The Seventeenth Summer (1995)

by Mark Peters

Chapter 17

Apart from the opening of presents, one of the usual rituals of Christmas mornings in the Anderson household was for all the relatives to be called on the phone, or for them to call, in order to pass on Christmas greetings and catch up on everything that had been going on in each other's lives. This year wasn't any different with a procession of grand-parents, aunts, uncles and cousins all putting in an appearance while the phone was passed around all of the members of Danny's family.

For Danny it felt quite strange, and was even tinged with some sadness, knowing that this could possibly be the last time he would speak to some of these family members, but he was extra careful not to let slip anything about what he was planning. For a few moments he even wondered whether or not he would be able to go through with his plan to run away with Jake, but when he thought about what staying here might mean and about the adventures he would be missing out on, he knew that his future lay elsewhere and he simply had to go.

It was after breakfast and the present opening and all the telephone calls that Danny finally thought about his best friend, Nate, and how he might be spending Christmas. Just as he was about to go to the phone and pick it up to call him, however, it rang. As Pete was closest he almost jumped on it, answering with an excited greeting of 'Merry Christmas!' without even knowing who was calling.

All eyes turned towards him as the family waited to see who it was who was calling this time, but it was Danny who he turned to and held out the phone for.

'It's Nate,' Pete declared.

'Hey, mate,' Danny said, after taking the phone from his brother. 'Merry Christmas!'

'Hey, lover-boy! Merry Christmas to you too. You heard from your boyfriend yet?'

'Nate says Merry Christmas, everyone,' Danny said.

'Merry Christmas, Nate,' Danny's mother called out across the kitchen, while his stepfather could only manage a grunt.

'Tell your mum I heard that,' Nate laughed. 'Now, have you heard from your boyfriend yet?' Nate repeated.

'No, nothing so far,' Danny replied.

'Well, I'm sure he'll call. I mean, if he's serious he bloody well should!' Nate offered.

'We'll see. So, how did Santa treat you?'

'Oh, the usual. How about you?'

'The same,' Danny answered, while turning away from everyone and lowering his voice so they all wouldn't hear. 'Socks and jocks, shirts and deodorant and stuff . . . you think they're trying to tell me something? Oh, and I got my own shaving kit.'

'Sweet. My main man is getting all grown up!' Nate teased.

'Arsehole!' Danny hissed.

For a few moments they both remained silent, before eventually Nate said, 'I'm sure he'll come back,' answering the question that had quickly formed in Danny's mind.

'I bloody hope so,' Danny said quietly.

'Have a little faith, my man!'

'Easier said than done, dude!'

'Yeah, I suppose you have a point there.'

'Anyhow, what are you doing this arvo? Want to come around?'

'I thought you'd never ask,' Nate replied. 'After lunch sometime?'

'Sounds cool. But leave it till about three-ish will you? Let me sleep off my Christmas Dinner first.'

'Geez. You are such a slob! You know that, don't you? I wonder if Jake knows what he's letting himself in for?'

'Ummm . . .'

'Yeah, I know . . . I've got to keep it quiet. You can trust me, Dan, I won't let it slip. And there's no one around to hear me at the moment, so it's safe.'

'Thanks mate. I appreciate that.'

'Okay then, I'll see you this afternoon.'

'Okay,' Danny replied, before the line went dead.

For a second or two Danny stood there staring at the receiver, before his mother asked, 'Is everything alright, Dan?'

At the mention of his name Danny's head snapped up.

'Huh?' he asked.

'I asked if everything was alright?'

'Errr . . . yeah. Nate's going to come around later this arvo.'

'That's nice, dear,' his mother replied, as she busied herself by cutting up potato for her special potato salad, which Danny suddenly realised was just another of many things that he was really going to miss.

Looking around the living room he noticed all his opened presents still sitting on the floor, so he walked over and scooped them up and headed for his bedroom, dropping them onto his unmade bed.

As he looked down at his presents he was suddenly aware of just how much there was for him to think about between now and whenever Jake came back for him. What would he take with him? How would he get it to wherever he was going to be picked up from? How would he get out of the house without being caught? And the biggest question of all; would he even be able to walk away from this house and everyone and everything he had ever known and loved?

It was a big move. It was the biggest move he had ever made or would ever be likely to make. That question that was still burning in his mind right now, at a time when he was feeling loved by those he would be leaving behind, was whether or not he would be able to actually do it?

