
by Victor Thomas

Chapter 20

Finally, everything seems to be going good for me, mostly anyway. My mom is starting to listen to me and is treating me better. She's working on my dad, who she seems to think will eventually come around. She's even agreed to let me go out to Blackford to live with Aunt Sandra. And, I even have my best friend back.

Things had been mostly quite at school for the last few days, at least somewhat. Sure, there was still the constant harassment, mostly from Ashton and his friends, but otherwise I was mostly left alone. I guess everyone else had finally seen what had happened to me and were starting to realize their role in everything.

Still, I was really looking forward to moving out to Aunt Sandra's at the end of next week, during the Thanksgiving break.

Then, tragedy strikes!

"So, you got all your homework done for tomorrow?"

Brian wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in, nibbling on my neck. Instantly, pleasant tingles made their way all over my body, and I erupted in goosebumps, which sent a cold chill down my spine. I loved being in his arms and shivering in delight.

We were standing in the middle of my room, in the dead of night. A big round moon outside was the only witness to our love and admiration for each other. Looking upward, I stared into his greenish blue eyes and ran my hand through his blond hair. I squeezed him tight, not wanting this moment to end.

"Yeah," I said. "I finished my English assignment on Friday."

I dug my face in his chest and breathed in his smell, savoring the smell of grass, sweat, and his manly musk. I loved his unique scent. It only enhanced my love for him.

I smiled, tasting his lips once more.

"It feels so good to be dating the smartest and most beautiful boy in Chouteau High School," he said.

"Really?" I smirked. "Who is he, so I can date him?"

He laughed and gently bit my left ear, whispering, "you."

My stomach did a somersault and I couldn't suppress my smile.

"Do you really have to leave?" I asked.

After taking a deep breath he nodded.

"Yeah, but I'll see you tomorrow," he said. "I'd hate for your parents to bust us, especially since you said that they're starting to come around a little."

As hard as it may be to believe, my parents had actually left me alone in the house while they went out to dinner and a movie over in Joplin. I was taking a chance with Brian, but it was worth it to see him here at home rather than meeting up at the park like we had been for the last three months.

Resting my head on his chest again, I tried to listen to his heartbeat. Our hearts were beating at the same time.

"I know."

"Look at it this way; the faster I get home, the faster I get to see you tomorrow."

I smiled weakly, glancing at the clock on my nightstand. It was nearly eleven o'clock.

I laughed. My boyfriend was right, of course. I'm surprised mom and dad haven't returned by now.

"I guess so."

He walked to my window and stepped outside. I chuckled.

"Why don't you use the front door?" I asked. "We're home alone, remember. No one heard our erotic moaning a few minutes ago."

Glancing at me from outside the window, he snorted.

"Shut up! You're making me horny again. Besides, this is more exciting. It makes me feel young, exciting and free."

Slowly and carefully, I walked to the window and stuck my head through it.

"Fine. It's a good thing that this house is only one story. Will I see you tomorrow?"

He leaned in and kissed my lips.

"Of course, my love," he said.

My heart stopped. I didn't want him to leave. In fact, I wanted him to stay for the night so that I could wrap my arms around him, but I knew that wasn't possible. My father would probably shoot both of us if he caught us again.

I know I mentioned earlier that my mother was finally starting to see things my way and that she is slowly working on my father, but he has a long way to go. He's not quite as hostile now, but he still makes no secret that he finds my being gay disgusting. He'll probably never completely change his attitude, but every little bit helps.

He smiled and slowly walked backwards, smiling mor radiantly then the stars above.

"Night, baby."

I took a deep breath and said, "good night."

I stood there silently until he had completely disappeared under the cover of the night. He had parked a block over, not wanting to take a chance that someone would see his car and say something to mom or dad.

Taking a deep breath, I glanced at my clock again. It was eleven o'clock. I walked to my bed and lay down, thinking about Brian. The room was dark and silent. A strange sensation slowly made it's way all over my body, engulfing me in a cold hug. My heart rate skyrocketed, while my blood froze. Something was definitely wrong, but I simply didn't know what. As I slowly drifted off to sleep, I prayed and hoped that he had gotten home safely.

I never saw Brian alive again!

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