Summer Stories Poll Results

The results of the story competition are here. We're displaying all thirteen, so it's quite a large page. It's not reasonable to compare stories "like for like" since the stories are different and the styles are different. Instead this page lets the authors see and understand how their story affected a readership where another author's story might not have. So this is a positive feedback they are all getting

Best of all, it acts as an encouragement to write more.

After 6 December we will reveal who was the author of each story. You might like to pop back and see who you voted for

Story One

Scottish Dance

Please rate Story One with the impressions it left you with
Either while reading this story, or afterwards, I found it to be/had/made me (Tick all that apply) [66 votes total]

Romantic (30)  45%
Erotic (9)  13%
Sweet (21)  31%
Gentle (20)  30%
Surprising (12)  18%
Realistic (24)  36%
Inspiring (1)  1%
An emotional read (3)  4%
Written with rhythm and pace (22)  33%
Thought provoking (9)  13%
Well laid out (paragraphs etc) (34)  51%
Technically well written (36)  54%
Written with good use of grammar and syntax (this does not mean pedantic use) (39)  59%
Easy to read (44)  66%
It invited me in (18)  27%
I could not put it down (7)  10%
Cheering (made me happy) (6)  9%
Uplifting (5)  7%
I identified with at least one of the characters (8)  12%
It felt like it was about me. I know it wasn't, but it felt like it (0)  0%
The plot was tough to read. (a tough [good] experience, not hard to read) (3)  4%
Not just prose, but almost a 'tone poem' (0)  0%
Meets the rules of the competition (36)  54%

Story Two

Camp Time

Please rate Story Two with the impressions it left you with
Either while reading this story, or afterwards, I found it to be/had/made me (Tick all that apply) [107 votes total]

Romantic (65)  60%
Erotic (1)  0%
Sweet (69)  64%
Gentle (38)  35%
Surprising (6)  5%
Realistic (18)  16%
Inspiring (23)  21%
An emotional read (30)  28%
Written with rhythm and pace (12)  11%
Thought provoking (17)  15%
Well laid out (paragraphs etc) (23)  21%
Technically well written (13)  12%
Written with good use of grammar and syntax (this does not mean pedantic use) (8)  7%
Easy to read (56)  52%
It invited me in (27)  25%
I could not put it down (18)  16%
Cheering (made me happy) (23)  21%
Uplifting (29)  27%
I identified with at least one of the characters (25)  23%
It felt like it was about me. I know it wasn't, but it felt like it (3)  2%
The plot was tough to read. (a tough [good] experience, not hard to read) (5)  4%
Not just prose, but almost a 'tone poem' (0)  0%
Meets the rules of the competition (62)  57%

Story Three

Love Through Anything

Please rate Story Three with the impressions it left you with
Either while reading this story, or afterwards, I found it to be/had/made me (Tick all that apply) [78 votes total]

Romantic (34)  43%
Erotic (1)  1%
Sweet (47)  60%
Gentle (25)  32%
Surprising (15)  19%
Realistic (6)  7%
Inspiring (7)  8%
An emotional read (24)  30%
Written with rhythm and pace (9)  11%
Thought provoking (15)  19%
Well laid out (paragraphs etc) (14)  17%
Technically well written (13)  16%
Written with good use of grammar and syntax (this does not mean pedantic use) (12)  15%
Easy to read (45)  57%
It invited me in (13)  16%
I could not put it down (7)  8%
Cheering (made me happy) (6)  7%
Uplifting (8)  10%
I identified with at least one of the characters (1)  1%
It felt like it was about me. I know it wasn't, but it felt like it (0)  0%
The plot was tough to read. (a tough [good] experience, not hard to read) (10)  12%
Not just prose, but almost a 'tone poem' (1)  1%
Meets the rules of the competition (44)  56%

Story Four

Coming of Age

Please rate Story Four with the impressions it left you with
Either while reading this story, or afterwards, I found it to be/had/made me (Tick all that apply) [76 votes total]

Romantic (44)  57%
Erotic (68)  89%
Sweet (35)  46%
Gentle (35)  46%
Surprising (16)  21%
Realistic (16)  21%
Inspiring (20)  26%
An emotional read (21)  27%
Written with rhythm and pace (38)  50%
Thought provoking (13)  17%
Well laid out (paragraphs etc) (50)  65%
Technically well written (39)  51%
Written with good use of grammar and syntax (this does not mean pedantic use) (33)  43%
Easy to read (57)  75%
It invited me in (35)  46%
I could not put it down (28)  36%
Cheering (made me happy) (29)  38%
Uplifting (23)  30%
I identified with at least one of the characters (18)  23%
It felt like it was about me. I know it wasn't, but it felt like it (9)  11%
The plot was tough to read. (a tough [good] experience, not hard to read) (6)  7%
Not just prose, but almost a 'tone poem' (5)  6%
Meets the rules of the competition (53)  69%

Story Five

Like Waves On The Shore

Please rate Story Five with the impressions it left you with
Either while reading this story, or afterwards, I found it to be/had/made me (Tick all that apply) [60 votes total]