While he thought about that he heard the telephone ring once more, then moments later he heard the sound of Pete running down the hall.

'It's for you,' his brother said. 'Said it was one of your friends.'

Curious as to who it could be, Danny followed Pete out into the hall and back to the living room where the phone was located.

'Hello,' Danny said, a little unsure as to whom it might be, seeing as he had already spoken with all his relatives who usually called on this day as well as with Nate.

'Hey, babe! Merry Christmas,' Jake cheerfully greeted him. 'Have you missed me?'

'Hey! Merry Christmas to you too! And yeah, you've sure got that right!' Danny replied, with a laugh in his voice that hadn't been there just a short time ago. Suddenly he was feeling brighter than he had in days, but at the same time he was trying to keep a lid on his excitement in case he might give something away.

When he glanced at his mother in the kitchen he caught her watching him for a second or two, before she then turned to Peter and asked him who was on the phone. Pete had simply shrugged his shoulders and said, 'One of Danny's friends, he said,' before swiping a slice of cold meat from the plate that his stepfather was trying to fill as he cut the leg of ham for their traditional Christmas lunch of cold meats and salads.

'Was that your kid brother? And I'm guessing that your folks are there too?' Jake asked.

'Yeah, right on both counts.'

'Well, I won't keep you long . . . I know what it's like trying to talk to friends about stuff when mum and dad are trying to listen in. I just . . . I just needed to hear your voice again . . . I've missed you.'

'Yeah, likewise,' Danny replied, as he cast a furtive glance at what his family were all doing. Thankfully, no one seemed to be paying any attention to him as both his parents had their hands full with Danny's siblings.

'I'll be back there as soon as I can, okay? You still want to come with me?'

'You better believe it!'

'Well, it won't be long now, I promise you. I heard about this place up the coast that might be just what we're looking for so I'm heading that way in the next day or so to try and find it.'

'That sounds cool.'

'Just keep an eye out for me, okay? I'll find you when I get back there, then we can take it from there.'


'And Danny . . .'


'I love you . . . and I can't wait to see you again!'

For a second Danny closed his eyes and cupped his hand around the mouthpiece, as he let those words echo around inside his head.

The only person who had ever said that to him was his mother, but that was different. It didn't mean the same thing.

'I . . . love you too,' he whispered in reply, but only after first making sure that no one could overhear him. 'I'll see you soon.'

It was exactly a week after Christmas Day when Jake drove back into Thompsonville; New Year's Day in fact. It was now nineteen seventy-six.

Pat and Thomas had both gone away on holidays with their families, so Danny and Nate spent most of the week hanging out together, camping out overnight at that spot up river, spending time swimming and surfing at the beach, hanging around the lake or hanging out at one house or the other.

New Year's Eve found Danny and his family at a party thrown by Nate's parents, which lasted until well past the stroke of midnight. Danny and Nate had decided to camp out at the bottom of Nate's back yard, sleeping under the stars in their swags until well after sun-up. Later on New Year's Day they were seen sitting by the creek that ran out of the lake, watching all the holiday makers, while they shared some hot chips and a large bottle of Coca-Cola.

When they heard the familiar, deep rumble of a V-8 motor coming into town they looked at each other sharply.

'Hey, that sounds kind of familiar,' Nate said, before jumping to his feet.

Suddenly Danny's heart started beating faster. Had Jake finally returned for him?

'Well, don't just sit there,' Nate urged. 'We better go find out if it's him or not!'

After looking up at his best friend for a few moments he held up his hand and Nate reached out for it pulling Danny to his feet. After scattering their remaining chips across the grass, upon which a flock of squabbling seagulls quickly descended, they set off for the main street and the car park located at the end of it.

'What do you reckon?' Nate asked as they strode along the sidewalk. 'You think you're ready to go?'

'I . . . I don't know,' Danny answered.

'Why the hell not? It's the chance of a lifetime, dude!'

'I don't know . . .'

Nate looked across and studied him as they walked. For a moment he couldn't put a name to the expression on his friend's face, but then it dawned on him. He reached out and grabbed Danny's arm, bringing them both to a stop on the street outside the bakery.

'Mate, you're not having second thoughts are you?' Nate asked.

'What?' Danny replied.

'Well, I mean, it'd be okay if you were . . .'

