
His voice teases my ears
While my eyes drink in his body.
Commanding, appealing, enchanting.
He does not know, does not understand;
For him it is all an innocent game.

The taste of his lips is sweet as honey,
His scent as intoxicating as wine,
Smooth as the skin of his body,
Stroking and begging my touch.
His smiles, his pleasure -
Can there be a more worthy goal?

Our love is anchored
In a sea of madness,
While yet I yield to the touch
Of his hands upon my soul;
When consciousness
Embraces but two alone,
A perfection that is the existence of one.

Who can know my soul?
Who can understand?
Who can read what is hidden in my heart?
No one.
Not even he.
It's all in my head alone.

KoLO medagDEG OZnai
Bé-OD eyNAI shotFOT gufO.
MetzaVEH, moSHEĤ, makSIM.
Hu lo yodÉ'a, hu lo méVIN;
AvuRO ha-KOL misĤAK taMIM.

This poem is copyright 2002 The Twighlight Wolf, to whom comments may be sent.