Romantic (41)  68%
Erotic (7)  11%
Sweet (36)  60%
Gentle (38)  63%
Surprising (16)  26%
Realistic (34)  56%
Inspiring (15)  25%
An emotional read (22)  36%
Written with rhythm and pace (29)  48%
Thought provoking (24)  40%
Well laid out (paragraphs etc) (31)  51%
Technically well written (34)  56%
Written with good use of grammar and syntax (this does not mean pedantic use) (28)  46%
Easy to read (49)  81%
It invited me in (23)  38%
I could not put it down (17)  28%
Cheering (made me happy) (11)  18%
Uplifting (15)  25%
I identified with at least one of the characters (17)  28%
It felt like it was about me. I know it wasn't, but it felt like it (4)  6%
The plot was tough to read. (a tough [good] experience, not hard to read) (8)  13%
Not just prose, but almost a 'tone poem' (3)  5%
Meets the rules of the competition (43)  71%

Story Six

The Angels and Devils of Church Street

Please rate Story Six with the impressions it left you with
Either while reading this story, or afterwards, I found it to be/had/made me (Tick all that apply) [50 votes total]

Romantic (37)  74%
Erotic (33)  66%
Sweet (20)  40%
Gentle (8)  16%
Surprising (14)  28%
Realistic (32)  64%
Inspiring (12)  24%
An emotional read (35)  70%
Written with rhythm and pace (30)  60%
Thought provoking (20)  40%
Well laid out (paragraphs etc) (30)  60%
Technically well written (31)  62%
Written with good use of grammar and syntax (this does not mean pedantic use) (27)  54%
Easy to read (14)  28%
It invited me in (28)  56%
I could not put it down (22)  44%
Cheering (made me happy) (12)  24%
Uplifting (13)  26%
I identified with at least one of the characters (18)  36%
It felt like it was about me. I know it wasn't, but it felt like it (3)  6%
The plot was tough to read. (a tough [good] experience, not hard to read) (28)  56%
Not just prose, but almost a 'tone poem' (10)  20%
Meets the rules of the competition (42)  84%

Story Seven

Great Oaks

Please rate Story Seven with the impressions it left you with
Either while reading this story, or afterwards, I found it to be/had/made me (Tick all that apply) [54 votes total]

Romantic (32)  59%
Erotic (20)  37%
Sweet (46)  85%
Gentle (41)  75%
Surprising (9)  16%
Realistic (34)  62%
Inspiring (20)  37%
An emotional read (18)  33%
Written with rhythm and pace (35)  64%
Thought provoking (15)  27%
Well laid out (paragraphs etc) (41)  75%
Technically well written (39)  72%
Written with good use of grammar and syntax (this does not mean pedantic use) (43)  79%
Easy to read (45)  83%
It invited me in (34)  62%
I could not put it down (17)  31%
Cheering (made me happy) (30)  55%
Uplifting (27)  50%
I identified with at least one of the characters (17)  31%
It felt like it was about me. I know it wasn't, but it felt like it (4)  7%
The plot was tough to read. (a tough [good] experience, not hard to read) (8)  14%
Not just prose, but almost a 'tone poem' (2)  3%
Meets the rules of the competition (41)  75%

Story Eight

Longest Day

Please rate Story Eight with the impressions it left you with
Either while reading this story, or afterwards, I found it to be/had/made me (Tick all that apply) [58 votes total]

Romantic (50)  86%
Erotic (32)  55%
Sweet (39)  67%
Gentle (41)  70%
Surprising (33)  56%
Realistic (16)  27%
Inspiring (25)  43%
An emotional read (56)  96%
Written with rhythm and pace (37)  63%
Thought provoking (38)  65%
Well laid out (paragraphs etc) (44)  75%
Technically well written (44)  75%
Written with good use of grammar and syntax (this does not mean pedantic use) (44)  75%
Easy to read (34)  58%
It invited me in (33)  56%
I could not put it down (36)  62%
Cheering (made me happy) (1)  1%
Uplifting (13)  22%
I identified with at least one of the characters (16)  27%
It felt like it was about me. I know it wasn't, but it felt like it (5)  8%
The plot was tough to read. (a tough [good] experience, not hard to read) (26)  44%
Not just prose, but almost a 'tone poem' (13)  22%
Meets the rules of the competition (42)  72%

Story Nine

Now and Forever

Please rate Story Nine with the impressions it left you with
Either while reading this story, or afterwards, I found it to be/had/made me (Tick all that apply) [66 votes total]

Romantic (52)  78%
Erotic (23)  34%
Sweet (46)  69%
Gentle (26)  39%
Surprising (13)  19%
Realistic (12)  18%
Inspiring (18)  27%
An emotional read (43)  65%
Written with rhythm and pace (24)  36%
Thought provoking (20)  30%
Well laid out (paragraphs etc) (34)  51%
Technically well written (27)  40%
Written with good use of grammar and syntax (this does not mean pedantic use) (27)  40%
Easy to read (45)  68%
It invited me in (26)  39%
I could not put it down (23)  34%
Cheering (made me happy) (23)  34%
Uplifting (22)  33%
I identified with at least one of the characters (13)  19%
It felt like it was about me. I know it wasn't, but it felt like it (2)  3%
The plot was tough to read. (a tough [good] experience, not hard to read) (16)  24%
Not just prose, but almost a 'tone poem' (4)  6%
Meets the rules of the competition (47)  71%