'Well, I'm not!' Danny shot back, before continuing to walk along the street forcing Nate to fall in alongside him. 'I'm just . . . I dunno, I guess I'm just a bit nervous, that's all . . .'

'You know, it's okay to be nervous . . . I know I would be too.'

'Do you . . . ummm . . . do you think I'm doing the right thing?'

'Mate, all that matters is what you think.'

'That's not really much help, you know.'

Nate didn't know how to respond to that, so he said nothing as the two of them continued on their way towards the car park at the end of the row of shops, while trying to dodge people on the street.

'What I meant,' Nate eventually said, 'was all that matters is that you are happy with what you are doing. What would happen if you didn't go? You'll be kicking yourself forever, and saying "what if" for the rest of your fucking life. And if you do go, well, at least you'll know what the rest of the world is like, whether that's good or bad or otherwise.'

Danny looked across at his friend, noting the worried expression on his face.

'And if it doesn't work out?' Danny asked, after coming to a stop once more. 'What if he actually turns out to be a nut job? What if we start to hate each other? What if we don't have any money . . . or we get busted by the cops . . . or . . . or . . .'

'Well, if anything like that happens, I suppose then you'll come home . . . because no matter where you end up this will always be home, won't it?'

'Yeah, I suppose so,' Danny answered.

'So . . . what have you got to lose? Give it a try, and if it turns out he's a psycho after all you can just jump on a bus and come home, or just call someone and we'll come get you!'

For what seemed like an eternity Danny simply stared at Nate before a smile eventually broke out across his face. Turning away from Nate he set off once more, only this time he was really striding out determined to reach that car park.

'Well? Aren't you going to say anything?' Nate asked as he hurried to catch up with his friend once more.

'You're totally right,' Danny said. 'I won't know if I don't go!'

'No, you won't.'

'And I'd be a fool not to at least give it a go . . .'

'Yes, you would.'

'And it's not like I won't see any of you guys or my family ever again . . .'

'It better fuckin' not be!'

'And I'll write and call you when I can . . .'

'I'm gonna want to know everything!'

Danny cast him a sideways glance and grinned.

'Okay then, maybe not quite everything,' Nate chuckled.

'I'm gonna miss you, you know.'

'Of course you will . . . who wouldn't?'

Danny could only laugh.

They were nearing the car park now and they both knew that if it was indeed Jake and his Sandman panel van that they had heard, then their lives were about to change. As they approached the corner Danny slowed, then stopped just before turning the corner.

'You okay?' Nate asked.

'Take a look for me,' Danny asked. 'Tell me if it was him.'

'Oh, man. You've really got it bad, haven't you?'

This time a silly grin was all the Danny could manage.

With a shake of the head Nate walked to the corner and looked out across the car park. There were quite a few cars around, as even though it was a public holiday there were folks down by the lake, and some of the shops were still open trying to pick up a few tourist dollars.

Nate spotted it in an instant, the panel van with the burnt orange paint job and flames up the sides. And there was Jake, casually leaning against the driver's door with his arms folded in front of him as he looked around. It took a few seconds before he looked in Nate's direction, and at first his eyes seemed to pass over Nate as Jake looked round, but then they snapped back and focused on him.

'Well?' asked Danny, from where he stood out of the view of anyone in the car park. 'What can you see?'

'It's him,' Nate said. 'And he's just spotted me.'

'What's he doing?'

'He's holding out his hands and making like he's shrugging his shoulders . . . like he's asking me where you are.'

'Now what?'

'Now it's your turn,' Nate said, as he grabbed his best friend by the arm and then stepped behind him and pushed Danny into view. Danny came willingly and soon found himself looking across the street at Jake, who was still standing beside his car.

Immediately Jake stood to attention as they watched each other from across the car park, but then Nate pushed Danny forward another step, and then another, until soon they were both walking towards a grinning Jake.

'Hey, boys! I'm back!' a cheerful Jake said as he high-fived them both. Jake wished he could hug Danny, or both of them for that matter, but they were standing out in the open and that just wasn't the done thing, especially not in a town like this one.

'And about bloody time too,' Nate replied. 'Your boy here has been climbing the walls waiting for you to arrive and ride off into the sunset with him!'

Suddenly Jake looked surprised and glanced nervously at Danny.

'Yeah, what can I say, he figured us out,' Danny said. 'But he's cool with it . . . aren't you, Nate.'

