
by Victor Thomas

Chapter 17

"No!" I screamed.

"Scott! Scott! Wake up!"

My eyes snapped open. I was breathing hard and fast, as if I'd been running. I trembled with fear. Mom was standing by my bed, looking frightened and concerned.

"You're okay, honey. You were having a nightmare."

I fought back the tears, but a sob escaped. She sat on the side of my bed and hugged me.

"You're safe now, Scott."

I quickly got myself under control, but tears rimmed my eyes. I wondered if I'd ever feel safe again.

"I'm sorry, mom," I said.

"It's okay, dear. It's a little early, but why don't you come into the kitchen and have some breakfast. We can talk about what happened if you like, or we can just talk."

Damn, I thought, who is this woman and what has she done with my mother. Up until now, mom has more or less gone along with dad when it comes to how they treat me. She's seemed to almost despise me as much as he has since they found out I'm gay. Maybe she's finally realizing that I've done nothing wrong and has decided to support me, at least somewhat. I don't expect things will ever go completely back to the way they were, but you never know. Dad, I'm sure is a lost cause.

"Yeah, I could use some breakfast. I haven't had anything since last night at supper. I'm starving."

"We'll have a feast then, bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes, whatever you want. We'll go crazy."

I smiled despite myself.

"Sounds good."

"Come on, then."

"Owww," I said as I sat up.

I winced.

I was sore in various places, particularly my butt. She looked at me with pity as I limped away from the bed. I was dressed already, so I checked my face out in the mirror while mom watched. I had a black eye and a bruise on my left cheek. I wasn't looking pretty, but not too bad, all things considered. I wouldn't have been surprised if I'd had a busted lip. I had a cut on the inside of my jaw, but that would heal.

Mom left me alone to go make breakfast while I got undressed so I could take a nice hot shower.

I got a better idea of the damage that had been inflicted on me when I tugged my sweater, then my shirt, over my head. I winced in pain with every movement.

"Shit!" I said to myself.

I had bruises all over my arms and chest and no doubt on my back, too. It looked a lot worse than it felt, and that was saying something. Mom had mentioned seeing Doctor Reardon last night and I had agreed with her at the time. Now seeing myself in the mirror, I knew I really needed to. Just because no bones are broken doesn't mean there isn't other damage that isn't so apparent.

Once I recover from this second beating, there's nothing going to stop me from getting some payback. I just have to be patient and wait for the right opportunity.

The hot water felt so good on my aching body that I didn't want to get out, but I finally had to when the water started getting cool. I guess I must have used all the hot water.

I quickly dried off, walked back to my room, got dressed, and went down to the kitchen, where mom was just hanging up the phone. She started making breakfast as I sat at the table.

"I was just talking to your Aunt Sandra. You're going out there to live with her this week. We need to get you out of this school, and out of this town as soon as we can. I can't stand to see you like this, Scott."

I was grinning from ear to ear when I heard this.

"What changed your mind?" I asked. "When I mentioned this after returning from out there, you and dad were dead set against it."

"I guess seeing you like this again made me realize just how bad things had become," she said. "I thought after you ended up in the hospital before, all this would go away. I won't pretend to approve of you choosing to be gay, Scott, but I'm starting to realize that It's not a choice. How could it be? Nobody would choose to be beaten up repeatedly, made fun of, or lose most of their friends. I don't understand it, but I'm no longer going to stand by and do nothing. I just don't want you to end up like those two boys who were lynched a few years ago. That was terrible."

She was referring to some kid named Oliver, I think, and then Bryce, which had happened just last year. I had just started high school, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

It's about goddamned time, I thought. How could otherwise intelligent people think homosexuality was a choice?

"Thanks, mom," I said. "Believe me, I wish it was a choice. I just wish dad could understand as well."

"I'm working on him, dear. Believe it or not, your father does love you, and only wants what's best for you. He just doesn't understand. I don't understand either, but I'm trying."

"I appreciate it, mom. I just wish you could have realized all this three months ago when all this crap first started."

"I'm so sorry, Scott," she said. "So, what exactly happened last night, if you don't mind my asking. I'll understand if you don't want to talk about it. I'm taking you to the doctor after breakfast just to make sure you're going to be okay."

I explained what had happened, leaving out certain details, of course. My mother does not need to know that I was raped by four guys. Nobody needs to know, not even Brian. After I finished telling her what had happened, she had tears in her eyes. I guess she really does love me after all.

I did end up in the hospital overnight after all. I had been beaten pretty bad, but apparently not as bad as the first time when I had spent three days in the hospital.

Mom thought she should call the police, but I convinced her not to. It would just be a waste of time anyway. Like before, the cops just don't give a damn if some faggot gets beaten up. They would go through the motions and then do nothing. I was going to have to handle things on my own, and when I'm through, Ashton and his gang will be sorry they ever even met me. Paybacks a motherfucker, or it will be in this case. I just have to figure out what I'm going to do and wait for the right opportunity.

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