Characters in Robin
This page has the major characters, correct spellings for continuity, and charactaer traits of the key players. If you;re going to introduce a new key character I need a word picture of the character for future authors, including, if they are family members, the relationship. Minor characaters are minor characters, unless you build them in to the main plot. But beware too many major players
Joey Andersson |
Almost fifteen years old as the story starts, captain of the junior swim team, grade A athlete, popular, bright, middle of the road at schoolwork. Joey can be argumentative, especially with the reader! 5'9" tall, and not an ounce of spare muscle, but swimmer's muscles, not bodybuilder's. Gentle power. Joey is blond with a sweet face, and a winning smile. |
Robin Williamson |
Styled long blond hair (somewhat unlike the picture) with a "shy Di" fringe and green, green eyes hidden under them. A soft voice, just broken, and (gasp) he has his foreskin still! AND will keep it! NO visits to the circumcision clinic for Robin! The Williamsons are from very small town West Australia. Cowaramup exists. Obviously Robin's family is a fiction. And so is Joey's |
Jack Williamson |
A year younger than Joey. Awesome swimmer. Totally and absolutely loves his brother, who is a good mate as well as a brother. Younger, sure, but fiercely protective. Not a boy to have as an enemy. |
Richard Andersson |
Joey's Dad. Works as a Civil Engineer for Palo Alto. Works all hours. 6'1" and overweight some. He's 44. |
Karen Andersson |
Joey's Mom. Works as an accountant in the local tax office. Like her husband she works flat out. mid thirties, and medium tall at 5'7" and weighs 135 lbs or so. Joey's gonna be a tall man! |
Elizabeth (Beth) Andersson |
Nine years old, and Joey's kid sister |
Amy |
Amy is Joey's best friend. They've known each other for ever. Confidante, advisor, co-conspiritor, helpmate. Amy is one cool girl. |
Charlene Brevotny |
Karen Andersson's older sister, Joey's aunt Char, Charlene has a history, deeply relevant to the story. A late bloomiung hippy, Charlene is conventional America personified until someone needs to be defended. Then let no man stand in her way! No woman either. |
Now, pictures are a challenge. This is as I picture Joey (left) and Robin (right). Pretty obviously the picture quality is poor, but the pictures are taken from old and far smaller pictures of my own schooldays in the 1960s.

Obviously these boys are NOT Joey nor Robin. Equally obviously they are not gay, or if they are, I certainly both do not remember them as such, and also wish I had known if they were. But they would make a lovely couple, and are as I imagine each boy
Rules for Authors
There are very few rules.- Keep the characterisation
- Attempt to keep to the style of Chapter 1. If it has diverged, take it on yourself to return it
- The story is set in the USA
- No overlapping plots. The story is sequential. Side plots, yes, time jumps or overlapping plots, no
- No collaborating with the previous or following author. This is an experiment in passing a baton forward with surprises. Treat it as a challenge, not a conspiracy
- I am the final arbiter of whether a chapter will be posted. This is more quality control than anything else. However I do reserve the right to ask for rethinks or rewrites, or to mention stylistic issues.
- Each author retains copyright to their own chapter(s)
- Please keep away from cartoon Aussies. The family is cultured. "Cobber" has only a place in a joke, not in conversation.
- Crocodile Dundee is fiction, and accordingly people like him should not appear
- Do learn an Australian vocabulary for your Australian characters. Terms used by Aussies are much more "British" than American.
- Ask me if you want to write a chapter, because I know who is doing what. At the end of this page is the list of authors and chapters, both written and planned.
- Once a chapter is submitted and accepted, while the author retains full copyright, the chapter may not be withdrawn. "Robin" is a co-operative story, and chapters are submitted in the full knowledge that they remain on this or a similar site or sites as an integral part of the story.
- Chapters will be submitted by the webmaster to the Nifty Archive since this is the practice of the webmaster for his own stories
Chapters to be written...
Chapter | Author | Email Address | Website |
Ten | Who will write this? |
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