'Well, about as cool as I can be . . . considering I'm about to lose my best friend.'

'And you're not pissed with me or Danny about that?' Jake enquired.

'Man, why should I? You two obviously want to be together so why shouldn't I be happy for you? Some of the others around here might think a bit differently, but as far as I'm concerned if two people want to go for it, then what right does anyone else have to stop them?'

Turning to Danny, Jake grinned and said, 'See, didn't I tell you he might surprise you?'

'Yeah, you did,' Danny chuckled.

'Wait, you guys talked about how I might react?' Nate spat.

'Of course,' said Jake. 'Your best friend here was worried about how you might take the news . . . he didn't want to lose you as a friend, you know. I told him that I had a feeling you would be okay about it. Seems like my instincts were spot on.'

'Well, near enough,' Nate grinned. 'So, where to from here? What's going to happen?'

'I think, Nate, that Danny and I first need to catch up . . . and have a chat. Among other things there's a lot we need to discuss before either of us do anything . . . '

'Oh, you mean, like, just the two of you?' Nate replied.

'Ummm . . . yeah. I hope you don't mind?'

'And you want to do more than just chat, don't you?' Nate grinned.

Danny could only blush.

'Jesus, I can't believe I'm standing here with my best friend and his . . . his . . . boyfriend . . . and they're talking about going off and doing it ! What fucking planet am I on? This is just so crazy!' Nate laughed.

'I thought you didn't have a problem with this?' Danny pouted.

'What? No, I don't . . . geez, how many times do I have to say it? I'm cool with whatever you want to do with your life, mate . . . just, well, just so long as you don't go and run off without saying goodbye . . .'

'We'd never do that,' Danny promised.

'I know that, man . . . it's just . . .' Nate began, before cutting himself short and gazing out over the lake. Suddenly he was feeling quite emotional about the thought of Danny soon leaving him and he hoped that it wouldn't show.

'It's okay, Nate. We understand,' Jake offered, while placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. 'Anyhow, it'll be a couple of days before we do anything so you'll get to say goodbye properly.'

'You promise?' Nate asked.

'Yeah, we promise,' Danny replied. 'And we promise that one day we'll come back too, won't we, Jake?'

'Of course we will.'

Nate looked at the two of them and blinked back the dampness he could feel building up in his eyes. They were standing side by side, both with concerned expressions of their faces.

He knew he was going to miss Danny when he left, but he also realised now that he was going to miss Jake almost as much. He may have only known him for just a few weeks, but in that short time Jake had taught him so much about life, and about a lifestyle he had always been taught to look down upon. There was nothing wrong with being queer, just as there was nothing wrong with being a long-haired surfer. Everyone is different Nate now knew, and what of it? No one has a right to look down upon anyone else. No one has a right to judge anyone else or hate anyone else because of who they sleep with. All that matters is that we all should treat everyone equally and with respect, and that we be good to one another. All the other shit that people carry on with is just that . . . shit . . . and not even worth thinking about anymore.

'I'm really going to miss you guys,' Nate eventually said to them, as he rubbed the heel of his palm into an eye and wiped away something that vaguely resembled a tear.

Without even thinking about it, Danny reached out and hugged his friend, before Jake then wrapped his arms around the pair of them.

None of them were worried about being seen this time. They knew that their friendship was more important than what anyone might think about them, and when they finally separated they were all grinning.

'I love both of you guys, you know that?' Nate said quietly. 'But you better treat Dan right, Jake, or you'll have me to answer to.'

'I will, Nate. You can count on it,' Jake replied.

'And as for you, arsehole, you better not forget about me!'


'And you better let me know where you end up so I can visit or something.'

'We can do that,' Jake replied.

'Good. Now you two go and catch up , or whatever it is that you crazy kids call it these days, and I'll see you later,' Nate said, before breaking away from them and heading towards the road.

The sun was only just above the mountains by now and the day had taken on that late afternoon glow. They watched as Nate walked away from them, glancing back over his shoulder just once and giving them a grin and a wave.

'It's not hard to see why you love him,' Jake said. 'He's certainly a character.'

'He's more than that,' Danny replied.

'So, do you want to go for a drive? Somewhere where we can talk, and whatever . . .'

Danny glanced at Jake, who was smiling.

'I want to tell you all about our Utopia,' Jake continued.

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