Tears of Life
I cried when I met you
And I'll cry when you leave
I cried for who you were
And I cried for who you are
I cried for your future and what will be
They were tears of sorrow for who you were
And for your pain
Tears of sorrow to wash away the past
Tears of Joy for who you have become
Full of spirit and life
Tears of Anticipation for who you will be
For only you can control your future
Tears of Anticipation can become Tears of Joy
If you remember, that the past is past
It is a tool to learn from not
An anchor on your soul
Remember I will always be with you
For I have cried the Tears of Life
Tears of Sorrow to wash away the pain
Tears of Joy to brighten your life
Tears of Anticipation for the greatness to come
These are The Tears of Life may they always flow
© StoryLover@cornercafe.us to whom comments may be sent