Story Ten


Please rate Story Ten with the impressions it left you with
Either while reading this story, or afterwards, I found it to be/had/made me (Tick all that apply) [128 votes total]

Romantic (125)  97%
Erotic (44)  34%
Sweet (117)  91%
Gentle (111)  86%
Surprising (53)  41%
Realistic (58)  45%
Inspiring (87)  67%
An emotional read (109)  85%
Written with rhythm and pace (91)  71%
Thought provoking (68)  53%
Well laid out (paragraphs etc) (102)  79%
Technically well written (95)  74%
Written with good use of grammar and syntax (this does not mean pedantic use) (100)  78%
Easy to read (108)  84%
It invited me in (110)  85%
I could not put it down (106)  82%
Cheering (made me happy) (90)  70%
Uplifting (92)  71%
I identified with at least one of the characters (59)  46%
It felt like it was about me. I know it wasn't, but it felt like it (29)  22%
The plot was tough to read. (a tough [good] experience, not hard to read) (30)  23%
Not just prose, but almost a 'tone poem' (33)  25%
Meets the rules of the competition (94)  73%

Story Eleven

Letters in the Sand

Please rate Story Eleven with the impressions it left you with
Either while reading this story, or afterwards, I found it to be/had/made me (Tick all that apply) [77 votes total]

Romantic (71)  92%
Erotic (48)  62%
Sweet (64)  83%
Gentle (51)  66%
Surprising (35)  45%
Realistic (42)  54%
Inspiring (38)  49%
An emotional read (51)  66%
Written with rhythm and pace (56)  72%
Thought provoking (39)  50%
Well laid out (paragraphs etc) (65)  84%
Technically well written (66)  85%
Written with good use of grammar and syntax (this does not mean pedantic use) (58)  75%
Easy to read (67)  87%
It invited me in (59)  76%
I could not put it down (52)  67%
Cheering (made me happy) (51)  66%
Uplifting (44)  57%
I identified with at least one of the characters (30)  38%
It felt like it was about me. I know it wasn't, but it felt like it (16)  20%
The plot was tough to read. (a tough [good] experience, not hard to read) (21)  27%
Not just prose, but almost a 'tone poem' (17)  22%
Meets the rules of the competition (65)  84%

Story Twelve

Fire and Ice

Please rate Story Twelve with the impressions it left you with
Either while reading this story, or afterwards, I found it to be/had/made me (Tick all that apply) [50 votes total]

Romantic (26)  52%
Erotic (5)  10%
Sweet (28)  56%
Gentle (35)  70%
Surprising (10)  20%
Realistic (13)  26%
Inspiring (7)  14%
An emotional read (5)  10%
Written with rhythm and pace (13)  26%
Thought provoking (5)  10%
Well laid out (paragraphs etc) (15)  30%
Technically well written (14)  28%
Written with good use of grammar and syntax (this does not mean pedantic use) (15)  30%
Easy to read (35)  70%
It invited me in (16)  32%
I could not put it down (7)  14%
Cheering (made me happy) (16)  32%
Uplifting (10)  20%
I identified with at least one of the characters (6)  12%
It felt like it was about me. I know it wasn't, but it felt like it (2)  4%
The plot was tough to read. (a tough [good] experience, not hard to read) (1)  2%
Not just prose, but almost a 'tone poem' (0)  0%
Meets the rules of the competition (40)  80%

Story Thirteen

Whispered Words

Please rate this Story Thirteen with the impressions it left you with
Either while reading this story, or afterwards, I found it to be/had/made me (Tick all that apply) [70 votes total]

Romantic (57)  81%
Erotic (9)  12%
Sweet (60)  85%
Gentle (47)  67%
Surprising (12)  17%
Realistic (40)  57%
Inspiring (25)  35%
An emotional read (23)  32%
Written with rhythm and pace (44)  62%
Thought provoking (21)  30%
Well laid out (paragraphs etc) (47)  67%
Technically well written (44)  62%
Written with good use of grammar and syntax (this does not mean pedantic use) (46)  65%
Easy to read (57)  81%
It invited me in (40)  57%
I could not put it down (22)  31%
Cheering (made me happy) (47)  67%
Uplifting (36)  51%
I identified with at least one of the characters (36)  51%
It felt like it was about me. I know it wasn't, but it felt like it (5)  7%
The plot was tough to read. (a tough [good] experience, not hard to read) (7)  10%
Not just prose, but almost a 'tone poem' (3)  4%
Meets the rules of the competition (48)  68%
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Authors deserve your feedback. It's the only payment they get. If you go to the top of the page you will find the author's name. Click that and you can email the author easily.* Please take a few moments, if you liked the story, to say so.

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