baby Sis, would you like join us? I know we would all love to have you with us. What do you think?'

There was a pregnant pause before an unsmiling Duncan nods his head'

'I think so.'

'I can always take you home if you feel awkward. At any time. We all want you to be happy and be somewhere different. You could give it a go?'

He nods again.

'It would be nice if they knew what you looked like. I thought it would be nice to send them a photo of you?'

More nodding.

'It's a pity about the weather today. We could have taken one of you on the beach.'

'Just my face?'

'Yes. Just your face.'

I had taken a few snaps of Duncan at the Hut, nothing untoward, just simple shots of the boy sitting in a chair looking at the rain falling outside the window making the wooden decking outside shine in the strong Cornish light. There's better weather on the way as the sky brightens to the south west. I particularly liked one shot; Duncan in the wicker armchair with one foot up, a hand under his chin. I thought the pose had potential so I moved around him to look at the alternatives. Now that is promising . He's bare chested and just in his shorts. That will do nicely. Very Jock Sturges. See if I can't lead Richard into temptation?

I printed the image out and emailed it to Johnny with a short explanatory note. Three days later I had him on the telephone.

'Who on earth is that Alex?'

'Do you like him?'

'I do, but not as much as Richard will. By the way he's been experimenting with girls, the naughty boy. I don't think he's got very far though. He might alter course for this lad. Ships do alter course you know. Do you have any more of this Duncan perchance? I bet you've got loads.'

I didn't address his last question.

'And your mystery lover John? Don't tell me you've fallen too?'

'No, why change the habit of a lifetime Alex.'

'So I can't rely on Richard to make Duncan welcome?'

'Oh I think you can. Have you?'

'Have I what?'

'You know perfectly well. Have you?'



'No. And that's the truth. There's the little matter of almost five years John.'

'I'm not sixteen yet Alex, but age is no barrier to love as far as I'm concerned.'

'And what happens when he or she dumps you and you get cross and want to moan to someone?'

'He. It's a he Alex. My ship hasn't altered course.'

'Ok, lets leave it at that for now John. May I counsel caution?'

'You may council whatever you like.'

'And you won't listen?'

'Probably not.'

'So isn't that a bit of a weight on your head John?'

'Not just my head Alex!' He says with a laugh. The silly boy. When I see him I'm very tempted to put him over my knee, but someone else is probably doing that now and I'd like to know who. Or would I?

How John's voice has changed and I bet he's inches taller than last year, and hairy with it. Oh please not that! I'm not sure I want to envisage all that. It makes no difference to how I feel about him of course; love doesn't die because someone grows up. They can't help that. But I have my memories to pull up from the files as and when I need to.

Adrean, Anna's hubby, has really got the hang of the IT stuff these days so I was able to email some more images of my new passion; Duncan. Portraits mainly and a few longer distance nude shots around the hut with just one that showed his best side, if you think that side beats the other side. With Duncan, I don't think it does. He's very standard and typical at the front but a real humdinger at the back, but not making the most of his assets currently. I'm moved to change that. But first, we need to seek permission to add Duncan to the guest list for three weeks at the Hut in August.

Duncan's parents were only too pleased to 'release' him, on condition that if he wanted out at any time, someone would immediately return him to his fold. I think that goes without saying. My plan is to set him up as a good mate for Richard. That will take the social heat off John and the rest of us if they can hit it off. Bear in mind I'm quite good at these situations. Richard can sleep on the floor to start with, for the reason being that two boys similarly disposed should share the same bed. John can have Duncan in with him leaving plenty of space between them.

Anna and I had baby Sis between us. He's lovely and usually pretty well behaved for a two-and-a-bit-year-old. And no more stinky nappies to deal with, although we take no chances at night. I have to say dealing with filled nappies is well up the nauseous scale. I didn't do one very often. This morning Anna gave me the task of dealing with a heavyweight example which hit the floor with a thud. Sis lay there waiting and smiling up at me appearing to be kind to a novice like me. I smoothed everything over with a wet wipe and then anointed his vulnerable areas with the thick restorative cream, noting his infantile anatomy. I never had an explanation as to why my people chose to mutilate me. Both of Sis's hands go straight there, as the focus of his interest is now available to feel and not encased in a thick warm wet cage.

I left him on his back to play for a couple of minutes while Anna was off out the back using the chemical loo presumably, which is strictly reserved for the more significant function of the two. The scrubby sand behind the Hut can accept any amount of waste water with no detrimental effect on the environment. Everybody's pee would soon have the tank overflowing.

When Anna returned, I was wrestling with the task of getting a tiny pair of pants over a less than co-operative infant. With one foot in, I grabbed the other foot and attempted to get the kicking limb in too. No dice.

'Mumma do it.' He says, smiling as he continues to fiddle, rather successfully. It's comforting to know that his nervous system is developing normally. Ok, let Mumma do it!

On my back now, Sis lies happily on my chest, my hands moving to comfort his wonderfully smooth back and the two hard little globes of his bottom. I loved to hold Johnny like this and he loved it too. I can feel the boy's breath on my skin as the prickling begins behind my eyes. Sis grips my shoulders as he pulls himself higher up my chest.

When Anna came back she laughs.

'Two happy boys then?'

The prickling that was behind my eyes now fills them. When I smile and turn towards Sis's mother, she's a blur.

''Where Jonjon?' says Sis, waking up.

'I'll take him into the boys Alex. That's where he usually ends up in the mornings. He can cuddle into one of them and go back to sleep.'

After Anna had carefully picked Sis off my chest, she was gone for two minutes. When Anna comes back to the room I'm alone with her.

'I don't suppose you want to relive another Thursday do you Alex?' She says, stroking my face. Thursdays.

'Or maybe you don't have it in you Alex?'

'Oh it's in me alright. I'm just not sure of the best way for it to get out. That's all. I'm gay Anna. It's not that easy.'

'Sorry. Why do I keep forgetting?' she says smiling and keeping up the stroking. 'Another way then? Or do you want to save it?'

'Carpe diem is always a good plan.'

'Why don't you shut your eyes then and be a good boy. I won't say a word.'

A small soft exploring hand could belong to anyone, girl, boy, woman or man. Lips and tongues likewise. When they caress your intimate flesh like this, make them belong to the one you want most.

There's such a thing as flogging a dead horse Anna.

'Shall I go and get him then?' Anna asks, relaxing back into the capacious pillows. My father always bought large pillows for some reason.

'Don't wake him up specially.'

'I would think he'll be relieved to get off the floor and into a proper bed. And you two haven't spoken properly for ages.'

That's true.

'How long would we have Anna?'

'As long as you like. I'll take Sis onto the beach. An hour?'

Johnny came through the door about a minute later in his pj bottoms, those stretchy type that show everything a boy has. I've arranged the summer weight duvet so that it just about covers my significant bits but nothing else. John will appreciate my pose hopefully.

'You sent for me Sir?' John says, po faced, like the duty fag I once was.

'Well you can get those off for a start.' I said, smiling.

John did as he was told, gently lowering the tightly fitted garment down his legs and off one foot and then the other, finally standing in classic pose, his erection well on the way up.

'Gosh you have grown. Quite the young man now I see. I think we do need to talk about that don't you?'

The boy nods, his excitement now almost complete.

'Talk Sir?'

'Perhaps later then. Let me see if we can't deal with your problem first.'

'My problem? More your problem Alex.'

Yes it is my problem. I accept that.

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